When Did You Know?

When did you know the voices, visions, feelings, and knowings we more than just a made up creation by an irrational brain?

I know one of my divine purposes in this life time is to educate and teach others how to develop, trust and tap into their own holographic right brain. My guidance this far has been attuned to creating materials and platforms to allow others to feel comfortable sharing their own experiences and engaging in this type of conversation.

Some people are put on the fast track to spirituality in this world. They are given the ability of sight or clear vision. Sight into a thriving 4th dimension and beyond, where it is unmistakable what lives and interacts with us here on this timeline of earths existence. Others of us are not so lucky (if you consider that lucky) and have to gain trust and understanding in everything we go through while growing up unclear of what is communicating with us.

I was supposed to come into my psychic abilities at 11. I will say unfortunately at that age I did not have an influence in my life close enough to me that could help me understand what I was going through or teach me what I needed to know about the psychic world. Therefore I internalized what I experienced and came to my own conclusions (which were so wrong) about what was being presented to me. At the age of 11 I had my first bout with insomnia. This showed up again at the age of 13 and then became a consistent in my life until the age of 22. Another consistent pattern in my life were migraines. From the age of 5 through early adult hood I experienced severe episodes of complete anguish having to deal with debilitating migraines. Why would a 5 year old get migraines and why would an 11 year old have insomnia...... A question I didn't figure out the answer to until I was 29 and going through my own psychic blossoming.

I believe everyone in this world is all of the below with a strong emphasis on one or two. We all channel our energies differently and become really aware of one or two of these below experiences. We become so familiar with how we interpret energy that we think it is of our own creation (debatable, we can discuss this esoteric question at a later date). Until you start learning how to focus your intention and energy, how you receive these energies will remain a mystery. Until you focus and ask for guidance and clarity of your receiving methods you will never have the perspective of witnessing this guidance work through you.

Clairsentience - feeling/touching - this to me is when a person can feel the energy of another person. This can happen by being in the same room as them or actually laying their hands on another person which can be accomplished by doing this in the physical realm or other dimensions. If you want to understand this better watch babies and children, they are masters at understanding clairsentience.

Clairaudience - hearing/listening - this is pretty easy to understand, but one of the most overlooked gifts as voices that come through are usually in the translators own voice. Unless you are being fast tracked (meaning to speed you along the process voices will come through much differently so you pick up on them faster) as I like to say most clairaudience voices will sound like your own voice talking to you in your head.

Claircognizance - knowing - the hardest to separate from real life because many of us write this off as intuition or hunches. Claircognizance is the ability to be going about your every day tasks and be pulled or punched in the gut by a sense of knowing, when a phone rings or a name is mentioned and you have an immediate knowing that joe is calling you or something is about to happen.

Clairvoyance - seeing - this can again be written off as having a visual memory or photographic recall in people. Most of the time our guidance speaks to us through our own past experiences or memories. That's why when you hear people who claim they are clairvoyant speak to groups they say I see a rose..... Rose to me usually means friendship or love. That is because we get visual imagery that connects us to emotions that can then help us decipher a question or situation that is going on in someone's life or our own.

I recognize now that at a young age I was being bombarded by my psychic abilities. Instead of setting boundaries and understanding what was going on, I closed off my auditory and visual receptors because I didn't understand them. This caused migraines and insomnia and other physical manifestations of stagnant energy to ensue in my body.

To this day that sleepless night I experienced at the age of 13, I can still recall in specific detail the conversations and feeling I experienced. Today I have the clarity to recognize those thoughts and feelings were not of my own creation , but at 13 I though all of the anguish, stress, unsettled feelings, and emotions were my own. Because I was highly intuitive (like everyone at that age) I attracted these energies and they were just trying to be processed through me as a physical conduit for light energy, but being a child unknowing of what was going on I though I was going crazy and even payed for death to take me away.

To recognize energy for what it is and be able to understand that we are all conduits for this life force energy, we can start to understand what is truly our own energy, what is other people around, and what is other dimensional stuff. By being aware of what surrounds us we can start to clear up a lot of our past patterning to help us move forward lighter and more in line with our abilities. By releasing energy that is not our own we will be better aligned to understand our Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience.

Why Does Spiritual Growth Have to be so Darn Mysterious?

If I can claim to know anything at all about the spiritual growth process it is that documenting notable findings and keeping a written journal above all else helps to put things into greater perspective. You find me here today at another cross road, hoping beyond all hope that if I document all of these recent finding in one place possibly my light bulb moment will happen and this dense fog settled around me will lift.

Let me start out by saying I have no clue what is to come in the following blog post and hope that by handing over my intention early on that only that which serves my greater purpose will come through now – that my answers will flow freely from these typing fingertips.

