Over the last 30-days DIVINE has brought a new vocabulary word into client readings that has not been used before. It has become so frequent that it deserves a special segment of its own, but before we get to the WORD a deep dive is required on the importance of language.

A very interesting complexity of performing psychic readings for me is that every word has a vibration and a “resonance” that can elicit a specific response for the person hearing it. During a reading finding the right word is one of the most important aspects of what we do. To this day it still blows my mind that while my eyes are closed and I am witnessing images in my mind I can start to communicate what I am seeing and will stutter or forget how to say a word because it’s not the right VIBRATION for what the client needs to hear.

During a reading most of the time DIVINE chooses to use words that are obscure, scientific, or even scifi because its going to translate in a more profound way. A few examples of this are as follows…

Using the words Quantum Space for the words Present Moment
Using the words Linear Time for the word Lifetime
Using the word Timelines for the word Potential

In a single day each of these examples came to be, I use to use the word present moment and then one day the word was taken out of my reading vocabulary and replaced by Quantum Space. I have deduced that this happens for a few reasons one being that the word present moment no longer holds a high enough vibration for what is trying to be conveyed. Meaning, during the reading a new word had to come into existence to help shift or even elevate the person listening into a new place of understanding. Personally, I feel that our society has become numb to specific words being used over and over and therefore if that word is used it doesn’t create the impact needed to shift the person and their perspective in the way that is needed in that moment. Also, when new words are used it switches a person from the right brain into the left analytical brain creating more of an active listening experience and makes them question the information they are listening to. This forces introspection and then integration once the concept is understood which creates a much more active reading experience.

WHAT’S THE TAKE AWAY: I work with many people who question why they are losing their words or getting brain fog during conversations. Words they have always known or words they typically use simply disappearing at an inopportune moment. This creates frustration and confusion and sends people into questioning their mental connection. I always encourage trusting what’s happening before you try and find a medical diagnosis to explain why. In this case letting go of your expectations surrounding communication and allowing yourself to be used as a vessel for something new or something that might evolve you and or the person listening to you. This is how a channel becomes a channel for needed information in the moment.


The most recent word that has come into client readings is EMBODIED this word is replacing something akin to the word feelings mixed with the word high-self. The collective message to many of our members has been that its time to become fully EMBODIED. Generalizing this message, it’s a call to start living as the High-self. Meaning no longer are those hearing this message allowed to question their authenticity they must fully EMBODY their truth and live in full connection to their divinity (high-self). The time where individuals would get lost in the “parts of themselves” that played games hiding their divinity is over. Meaning no longer getting lost in the human B.S. and trusting that who you are now is exactly who you are supposed to be. When you believe this you become the EMBODIMENT of your HIGH-SELF and live your truth in this (timeline = lifetime) ????