Build Your Foundation Sampler - Root to Crown

Build Your Foundation Sampler - Root to Crown

Title: Build Your Foundation Sampler - Root to Crown

Description: Get grounded in your authentic self while inviting in your highest truth and guidance. Learn what is no longer needed and focus on only that which belongs at this moment. By building an authentic foundation the things that are no longer serving your path will become very clear and those unique items that align to your divine purpose will become clear.

Root to Crown
(330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:44 Circular Breathwork (CH2)
01:26 Raise Your Frequency (CH3)
03:00 Connecting to Your Wholeness (CH4)
12:05 Chakra Activation (CH5)
14:28 Who Am I (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro Grab your workbook for the build your foundation class. This work is going to move through a series of meditations and practices. It is bests that you are in a quite place and ready to follow along making necessary note when applicable.

CHAPTER 2 Circular Breathwork This is the preferred breathwork when you are trying to ground your energy into your body so that your spirit may soar. When the breath anchors the body it is easier to have a visual spiritual experience.

CHAPTER 3 Raise Your Frequency During longer meditations where we need to hold 4th-dimensional space, we prepare the body by calling back all of our energy from all levels and layers and planes of existence into this one-time-space. When we gain laser focus in this way we can hold our visual meditation longer either through remote viewing or astral projecting into our connection.

CHAPTER 4 Connecting to Your Wholeness Only that which serves my greatest good and the greatest good of everyone connected to me is allowed to be with me today. Anything here not serving my greatest good or the greatest good of everyone connected to me must leave immediately. You are whole, now lets dive into what that means and looks like.

CHAPTER 5 Chakra Activation Before you can soar you need to ground. You have already brought in clarity now its time to anchor into each chakra so that you can remember and integrate the vibration you bring in through meditation today.

CHAPTER 6 Who Am I Now enter the activation part of the meditation and discover the different identities you have created and connected to from the human paradigm to reconcile where things are out of balance and discover where your higher power resides.


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Root to Crown P.O. BOX 432, AURORA OH 44202 INFO@CHAKRASROOTTOCROWN.COM (330) 861-9493

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