I am on day 10 of 54 so far in this second phase and am reallllllly ready for a break through. I have mentioned before that I have 5 fabulous guides that speak to me through clairvoyance, clairaudience…… all the clairs you can imagine. Last month I even received messages in my physical world, something new and exciting. Meaning I would ask a question and get immediate answers by way of things manifesting in my 3D physical world! So exciting. So my process thus far, starting in October has been to intentionally work with each of these guides during a month or two and really come to know their individual purpose in my life and get to know their energy apart from each other. This is so important for me because I have only thus far worked with them together as a group and have no real clue where one boundary ends and another begins.

Something else I have realized while starting on this monthly journey process is that this phase in my growth is dedicated to come to know myself, my highest self, above all else. I recognize that when someone claims to connect with guides, masters, teachers in another dimensions that they are truly just seeking wisdom from themselves on a higher plane. This is my world view and something I have accepted as truth for me, that is not to say it is truth for all, but something to think about. I believe that the guidance we seek from our guides, angles and other dimensional beings is really just a representation of our own lesson path that we have agreed to become aware of at a certain point. I believe that information is given freely by way of the higher self through a method that is easy for the receiver to know. In my case I do not think I have the wisdom yet to give certain guidance, but do believe that an angel of another dimension could relay that which is most appropriate for me to hear and chose to receive my guidance in such a way. Thus a contract to fulfill my lesson plan is created. Just a part of the whole that I have been working on for some time now.

This month my overall goal is to learn to see more clearly and to heal. These of course are broad set goal, as things have narrowed down and I have come to understand this month’s process more fully I understand that I am to leave my old self behind and move forward into a world that I am no longer attached to. Wow, right. This is the hardest thing I have been asked to do thus far in my spiritual evolution. I remember about a year back listening to a teacher talk about her own process and how she had already created one universe while on earth that is now functioning completely without any effort from her and she is now on her second universe creation. I remember hearing this and trying to visualize or conceptualize exactly what she mean by that. I tried my hardest to no avail. I had no clue what she was trying to say. Little did I know a year later this is exactly what I would be called to do. I know understand the meaning of what she was trying to express and it is the most complicated and trying thing I will do thus far.

I know that up to this point in my life I have created a persona that is Jenessee Roy. This persona has built a life and created stories that have served Jenessee’s best interest and it is time to allow that part of myself to carry on without any more focused attention from my higher self. Jenessee as the person you may or may not know will go on her everyday life just the same growing and cultivating whatever it was she set out to do, but the soul to Jenessee now must move on and detach focus from herself and move into a space that serves ever other universe that has been created within this multidimensional universe we live in. I no longer serve the universe solely created that is Jenessee, but it is time to serve the millions of universes that interact with that singular universe. Does this make sense at all?? So my goal is to detach from what serves Jenessee and move into the light of serving anyone who flows into or out of my life no longer being attached to anyone thing but to everything. This is so much easier said than done. How does one begin such a process…..

I was guided to start with my children. Let’s just say I have not yet achieved selflessness. Having a 3 and 4 year old will for sure drive you crazy on the slowest of days. Try to lose yourself in the face of a 3 and 4 year old and you get me as I am right now, sick for almost a week now and with the fog still settled all around me. Every morning I am faced with the 4 year old who’s emotions are running wild and try to lose myself in the flow of his universe and 5 minutes later I am right back into Jenessee and her needs and her wants. Why is it so hard to lose yourself and your needs completely in life. This is the question I have been asking myself for 10 days straight.

To go with the flow of life, that is my ultimate goal and it sounds so easy. To put this practice into full use is one of the most trying and complicated things I have ever tried to accomplish. I have underestimated selflessness and believe this is why my body resorts to sickness to prove the power of blocks and control. I intend to stay heart centered and clear. With clarity and groundedness we can begin to feel the energy of what surrounds us. Once we feel into the energy of our ever moving and flowing field we can begin to allow emotions to run through us being a bystander to their usually tempting lure. Once we can move through emotional situations with clarity and flow we can then begin to hold light, love, and space for those around us. By giving up the universe of yourself and moving into the multi-universe you chose to become a light for others solely by choosing to hold a frequency that other will be able to feel from miles away from you. Choosing to become a beacon for others takes practice and patience two things I still have still 45 more days to get the hang of.

More coming soon!



If you have discovered that you are highly intuitive, emphatic or clairvoyant you may start your quest of self-discovery. Seeking out what it all means and how it all works.

I don't claim to have the answers or descriptions you may need for your own journey, because to tell the truth my journey has not even begun to scratched the surface. I will however freely share some of my understandings and experiences so that you may possibly understand your own interesting adventure along the way. Know that we all seek in different ways and that gives us different perspectives and understandings of the information we come across.

Dimensions are an interesting twist to this whole metaphysical thought process. I have heard very recently from some of the mystics out there that our world is shifting from a 3 dimensional world into a 5 dimensional world. They say our world was created from the big bang and instantly created into existence the first dimension then after time a second dimension was created and finally what we know today to be the third dimension was created. What I have heard is that currently our planet is making a 5th dimension (it has since the third dimension was created) I assume that from the platform I heard this from (very scientific) that this is a "no brainier" understanding of how our earth is continually growing. From a metaphysical approach it helps to validate what the mystics have been claiming for years, that our human existence is changing and our consciousness is evolving.

