Level 1 the Physical Plane (steps 1)

The goal of LEVEL 1

The completion of LEVEL 1 -STEP 7, is defined as the Mid Life Crisis or the Spiritual Emergency (emerging). The entire process of living through these first seven steps is to accumulate what humans consider BAGGAGE or divine considers unique life EXPERIENCES so that the soul can have a singular personality and a perspective that can grow the collective experience.

The following stories have been taken from my first book “A 94-Chakra Journey” where I documented my own physical symptoms that allowed me to recognize I had limited my life experience which leads to the EMERGING process of the spirit.

ROOT CHAKRA (step 1)

At age thirteen I had become a full-blown insomniac, sleeping between thirty minutes and three hours on any given night. The pattern of sleeplessness never changed for me, as I always talked to God, I planned out my future, I criticized myself, I though in never-ending circles. There wasn’t a thought inside my head I didn’t visit during the night. One thing I didn’t understand back then was why there wasn’t any silence inside my mind, why I couldn’t find a spot where the mind chatter and voices would stop and allow me respite. I later learned this was the point when I began to close off my psychic abilities. As children, we have openings in our field that allow us to see between the veils of time and space, and because of some traumatic incident we usually close off these abilities. This was the beginning of my spiritual trauma where I started discrediting things trying to get my attention. This is about the time in my life when I lost complete connection with my root chakra.

The root chakra's job is to keeps us connected to the physical world and helps us feel safe and secure in the life we are destined to live. It allows us the ability to connect freely from day to day. moving around our lives knowing that we are divine beings who have divine purposes. I didn’t realize until much later in life that my psychic attunement was drastically taking place at the age of thirteen. I didn’t know what was going on and having no help to guide me I feared what was happening to my body and more specifically my mind. Had I known I was close to a breakthrough and had I gone along with the spiritual emergency my life would probably be completely different today, but fearing the changes I was experiencing and having a family unknowing of the spiritual process I was embarking on we sought out the help of western doctors, whose prescription was to numb the situation to allow for normalcy in my life.