Level 1 the Physical Plane (step 4)


The completion of LEVEL 1 -> STEP 7, is defined as the Mid Life Crisis or the Spiritual Emergency (emerging). The entire process of living through these first seven steps is to accumulate what humans consider BAGGAGE or divine considers unique life EXPERIENCES so that the soul can have a singular personality and a perspective that can grow the collective experience.

The following stories have been taken from my first book “A 94-Chakra Journey” where I documented my own physical symptoms that allowed me to recognize I had limited my life experience which leads to the EMERGING process of the spirit.


Because of all the pain medication, I was put on to treat my migraines at a young age and then the sleeping medication my body naturally started to become dependent and slowed down showing signs of depression. Not one to question the medication we assumed this was just another symptom of a dysfunctional childhood. Taken back to the doctors I was diagnosed with depression and put on different pills and does of mood-stabilizing medication to make me feel better. Thankfully a result of this medication was weight gain, which a girl struggling with control issues and social pressure was not going to deal with so after a year or so of this medication I stopped taking it so that my body would drop the extra weight, which allowed the highs and lows to continue unchecked.