How I was taught the Dimensions is as follows:
Starting at the 1st chakra

1st chakra root - 3rd dimension
2nd chakra sacral - 4th dimension
3rd chakra solar plexus - 5th dimension
4th chakra heart - 6th dimension
5th chakra throat - 7th dimension
6th chakra third eye - 8th dimension
7th chakra crown - 9th dimension
8th chakra (3 feet above head) - 10th dimension
9th chakra (10 feet above the head) - 11th dimension
10th chakra (60 feet above the head) - 12th dimension

Most of humanity is experiencing a shift in consciousness moving from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension (as explained above also with the earth moving into this energy). My understanding is that as energetic beings we have made contracts (before we ever incarnated into this lifetime) to elevate our consciousness so that we may align with our unique planetary frequencies. So those who are not meeting this planetary shift in frequency and energy will go through experiencing sickness and other life challenges that are necessary to help them evaluate where they are in life and how in harmony they are with the life forms around them. Everyone has made the decision to evolve with this planetary shift, but given free will we all make choices as conscious human beings to continue evolving with our change in frequency or we chose to move on and try again.

Dimensions have been most intriguing for me because a lot of what I accomplish in meditation has to do with connecting my frequency with the dimension I seek out.

4th dimension - space time continuum. The forth dimension allows you to remote view the past or future. You do not leave your body for this you simply higher your vibration to the 4th dimension frequency and set an intention to discover past lift or future life information.

5th dimension - Astral Travel similar to the 4th dimension, but here you take your astral body so that you are able to interact with your surroundings in the space time you wish to seek. Also people who die on earth suddenly go here (some times) or people who have near death experiences.

6th dimension - Heaven. This is where we go to school after we die. Here we learn lessons about our past lives and make contracts for future lives. Our soul academy you could call it.

7th dimension - Here are the beginning level of guides. Simply put this is where our guides start to show up and depending on what is going on in your life you could have a 7th level, 8th level or 9th level guide show up for you to help you assist in whatever your blueprint or contract plan was. Also the Akashic records are in this dimension.

8th dimension - Another level of guides and angles reside here.

9th dimension - Guides who preside over groups of people or groups of guides reside here. Also Angels.

10th dimension - Healing this is where most energy healers go to cure major physical human body ailments. This is where we can unlock the universal healing energy

11th dimension - Most people have to have their guides bring them into the 11th dimension. There are people who have their own cords that connect up the lower dimensions and through into the 11th, but this takes time, energy and a loss of fear, you must support your connections as any lack of this will prevent cords of connection from attaching.

12th dimension - This is called the Matrix, God or the universal connectedness of all beings.

To raise your vibrational frequency to connect into these dimensions you can always call on your highest and most loving guide from the light to assist you with moving into a specific dimension for learning and development. It is a fun practice to give a try and remember to be open to how you receive the information you get. Sometimes it is hard to let go of our expectations and when you are not open to something new you tend to distort the messages or information you receive.

New Moon Energy

Another new moon has come and gone and it's a time to set goals and intentions for new projects. Every new moon brings us energy to reflect on our needs and create space to allow these thing to flow freely into our lives. During this October new moon I took time to connect with my guides and set specific intentions around a big exciting project I intend to manifest very soon. I wouldn't necessarily say I was surprised to receive the message I did from one of my guides tonight, but it was a bit perplexing considering the energy of the evening.

From Jophiel.......

Human life can be compared to the petals of a rose. As the rose ages with time and the petals begin to dehydrate and loosen, one by one the petals release and fall to the ground leaving nothing, but a steam. This doesn't happen all at once, but over the course of the roses short life. In your own life you can compare this releasing process to how you go about achieving your own milestones. You set goals and once a goal is reached, it is forgotten and allowed to pass where by you move onto the next milestone until one day you reach the end of the line and are standing on a bear steam wondering where all the petals have gone. It is with in all of your capabilities to treat every day and every petal with kind regard so that not a day goes by where you don't extract that pure and true essence from every situation and each milestone. Acknowledge the journey of life and see each milestone as the blessing it is intended to be, when you live for the moment you extract a pure essence that never leaves you standing alone it follows you always as the hint of rememberance that fills every beat of your heart.

Got to love wisdom from Jophiel!

Grounding Platform

In all of my guided meditations I refer to the grounding platform. The grounding platform is an important part of my mediation. Initially it helped me to drop my focus towards my internal body and allowed my soul to flow more into my body and out of my head. Since my first introduction to my grounding platform it has become much more than just a way to ground.

