Oracle Deck Certification

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Oracle Deck Certification

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CHAKRA CERTIFICATION COURSE (3C) can be a quick and accurate way to read yourself and others using a tool that grows in-depth with your own conscious exploration. Learning this reading technique will help you remove blocks that prevent you from living a happier life filled with clarity. 3C course works on a soul, high-self, and divine level to help you understand and then eliminate spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical challenges. Learning to read physical and non-physical energy in this way can enhance and work with you in all areas of life.  

(3C) is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to find patterns and beliefs that limit your life experience. You will learn to detect the pattern of discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with you understanding of the aligned chakra system and how to create love, support and connection when the energy is moving freely. (3C) provides a powerful accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives, enabling us to live more freely.  

With the (3C), you will select what method of learning works best for you. 

Do it ALONE -> Certification try a month for free here

Made for those who enjoy working alone to figure out their method before working with a mentor. This is a great area to start at as the Solo Certification path offers 3 levels of courses to help you develop your practice in working with Chakras and Energy. In the Solo path, you can move at your own pace learning all of the levels comfortably before you move on. Included in this certification process is an oracle deck and workbook to assist when you begin your advanced study reading the 77 aspects of the multidimensional chakra system. 

DO it with a MENTOR ($499) -> Made for those who want to jump right in and start understanding themselves while they learn from the process. At this level, students of the Oracle Deck Certification will receive monthly training with Jenessee Roy Master Teacher and creator of the Chakra Oracle Deck and (3C Training Course). For three months (1x a month) you and Jenessee will meet over ZOOM for 45-minutes where Jenessee will perform an Oracle Deck reading for you specifically then answer and work with you on questions you have about readings and using the deck. During this time you will have full access to the membership platform, becoming enrolled in the Chakra certification course as well as the Chakra Mystery School Life Course. Once the 3-months are complete you will be given Oracle Deck readings assignments to complete once the work is done and you have submitted for review. A final test out with Jenessee will be scheduled. During this ZOOM call, you will perform a reading for Jenessee and discuss and final needs for learning the deck.