Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 2)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.


Having produced the Oracle deck project it was time to go through another learning cycle. I stayed here at this level for over a year before my big next break came in. This was in part because of the amount of energy it took to channel the necessary elements to produce the oracle deck. My physical, emotional, and mental body needed to become human again which means it needed to take a break from being connected to the mental field. In normal humans, they reach into the higher levels for moments and then integrate into their human life again. For me I was unrelenting. A project I would later find out I have 5-years to complete energetically I completed in less than 6-months. This is not healthy and therefore I had to take time off from meditating and seeking my next big “download” of divine inspiration. Since I didn’t know how to do this divine did this for me by sending me into a year of depression and massive slow down. No energy, no inspiration, sadness and totally lazy! This, of course, was 100% aligned to the perfection of my path, but at that time I thought I had lost my ability to connect and my ability to channel important information.

This was the one time in my life I manifested a human mentor! Because I had done so much spiritual work so quickly my body was trying to catch up with my consciousness. At this time I tell people I almost turned in my SPIRITUAL ID card and gave up completely. Thankfully, I found a mentor who helped me to understand what I was going through and how to balance and take my talents to the next level.

Once I got many of my questions answered through months of MENTORED work. I started slowly connecting once again. I actually performed the course I created (7-week chakra journey) after my own ascent through the emotional plane. I did this and worked with my mentor and felt back to my old/new self!

Once realigned I brought through my next GIFT which was understanding my ability to channel information from Guides, Angels, and Interdimensional beings. I wrote another book and this time in 30-days! I channeled information from 9-different “guides” and while going through this I learned as well as expanded my understanding of the divine.