I was guided to call out to the universe and ask for a platform to present itself to me. When I did this I received the image of a star (very geometric) and over it was a prism (my internal temple or core) I found this an easy visual to connect with as I have always been attracted to stars. In my ego brain that is why I though I used the image of the star, because it was something familiar and comfortable. I would soon learn that my history of star attraction was more than just visual, that it had a reason and that was to lead me to this point in life when I could actually close off my mind and receive their information and guidance.

It took over 100 hours of meditation to start putting together the true meaning of my star platform, so let's start at the beginning. A grounding platform is something that you use in meditation for grounding. Along with being a visual platform to connect to it should also be a part of your own soul blueprint or your unique frequency. Initially I understood this to mean that it was going to be used for protection, since in grounding we are looking to get our bodies and minds into a safe place to receive. I later came to find out that the meaning of your platform can and will hold so many more connections to your destiny and purpose.

After many meditations here are some of the experiences that I had. I was in meditation, and was usually lead by one of my guides to different areas to retrieve information I needed. This specific meditation I was greeted by Jesus who walked me on my rainbow road (this is the method of transportation I have always received in meditation to get to different places/experiences) he walked me to an area in the universe where there was a vortex of stars waiting for me. He told me this was my home and anything I needed to know I could retrieve from sitting with the stars. I would enter the vortex and be greeted by so many voices, I could ask questions or just receive their vibration. Believe it or not this was not after this I still didn't make the connection.

The next big experience I had was on a trip through the great central sun where I moved through the star gate to meet my home or place of origin. Again I was in deep space surrounded by stars (maybe on a planet, maybe not....) and I received a gift from this existence. I accepted a gift and witnessed as thousands of stars moved towards my physical body, as the stars entered my head they turned into green dust and permitted every cell of my being. I watched as the star dust moved into my grounding platform and completely illuminated and activated my own platform. As this happened I had the realization that I could be with my true nature and with my home no matter where I went. This gave me such peace and clarity, but I still didn't realize exactly what this meant.

The final piece to this puzzle. After even more meditations and finally trying desperately to work on waking/walking meditation I realized that by working so much with my grounding platform the entire time I was getting myself ready for this final transition into receiving guidance and being able to receive and connect anytime. By bringing so much of my soul blueprint and existence into my grounding platform all I have to do is acknowledge my platform and connect down to this and I am in a completely safe and personalized space that is sacred to me and my life's journey.

I hope you take the time to connect and understand your own platform as by doing so you can open yourself to your own purpose and destiny!

And So It Is!

Light and Shadow

How do you find light in the shadow? On my path of personal healing I had a pivotal shift when I learned that everything going on around me was not only a masterful performance being put on just for me, but also an opportunity to raise up and learn my significant life lessons.

So what is shadow? In a dualistic world shadow is the dark, it is the denied, it is the rejected, it is the part of you that goes unrecognized and hidden. In a harmonious united consciousness, shadow is what allows you to grow, evolve, it gives light a darkness to shine in, it is the part of you that needs acceptance in order to transmute.

Using the mirror to transmute your shadow into light.

The mirror technique was the best and most helpful process I employed while going through my own healing process. When I decided to start working with my energy on a personal level the easiest way to acknowledge where I was blocking or held shadow aspects of myself was to use this powerful and easy technique. First you have to be ready to completely flip your world upside down, and second you have to be ready to have the veil of unconsciousness removed.

If you are ready to start your own healing process I suggest you start one morning and agree to be your own third party. Agree to look at the world through a mirror, or in other terms watch the world around you unfold in a way that is meant just for you, to teach you more about yourself. So for example you wake up and your car won't start. Typically what is your reaction? The point of this exercise isn't to change your behaviors, but to start witnessing your reactions internal and external as if you had a mirror up in front of you all day so that you could watch and analyze your every action.

When I started this healing process for myself I worked a week at a time through each of the chakras one by one. This was my process for many reasons, but there are other ways to behaviorally work through all of your shadow aspects. I suggest if you aren't so familiar with chakras, possibly select a well known psychologist and use there emotional stages or some other esoteric medium, like yoga and the many bodies, or even element theory, or astrology. Whatever has called your name for ages now will be your guide to help you decode the different stages you move through during this process.

With chakra theory when I started in my root chakra, I found many reactions and emotions and mental blocks over such things as family, grounding, presence, security, fear. My sacral chakra held onto many manipulation contracts. What I would do is anytime an emotion popped up in me that didn't feel like my authentic self or the emotional state I needed or wanted to have I would instantly flip the mirror on myself. Example: my employees don't want to do anything for themselves they complain about their work load and are acting very entitled. This makes me mad or gives me charge, (charge in your body is the best way to know when you are blocking or dealing with some form of shadow). By using the mirror technique I flip the situation back on myself. In this reality my employees are going about there day unaffected by my situation and my anxiety or anger over the situation is only affecting me. Being that I am the only person charged over this situation what is it in ME that is being, denied, rejected, unrecognized.... By flipping the mirror and situation on my own life I use the catalyst of entitlement and look into my own life where I might have entitlement issues or potentially where I won't let anyone around me help with anything, so the opposite of entitlement. When you find these situations pop up in you own life and can emotionally put yourself in the recipient of your emotional energies shoes you may then be able to allow yourself the relief of this catalyst and release it from your shadow. By giving acknowledgment to yourself and the others involved and by learning the lessons you transmute this energy into wisdom and it becomes released from your karmic energy meaning you no longer have to deal with these shadows.

