WINDOW 65 Obsession - Root to Crown

Are you Blocked? (Intuition) Obsession is a good word to describe your addiction to feeling spiritually connected. You are a seeker of the light and will stop at nothing to achieve what you perceive to be an enlightened stage of spirituality. You have goals set for yourself and expectations to receive intuitive guidance from otherworldly entities. Your hope to connect leads you to over analyze your progress and not trust in your own process. You study and read as much information as you can get your hands on, only to find yourself unable to replicate other processes. Your true abilities lie within you and once you release the obsession over trying to achieve this everyone else's way, you will begin to tap into your own divine knowing.

Hyper Spin: Indicates when a chakra vortex center is producing an excess of energy from one center. Hyper spin can be defined as an individual attaching an archetype to their core persona. This makes the person out of alignment energetically, they begin overexerting themselves in this specific area taking on different energy that is not natural to their core energetic blueprint. Individuals do this during different stages of life because they believe taking on an archetype will help a specific situation. If the archetype the person takes on becomes a pattern within their field this individual will inevitably impose this energy outwardly from this charka center on anyone within their auric field, imposing their new persona. Having this overpowering inauthentic energy projecting from the field creates an uneven distribution of energy within each of the other chakras. It is important to find out where this excess is coming from and bring the energy back into alignment with the rest of the chakra column. This is usually healed by discovering the archetype playing out that no longer resonates with the individual running this pattern.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.