Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 5)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Throat Chakra (step 5)

This is where the true magic comes in. If you successfully reconcile the first 4 steps in the unity plane you are on the micro level once again clearing the HUMAN EGO and accepting the big picture of why you are hear and how you are supposed to lead. (my journey is spiritual, but yours does not have to be - by simply living authentically you live in your highest truth) This is where my voice was challenged once again. I was asked to do speaking engagements that were not aligned to my authenticity and some I entertained either because of the people and connections or the need of the situation and each time it failed (but in a way the 100% validated everything I had learned up to that point). This was the final test of purity to which I had passed. From there on out the Unity Plane showed up with validation left and right over what I had been apart of creating from step 1 in this plane. It took almost a full year to get to step 5, but once I found this step everything in the path began to make sense. I saw the potential I held, I understood how my unique life experience was supposed to help and guide others, and I was validated on the power of what it meant when I lived in my full truth without question. So I found another level of surrender here and kept on going. (surrender because at these levels you have no clue what is awaiting you - its 100% trust and surrender to the bigger path).