I love this process because you become an active participant in you own story. You will be given many opportunities daily while going through this process to transmute shadow. If you are not ready to face the dark areas of your life I give here a warning because everything less that happiness, joy, and love will present itself to be released. If you aren't ready to release, blame, guilt, deception, shame, and other shadow elements from your life this might not be the process for you. If you are ready for joy, happiness, compassion, light, and forgiveness in your life then I highly encourage you to take part in your own mirror practice and welcome you to the world of higher frequency!

And So It Is!

Heart Centered

I was recently blessed to listen to Julie Calvey speak about the Universal Divine Heart and her thoughts on this transitioning into the 5D space. Julie blew my mind as I followed one of her meditations. I recognized many similarities between her meditation and what I had evolved mine into. Although I had recently changed my own meditation I was not fully aware as to why this new piece of information changed until I found Julie.

My path has been leading me even deeper into this transitional shift into the 5D world and I have been very present and eager to see and learn what this might hold. I use to think shifting meant that I would evaporate into light and be somewhere  off this planet doing work of the highest importance. While that isn't so far-fetched, I finally realized that the 5D world will exist with in our own current world. This 5D world will be a shift in consciousness where as a being still in a physical vehicle I will be completely working from the heart center and spreading light and creation to all of those around me. As we evolve others will also evolve in their conscious shifting as well, so all divine beings will be elevated into this plain of existence just waiting a stones throw away. It is our job as Devine beings to recognize our abilities to work from the place of the true authentic heart and start to make shifts with in our own beings so that others will also be able to recognize and remember the light of their own being.

I have been blessed recently to lead many through meditations and watch as they transitioned from 3D physical realities into an awakening of their own Souls Devine Nature. I am so proud and excited to watch as it now only takes a few days of powerful guidance to instantly awaken a soul to their divinity. I am so thankful for these opportunities and hope to be able to spread some of my most recent meditation experience here.

Recently I found a new component embed itself into my meditation. It was a calling to recognize and work with the Heart center. Being very conscious about Chakra Theory I know how magical the transition in an opening heart can be so I was happy to include this information into my meditations. Here is what I included:

Start like always with the grounding: after you ground your body and come into your body awareness then start working with the heart center. I first call to mind a memory that holds a strong emotion of either joy or happiness. I cultivate this memory until I can feel the memory in every part of my being. Then when the memory is at its peak I start to use circular style breathing (in through the nose, out through the mouth) and actively pull the memory down from my mind into my heart of hearts or true heart. This is not your beating heart, but the heart directly behind your beating heart. Once you make the connection with your heart of hearts I release the emotion behind the memory and just sit in stillness with this memory. I feel the stillness of my heart of hearts and enjoy being present in my most powerful of spaces. I then work with my breath using my breath to expand my heart into controlled boundary filled spaces, I start my auroric field, then I move my heart into the room I am in, then I move my heart into the state I am in, then I move my heart into the world. Finally after I see and feel my heart in all of these centers I allow my heart of heart to connect to the entire expansive universe. I allow the heart to be free and connect to everything and nothing all at the same time. From here I come back to my heart of hearts in my body and find the stillness. (if you use the grounding technique listed above, I wait to call in my guides until after I have made this heart connection. I think this is very important to find this space before you invite any guides into your sacred space.)

Back to Julie, I recently was blessed with receiving this heart guidance to include into my own meditations. Yesterday I listened to Julie and her meditation and brilliant explanation of her operating methods and realized that this heart connection I was performing was a way to help transition and bridge into the 5D consciousness. Julie has her own grounding where she has clients inhale white light through the body, then she pretty much does the same centering of the true heart or heart of hearts. She does something really amazing to me that I will start to use and that is once she finds the feeling or memory instead of releasing the emotion to the memory she has you pull back your shoulders and project the feeling/emotion out to the Universal Devine Heart. She does this to have you share your true self with the Universal Heart. She does this to have you make a bond with the Universal Heart and I absolutely LOVE this. Then Julie, has you wait while you receive back messages from the Universal Heart.  Every message she considers a gift. She has you pull these gifts into your true heart (sacred space) and then project it into your belly where it can be released into your physicality. I feel blessed daily to have such syncronistic experiences with Devine Source and all that surrounds this existence. I promise to continue my Journey to help bridge those that need to see and feel more light.

And So It Is!


Chakra Meditation

Bliss-ed Out with another GREAT Meditation!

