Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 7)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.

Crown Chakra (step 7)

I decided to take a walk today with my two sons after dinner in between throwing rocks and yelling, “Don’t touch the neighbor’s car” I had an epiphany. During my throat chakra week I had learned that by saying less to people you can actually make a bigger and more meaningful impact on them spiritually. Being someone who has experienced this with others firsthand, I had yet to fully realize how to put this into practice. Today while walking and trying to focus on my grounding meditation, I had a light bulb moment. One thing I have yet to discuss this week is psychic learning and psychic attacks. During this past Sunday's class the yogi talked about how his guru taught him and influenced him over the years that they studied together. He told us in the beginning of his class that the words he was using to speak to us were really just being channeled through him from his still living guru. He explained that the words we were hearing from his mouth are not his own and basically expressed that all his knowledge is borrowed to help convey a deeper level of understanding from his great master guru. He explained how powerful his first encounter was with his now guru. He said by being in the presence of his guru he would pick up on silent messages and teachings that lead to “remembrances.” He said whilst in meditation with his guru he would be elevated to a frequency he was not familiar with and this would all happen by simply being in the same room as his teacher. After leaving a session with his guru he would start to have thoughts that did not feel normal and question things in life that he typically did not spend time contemplating. He explained to us that these were good psychic encounters. I call this atmosphere osmosis. Put simply, you can be elevated to a higher level in your own spirituality just by being on the receiving end of a higher vibrational being's frequency transitions.

He then went on to discuss negative psychic attacks. This can happen by people knowing or unknowingly because they are in a place of negativity. People may unknowingly send out negative energy, because we are all receptive spiritual beings connected into the same matrix (God) we understand this energy. The response in your own body may be that of nervousness or your own lowering of frequency. You can start to tune into this by becoming aware of what is happening in your own body at all times; then, when negativity gets projected into your field you can start to detect this by acknowledging the feeling as something foreign and not a part of your normal mode of operating. Typically people who have thoughts of judgment about others or negative feelings towards others can end up transmitting their ill will into a psychic attack on someone else. If you are unaware of your own thoughts you may interpret these thoughts as your own and not understand why you have such negative thoughts or reactions to specific situations or people. These negative impulses can even result in physical pain like headaches. When the feelings conflict with your own field in such a way it can cause trauma to your physical body.

Today on my walk I had a realization that the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra all connect when talking about a higher or more evolved spiritual being. Those who have transcended normal levels of frequency don’t need to speak their wisdom to others to convey a sense of spiritual authority. They don’t have to use traditional forms of speaking at all. They simply have to be in a state of high frequency to have others feel, engage and understand their concepts of higher consciousness. To me I see this person as someone who is so strongly connected to their crown chakra that they receive constant divine guidance, so much so that it is their normal mode of operation. With this connection they also have a strong understanding of the third eye and root chakra and can use presence to continually channel energy through themselves and to others in a healthy and positive way. This is what I would call a complete psychic channel. I have been aware of those around me who walk the walk instead of talking the talk. Those who act in spiritual ways instead of always talking about it have always taught me much more about my own journey than those who speak stories of transcendence. I found while in reflection about my own life that I have been psychically influenced in both good and negative ways. These experiences bring up vivid memories of positive lessons learned as well as indicators of people in my life who I needed to separate myself from. It has taken some time for me to connect these dots of understanding in my own mind, but I have come to understand that everything on this journey is happening at the exact right time and pace for me to integrate. I find it so intriguing that I am starting to see and feel how these energetic chakra centers work with one another in our internal bodies to bring clarity and presence into our lives. I know I am far away from being called anyone’s guru, but hope that I too can achieve that state of stability and presence someday to bring transcendence to those who I surround myself with.