Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 7)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Crown Chakra (step 7)

The transition here happens when you are able to reconcile all duality. My entire 7-steps through this plane brought up many old belief structures I thought I had already resolved yet I realized I had just made them bigger patterns in my energy body. So once you are able to be with all beings in unity meaning there is no judgment between paths, choices, or levels of consciousness you begin to see life in complete balance and unity. There is no separation and everything is your divine potential. But funny thing here is you no longer want anything….. "The next levels will begin teaching how to become the master at each level.