Starting with breath work, I found my deep yogi breath and began working the breath through my body. Focusing on breathing into and out of my different chakra points I really began to slow down my thoughts and narrow my attention. Moving from the Root up to the Crown, I then set an intention. My intentions lately have all been about uniting all aspects of my self with source so again I chose this to acknowledge for the practice.

The next phase started to open up my holographic right brain. We do this in meditation to clear our channels to receive. Starting with small images first and then moving up to harder imager, like visualizing yourself. So I began visualizing the energy from my body moving into a bubble that hovered above my naval. Anyone familiar with astral projection will recognize this practice. Using breath I moved my energy from inside my physical vehicle into my bubble above my naval. I used as many deep breaths as necessary to feel like I have fully transitioned my energy.

Next I started to visualize myself from outside my body. If you are experienced this can be done just looking down and witnessing you body below your bubble. If it is harder for you to visualize you can envision yourself in a mirror. Once I have my body awareness then I started to work with my chakra points. Finding each chakra on my body and allowing it to show itself to me. I would use activation points around the chakra to bring more feeling and awareness to each chakra, then find the chakra itself. This part is done actively, but with no expectation.

After working through the entire body I moved back down to the root and again stated my intention. Mine being to become united as a whole being. Next using your intention to receive, I activated each chakra and let it present a message to me either through images, messages, or sensations. To activate the chakra you can envision a wand touching it, or your own telepathic voice telling it to reveal itself to you, or you can visualize yourself touching it to activate. Be open to the messages for these things you receive can be figured out later, just be open to everything that is happening now.

My messages:

Root- Native American Indians, chanting one in particular (I have an Indian guide and this was not the same)

Sacral-Mother Mary, said she was protecting my inner child in the sacrum

Solar Plexus- Mars God Of War, so typical :)

Heart- Doves first, hundreds of them then Venus or Aphrodite came out

Throat- Whales and Dolphins

Third Eye- Buddha, Confucius & Gandhi

Crown- I saw all of the angles, and Devine beings in the heavens staring down at me with so much love and acceptance.

I then asked how these messages could help me and was shown my chakra pillar and the caduceus of energy weaving up and through each of these energetic centers. I saw the energies of these Devine messengers get intertwined with the energy of my own chakra pillar. I understood this to mean that all I am is completely Devine. Although I haven't sat with each of these images individually for greater meanings, I do understand my intention of unity with source was given to me in meditation today. I will move forward knowing I am all that I am and that is completely Devine!

And so it is!

Shamanic Journey


If you haven’t yet experienced a Shamanic Journey, I hope the story that follows will inspire you to find a practitioner who can guide you through your own amazing journey. I request your feedback on the symbolism of my own experience as some of the right brain holographic messages I received that day have still have not been made totally clear. I would like to take a moment to thank my own guide, Jnana Gowan www.powerhed.com for her expertise and passion, she dedicated so much to our class and each students experience.

The process started with a gentle guided meditation. Jnana asked us to surround ourselves with a familiar memory of nature or to find a place that was harmonizing to us that we could visualize and connect into. She then asked us to call out to our animal spirit guides. After receiving a brief visit from Jnana’s guide, a beautiful and strong black panther who’s name I now forget, I watched as the holographic version of myself closed its eyes and sent out a mental call asking my own animal spirit guide to come out and greet me. As soon as my eyes opened I saw standing before me a brilliantly colored and prideful looking peacock! I just sat back and watched as it started at me almost waiting for my next move or question. Thankfully at this point Jnana spoke in the background and asked us to ask our guides their names. As the question was forming in my head I already received the telepathic response, Swami Sitakahara. Of course this is my phonetic spelling of the name I heard that day, I am sure this is nowhere close to what the true spelling would be. Swami and I sat at the top of this floating island on opposite sides of a reflecting pool just staring at each other. To this day he has never spoken to me, he shows up in my journeys to simply be there as a guide to help me find whatever it is I am seeking.

