My mentor gave me some valuable advice. Jenessee, she said, "If you don't write it down you will never get the next step." I listened and a year later had written my first 2 books! Believe it or not, this teaching came back around this week as a huge test.


The teaching from Dr. Yager was this. If you keep something in your mental field it will stay there being reviewed, processed, and analyzed from every angle, filling up your minds' hard drive. Now, if you keep a notebook and write down your thoughts you have the ability to clear your mind and stay present in what's happening around you, which allows for new experiences and the next step/information to come in.

I am sure you have witnessed this first hand. Recall your partner sitting next to you in the car, so absorbed in their own thoughts that when you voice their name they don't hear you... Maybe this happened at the store when you had to step aside for a walking zombie because they were so in their mind that they almost walked into you.  So many people are stuck living in their mental fields missing moments of true connection in the world.

So why is it important to write it down and find ways to get it out of your mind? We treat our minds like our computer desktops. We keep as many internet tabs open as we possibly can in case we need quick access to something we think we might need. We think this keeps us focused, keeps us safe, and gives the illusion of control over our lives, yet when a person lives in the mind it takes vital life force energy out of the physical reality and puts an excessive amount of energy into the mental field (potential reality) which is crazy because our mind connects to infinite potentials not what's REAL NOW. This creates anxiety, stress, and disconnection from the (actual reality) surrounding you because you're living in multiple potential realities - this is why you are so drained at the end of the day mental field people!!

Of course, you know this is not an all-or-nothing lesson. Even if you're living in your mind most of the time there are still moments when you can feel connected and present. The goal of this teaching = instead of becoming absorbed in the potential future or past which is what your thoughts connect to. There may be a way to let go and experience something new and expansive every day that keeps you balanced and feeling connected.

I have lived this lesson over the years and have done an amazing job at reducing my mental obsessions. This teaching became very clear once again this past week when I started reviewing my private reading community and recognizing that similar messages kept coming through over and over. In honesty, it felt a bit stagnant and I questioned myself and my connection to the readings I was performing for people. Why? I thought, is nothing progressing...? Why is nothing evolving or moving forward? WHY AM I GETTING THE SAME STUFF EACH DAY?

Then it hit me, you are not recording anything you are receiving any more. Now, this is funny because I actually audio-record everything I channel in a reading, but it's for the individual I am reading. You may not fully understand this next part yet, but we are all the same. I am you and you are me. So to receive such powerful information about humanity, the environment, evolution, and consciousness each and every day I read people and not share it with the entire community is doing a disservice to the power of the information coming through. I was taught that when divine information comes through it is never serving just one individual so why did I stop communicating these divine truths? To be honest I think I got lazy and stopped doing the work I was meant to do. Therefore, I started getting the same stuff over and over like a broken record trying to get my attention...

TAKE AWAY: Start writing down your thoughts, your curiosities, your questions, your truths. Take 5-minutes at night or in the morning to get clear on what's been in your mental field. When you perform a mind dump it opens you to see the world around you in a new way. If you find you are blocked in a specific area of your life it might be time to review where you are blocking your progression forward. Where have you become stagnant in your own thoughts or actions that are preventing the next step from coming in?