Today get a piece of the puzzle you have been working on and transcend this ordinary existence

Today get a piece of the puzzle you have been working on and transcend this ordinary existence

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a PIECE OF THE PUZZLE day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today get to snap into place a piece of the puzzle that you have been working on finding or fitting into a place for a while now. This is one of my favorite analogies to use in Daily Awareness because it's so life like for anyone that has ever done a kitchen table puzzle before. You know what it feels like to search for that perfect piece for like an hour (looking for the right color, size, and shape) you collect all the pieces that could look like this piece into a pile and then rummage through one by one. This is what you have been doing this entire month!!! Everything has been about collecting this information, and putting into place what you really want... Today is the day you finally find that piece (physically, emotionally, or mentally) and get to snap it into the spot that has been empty and waiting this whole time. IT IS SO REWARDING!!!!

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #74 TRANSCENDENCE. TRANSCENDENCE is the physical Crown Chakra (High Self) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates an end to one story and a beginning into a completely different one. Now think about the last book series you read. When you move into book 2 some things have to remain the same, but almost everything else changes. So what is that for you? Maybe the characters are getting an upgrade... Maybe the lead character gets a new mortal enemy to vanquish (?!?)... Maybe the quest has been completed and this is the in-between book everyone hates because it's so slow and all about character-building... The big picture is that some things have to remain steady while everything else evolves. That is what you are looking at experiencing today.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation will teach you a simple trick to call your energy back and raise your frequency. Once you perform this process we will move into an opening of the crown chakra. Here you can align to the next phase of your destiny.



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