At this point during our Journey the background drumming music started getting intense and the pace of everything picked up tremendously. The last words that Jnana spoke or at least the last words I needed to hear from Jnana were to follow our guides and that is where my story begins. With the drums rapidly beating in the background I watched as Swami took off running towards the middle of the reflecting pool, of course I chased right after him. We fell right through the middle of the pool and like a vortex got sucked straight through to the bottom of the island where we were shot out the other side. We continued fall in this cylindrical cascade of water that was surrounded by nothing, but air. The water ended up plowing into the surface of the earth and depositing us into a cave below the earth’s surface. Swami and I emerged from the pool of water onto a ledge inside the cave. The cave was light by torch light which made everything very intense and almost palpable, Swami started to run towards the edge of the cave where the torches lined the interior walls. He walked behind a curved wall and disappeared I ran after him and found myself falling down a dark obis that fell deep into the earth. Together Swami and I fell down deeper and deeper into the earth’s core where we finally hit the bottom. Again Swami took off at a run. Running through tight curving cave walls, Swami finally stopped right at the opening to a room where he waited for me. Swami didn’t go into the room, but curious as always I decided to see what it held. As soon as I decided to enter the room I lost all control over my body and was pulled right into the middle of the cave. Appearing on either side of my body was the Indian God Ganesha showing himself as an elephant with large intimidating tusks and the Indian Goddess Kali. Ganesha and Kali put a big bubble around my body and both began to blow purple mist into my bubble they did this until the purple mist was all around me. Kali then started to throw her daggers at me. This was not intimidating to me and it did not seem scary at the time. I then saw Swami appear at the opposite side of the cave. He gave me that long look and I knew it was time to go. I popped out of the bubble and moved towards his body. Swami again took off at a run and I followed him up and down another set of tight dark underground tunnels. Swami and I make a turn and find ourselves in the middle of another room this room was filled with rainbows. I started to absorb the rainbows into my body, I watched as they would enter into and out of my mouth. I was eating the rainbows and then spitting them back out. They were bouncing off the walls everywhere and all I wanted to do was make as much contact with them as possible. Again I saw Swami out of the corner of my eye and knew it was time to move on. This time our pace was not so much of a run, but a enthusiastic dancing parade. Swami’s tail feathers were hypnotizing me moving back and forth with the beats of the drums so much so that I felt I had to emulate him, so with my hands behind my back I began the peacocks dance down the torch lit hallways. We then came to a small narrow room, again Swami did not enter the room, but waited for me to decide to go in or not. I walked into the room and saw at the end of the rock formation was Buddha. Buddha was floating with his legs crossed waiting for me to approach him. Saying nothing he placed lotus peddles in the palms of my hands and as I sat there holding the exposed flowers he began to open his mouth. Out of his mouth he blew hundreds of lotus flowers all around my body and completely filled our room with the beauty of these petals. After the flowers settled on the floor i knew my time was done and I got up and walked to where Swami was waiting for me. We took our decent further into the earth, this time we went sliding down a muddy path then ended up falling through a large black hole and fell right into a boat. I knew instantly that we had landed in the river styx. At first I faced the front of the boat where Swami sat looking out onto the waters Swami wouldn't look at me so I decided to turn around. I then saw sitting behind me the grim reaper, he was steering the boat with one hand and holding a scythe with the other. I looked at his hood, I couldn't see his head and asked what do I need to know? He responded you are going to die, I laughed and said I know that tell me something I don't know. He responded saying, you need to help people. He then grabbed my hands and drew in them with his boney finger, using one finger he drew into each palm separately. The tip of his finger created these swirling purple vortexes right in the center of my hand. He then put my palms together and said I need to sit in meditation with my head back and my feet and palms together. He then returned back to steering the boat. Our boat pointed towards the shore and we began to dock. Swami and I exited the boat right next to a big Bon fire. We sat next to the fire staring into it when a fox stuck his head through and stared right at me. The fox then quickly turned and ran down a dark alley not to be seen again. Knowing my journey had come to an end, I then started to make my way back up to the earths surface with Swami and found my place back at the floating island.

This experience was my first full blown symbolic experience where the journey laid itself before me with no previously conceived expectations. I often reflect back to this experience with such love and openness and truly hope everyone can have such a moving, vivid journey.

And so it is!

Akashic Records part 1

Traveling to the AKASHIC RECORDS.

My first visit to the Akashic Records was performed while under the guide of one of my teachers. I have been very lucky to have access to these records during any active meditation where I chose to go there or gets surprisingly taken there. My teacher claims it is a part of most peoples ascension process to visit their Akashic Records, he also told me depending on your path you may like him, only visit the records a few times and never get back. One thing I have learned is that anything you desire to do you can do so if the records interest you I would encourage to set intentions durning your grounding process to visit your records.

The Akashic Records are a sort of library where all of your over souls information is stored. I have found that usually one of your spirit guides will be in charge of taking you here, I don't believe I have ever traveled here with out one of my guides accompanying me. Again this could be unique to my experience. I have never read any of Edgar Cayce's work, but understand he has done probably the most documented work in the records. In my experience everyone's records are different and almost like a unique signature or fingerprint of your own energy. I have been lucky enough to experience a few people in my life's records and each were so beautiful and completely different. Again in my experience the records were filled with books mostly, but there were other items like telescopes and other worldly items that I could move up to and receive information from. Most of the time I would go seeking out an answer to a question and would be drawn to a book somewhere in the vast library. Once I found the book I would move to a table where my guide was and open the book, I would then see pictures sometimes stationary like tarot cards that would require deciphering and sometimes the pictures would turn into movie reels once I found them. This part I know is specific to me and my progress in my spiritual development. I understand we are constantly changing in how we receive information during active meditation and depending on where we are and how we are being guided to develop is how we will receive information. I know sometimes people can organize their library as to how they are looking to learn and receive. An example of creating your library would be to request a chair and ask to watching a movie, or even ask to have a guide that acts as a librarian that can do most of the work for you.

