For Kids suffering from Migraines & Insomnia, it's a SPIRITUAL EMERGENCY act now

Parents looking for help please continue below the video:

My Suggestion:

1) Listen to the AUDIOBOOK recorded documenting my spiritual emergency - which lead to the transformation and help needed to find a way past headaches and disturbed sleep (also gain a deep understanding of what your child might be going through)

2) Use the TOOLS

  • I am making all of these items FREE on our membership site for those that need the help, but there is also an option to sign up and pay $1.99 if you would like to support what we do.

1) Audiobook lessons:
a short history (listen now)
spiritual emergency (listen now)
why trauma (listen now)
awakening (listen now)
chakras 101 (listen now) - I am not including the rest of the lessons and directing you to the KIDS CHAKRA course as I believe if a parent listens to the KIDS course (NOT THE KID) then the parent can actively guide the child in some of these lessons. These children need guidance they won’t do this alone.

2) Tool: Suggested you watch the Opening Psychic Doors video first to understand a tool to use immediately with children -> then do the KIDS chakra course yourself and introduce the lessons to your children*
opening psychic doorways (listen now) perform this meditation then customize it for your child - you are the power here not the recording
introduction (listen now)
Day 1 Low Self (listen now)
Day 2 Heart (listen now)
Day 3 Throat (listen now)
Day 4 Third Eye & Crown (listen now)

EXTRA if you want direct help I can perform a remote reading on your child and communicate 100% with you (not including them) we can tap into see what is going on spiritually that is manifesting physically and then get guidance on how to address what is coming up. This would be a 2-part reading (part 1 audio recorded reading done and sent to you part 2 live zoom follow up to address and answer any questions)

REVIEW HERE -> NOW (all of our counseling services are tax write off & if the cost is too much please reach out we can perform on a donation basis)

LIGHT & LOVE - empower that beautiful child!

Description: Right now there are so many changes and activations happening to humanity and how the human mental field is opening. Kids are beginning to suffer due to the disconnection and how the western world approaches taking care of these things. We like quick fixes and don't want to feel pain especially when it comes to our kids. We numb using medication to help us not feel what our bodies are processing so that we can quickly get right back into a controlled environment. Medication cannot and will not address the REAL issues taking place. The diagnoses of Migraines and Sleep Disorders in our children are an indication that we are becoming overactive, overexposed, and inundated in our mental field. If we don't teach our children how to ground and close their minds we are dooming them to failure. They will become confused and loose their power to external solutions instead of learning how to cultivate their innate personal power. When we teach our children how to listen to their bodies and trust what their bodies are feeling they become empowered to change their environment not numb and disconnect from it avoiding what's happening.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 Who is this For (CH2)
00:41 What is a Migraine Spiritually? (CH3)
02:20 Daughters vs. Sons (CH4)
03:16 What's really happening (CH5)
06:56 Tool for Parents (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description This REPORT goes a step deeper with Third Eye Openings happening with KIDS right now.

CHAPTER 2 Who is this For Parents of KIDS experiencing MIGRAINES and or INSOMNIA *could also be undiagnosed as headache & sleep issues*

CHAPTER 3 What is a Migraine Spiritually? A Migraine represents a spiritual emergency that shows the activity of the mental field opening up. Typically when the right brain is too open and the left brain doesn't understand how to interpret the meaning we start manifesting pain or an excess of energy in the mind. We call this the fight for the seat of the soul.

CHAPTER 4 Daughters vs. Sons I am not saying this is a symptom only affecting girls right now, but in my field, I have only been communicated to by mothers or fathers of girls. My own sons are experiencing this sensitive energy as well, but they are only processing it at night when they slow down. I believe girls "in general" process this energy more all day long in the mental field.

CHAPTER 5 What's really happening We have progressively been going through an awakening as a collective. Due to our disconnection it is becoming harder and harder to stay connected to the body. Our children are picking up so much noise inside the mental field not only from their openness but also from the constant dive into this electronic age and away from nature. We must guide them back into connection to their power and their bodies.

CHAPTER 6 Tool for Parents Use this tool right now to reclaim the energy around your child.


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Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493

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