The Akashic Records can give you information on your current life and anything from health to career guided information. Your records can also revel past lives and or future lives. Your records can show you all you incarnations that were here on earth and from other incarnations before earth and before our known forms in human bodies. Your records can show you the unique gifts and talents you bring with you from these previous existences. You can gain any information, as far as your mind can reach to ask a question you can get an answer here in the library.


My process. After doing a strong grounding (see my meditation on grounding) I then start to get myself into my subconscious mind. I do deep breathing and wait to see some form of vehicle appear to me in my minds eye. My usual mode of transportation is a bubble. I allow the bubble to surround my body and enjoy the ride (side note a friend I know uses a hot air balloon, it can be any mode of transportation that appears to you). When in the bubble I allow my body to become very light and really higher my frequency by moving the energy deeper and deeper into my body (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) then I wait for my next mode of transportation to appear. I see these different vehicles as my way to dive deeper and deeper into my subconscious brain and a deep state of receiving. The next thing that happens for me is my bubble docks onto a cloud. I then step onto this cloud and almost instantly see a walkway up to the stars. My walkway is a rainbow, but I am sure this could be any walk way. From here I sink my body into the frequencies of the colors of the rainbow which I actually acknowledge as healing to my spirit. Then I just lay in this rainbow as it moves me from the cloud in a blue sky into the universe and surrounded by stars. I ride the rainbow until I dock onto another cloud. This final cloud is alway holding a wooden door with my guide standing on the outside waiting to take me inside. I usually visualize interaction with my guide and then move into the door once the guid open the door. Then I am inside my records.

This is my process and yours I am sure will be completely different as we all have different needs to get us to that place of release and receiving. I don't access my records as much anymore, I was actually guided to take this rainbow to a new destination which I feel was moving me away from the records and into a new form of learning. I now walk the rainbow to a vortex of star energy. I now sit in the middle of what looks like a tornado of start. The stars now talk to me and give me information. I actually have these stars as my grounding platform in my grounding meditation. I feel this is part of my origin and feel this connects me stronger to the information I am supposed to receive now, but still love going to my records whenever I am guided to.

And so it is!

Dancing with Angles

I had a teacher once ask me a question about my soul's purpose. She asked me specifically how the process felt and how I received the information regarding my current project. I guess I hesitated because she follow up the question saying, when you create in regards to your purpose does it feel like you receive pieces to the puzzle one at a time, but don't know what the picture is supposed to be? I immediately recognized what she was referencing because I had recently had this exact same association with a project I was working on. I realized that in the past I had controlled situations and didn't allow this natural flow to happen. I had hoped for outcomes that I though would be best for me instead of letting the natural flow happen. When I did this I would miss out on even greater outcomes I couldn't have imagine on my own.

I reflect on this conversation with my teacher as well as another event where I followed a teacher and received her messages about a month before I even took her first class. I find it truly amazing the speed at which out thoughts, experiences, and wisdom hits the collective consciousness. We seem to be manifesting and collectively experiencing at super exaggerated rates. Think about your own life how many times are the people around you on the exact same wave length, or better yet frequency as you?

An experience I recently had during a guided meditation lead me to contemplate something that has been happening to me in my meditations for over two years now. I actually discredited this thinking it was just something my own mind created to feel more connected to my guides and angles, but now I believe there is deeper meaning.

When following this teacher through her guided meditation at one point she expressed that we needed to take and emotion we had cultivated and send it out to the universe. We did this so that the universe could experience and feel the deep emotions we were personally experiencing, a way to give back. I only realized the profound message this activity held when I found myself again seated in one of my own meditations. It has been a constant for me during meditation to experience unexplainable emotion when with some of my guides and angles. The first time I ever had a full visual meditation, and meet my first guide we actually danced before we entered into my Akashic records. We danced together on top of the clouds for minutes. I felt so much love, connection, ease, grace, happiness while experiencing this during my meditation. This was the first full visual meditation I had ever had and this happened. Now about every second to third mediation I do I am dancing and expressing myself with and through my guides. I have always thought this was something I did as a way to acknowledge a connection, or honestly to take a break from the meditation!

I now understand this to be a way to express my physical existence with my guides. We chose to incarnate onto this Devine planet, and have so many amazing physical sensations that we get to experience and feel. Our guides and angles being complete energy/light do not have that physical ability. Don't get me wrong they know the greatest expressions of love, grace, and light, but the physicality behind it is something uniquely human. I feel this is my way to connect and give back a part of my physical existence that I absolutely cherish to those guiding me. Like the expression of our heart into the universe that my teacher thought, this is a way to allow a part of our own physicality that we enjoy to be given back and shared with spirit. I am so thankful that so many around me are opening up to the light. This allows our collective consciousness to expand and elevate so quickly, I feel I have an impulse or idea and the next thing I know someone else is sharing the same excitement. I welcome all souls to embark on this journey of sharing and helping those around you because the magic of this existence is that if we all grow together, we all grow!

And So It Is
