"Old Souls are being asked to UNTETHER their LOWER MINDS so that the pathway for the New Souls can be cleared. There is much physical and emotional resistance coming up in Old Souls. From physical body challenges or changes, to old patterns resurfacing. There is a HUGE opportunity to shift right now, but so many are facing unknown which is leading to resistance."  ~ Jenessee

START HERE for a synopsis and glossary of terms you will find in the Collective Report

A preface from Jennifer…

Hello! Jennifer here, Root to Crown Community Organizer.

At times Jenessees' reports can be densely packed with METAPHYSICAL terms. I am here to break down concepts before you get into the meat and potatoes of Jenessees' message.

Today Jenessee will discuss conscious awakening. This is basically metaphysical jargon referring to a new way of thinking. Many rapid changes are upon us and its time as individuals, and as an entire community, to step up and accept what is happening. We will often refer to as the collective as well.

Collective can mean your inner circle family/friends, the community which you live, humanity as a whole is a collective. even the chakra community reading this email is a collective - any group sharing a common experience or energetic thread can be considered a collective. 

In the passage below you will see reference of the “Enlightenment Ladder”. This is a common analogy in the metaphysical community referring to one’s spiritual growth. On the enlightenment ladder, one takes steps up, towards a greater understanding of self actualization. As you progress on your spiritual journey, it is impossible to take a step back down on this ladder.

We also reference “energetic resonance”. Think of this as the emotional reality you live in. To try and describe this energetic resonance we use phrases like “dense” to talk about emotions like depression or fear. “Expansive” might be labeled for times when you feel creative, joyous, or blissful. Of course walking this human existence, we will be on an ever swinging pendulum of various "energetic resonances" each heling us to experience different aspects of life. 

You will also read below about the LOWER mind and HIGHER mind. The higher mind being intuitive guidance, self awareness, God/divinity, whatever you feel comfortable labeling the innate and intuitive wisdom we all hold and are all connected to. The LOWER MIND will look for doubts and be preoccupied by the past or future; seeing separation, duality, and negativity in the world driven by human attachments and emotions like fear, lack, and defensiveness.

Trigger used in this REPORT means something that initiates an emotional reaction. A trigger doesn’t always have to be negative - a trigger is something coming from either your internal dialogue or external circumstance. It's a reaction to a response. Often we find ourselves repeating the same response over and over again from various triggers. By becoming the observer when triggered we can then decide to respond in a non-patterned or new way.

Collective beliefs is another concept we touch on below. This refers to a common truth we accept as a society. In this time of shifting into what many call the new paradigm, common truths are changing. One example of this might be “you have to work hard your whole life and struggle and someday you will be happy.” This truth is changing because people are not connecting to and giving power to this belief meaning it will inevitably have to change.

One final note I’ll mention is the reference to NEW SOUL and OLD SOUL. Like anything in life, it is rare that we can fit all of a population into only two categories. Keep in mind there are aspects of ourselves that we have yet to discover, and this awareness can shift in every passing moment. You might resonate with some aspects of both NEW and OLD soul. Some moments you might feel connected into the descriptions of the OLD soul and at other times find yourself back in a NEW soul paradigm. Sticking to any label can become limiting, so I encourage everyone to feel into these words rather than try to logically assign and label yourself. 

With much love, and gratitude! ~ ENJOY THE REPORT




Old Souls are being asked to UNTETHER their LOWER MINDS right now so that the pathway for the New Souls can be cleared. There is much physical and emotional resistance coming up in the Old Souls. From physical body challenges or changes to old patterns resurging. This is another opportunity to shift into greater alignment, but so many are facing unknown which is leading to resistance. *Keep reading for definitions of Old & New Souls*

We will start by reviewing a new phrase coming through psychic readings. The term being used: TETHERED LOWER MIND. This phrase brings me back to Y2K (2000's) when so much of our spiritual community was talking about the "reptilian brain" and how we are plugged into a system of "control". Some used conspiracy theory to explain this, some used it to define our patterned or conditioned responses of the brain that react to the stimuli of life. I am finding it very interesting that all of a sudden in 2022 this new phrase comes in as an updated version of what we were internally working on as a spiritual community back in the time of Y2K!

This is an important bit of information to remember because as we progress on the path of spirituality what we process internally at some point will become our external experience. Seeing and feeling the energy surrounding this new phrase; lower tethered mind, I can tell you that our collective is starting to OBJECTIVELY live in a new reality where things have to change and that is why I bring forward this message today.

Are you an OLD SOUL or a NEW SOUL?

New Soul – you are removing all of your blocks right now. You are introspective and healing yourself and your relationships. You are learning how to understand the energetic connections between you, people, and emotions. You might even have changed your eating, drinking, (vices) and started new practices to help you adapt.

Old Soul – You walk the walk and talk the talk, you are an authentic representation of your higher spiritual truth. You have released a need to know and replaced it with an openness to experience. You have summited to the top of the mountain, seen god, fallen off the mountain, found god waiting for you at the bottom laughing… and yet you climbed the mountain again and again to experience this moment over and over! 

Here are a few deep dive paragraphs for those of you needing more... (Sorry Jennifer!) We are going to explain the concept of the cosmic planes because some OLD SOULS in our spiritual community are FEELING paused, or even regressed and disconnected from the bigger agenda happening right now and we don't want this to be the case. 

As we climb the ladder of enlightenment, we enter different planes of energetic resonance. From a human perspective this is like going from elementary school to middle school. Your world evolves rapidly and you are no longer the person you were. In 2020 all of humanity was forced to move from the PHYSICAL plane to the EMOTIONAL plane in essence our new school. This means the entire world went through a rapid evolution. Because of this people are feeling and thinking in new ways which is great, but they are having a hard time figuring out how to navigate these new uncharted waters. This is adding confusion that no one can escape.

Getting to read so many OLD SOULS I can tell you I am witnessing a trend happening to a majority of the community right now. There is a FEELING of PAUSE, DISCONNECT, or QUESTIONING of being human on Earth and it’s creating much resistance in fully plugging into the HIGHER MIND or the new EMOTIONAL plane. New souls are going through their first round of understanding the self and what needs to change, while Old Souls are going through their last round of letting go what does not serve this new plane. The Old Souls are the tug boats and the New Souls are the cargo ships. Divine is calling this time right now the great UNTETHERING of the LOWER MIND. The Old Souls are tapping into this energy field of change and begin asked to completely release whatever their old trauma patterns had been; root, money | sacral, relationship | solar plexus, identity/ego | heart, physical balance/body | throat, fear around speaking truth | third eye, creating streams into the future that don’t serve purpose | crown, disbelief in self/source. Old Souls are experiencing this in order to connect to the new paradigm and shift collective beliefs surrounding our physical reality. The New Souls are forcefully at times getting pulled along for the ride of evolution, some willingly and some not so willingly. This escalation of consciousness creates a rapid release of density, blocks, and limitations which helps a person understand where they are giving away their power. The result of which creates major change in our world and what people are willing to accept as truth. The New Souls are getting triggered by society or agendas that do not match their own as well as inspired by motivations that are new and expansive. New Souls are being asked to shift quickly what they have been holding onto internally so that empathic connection can happen without resistance and our collective can exist with less physical density holding us back.


New Soul – Know that this new energy is about experiencing the extremes of life. Emotions are good, feeling is good, whether it be positive or negative experiences the goal at this level is to have as many experiences as you can so that you can observe how you react. Through this observation you can start to reflect on your choices, tendencies, and reactions and begin to understand where you are in alignment or out of alignment with yourself. Many people at this level let go of vices, smoking, drinking, relationships so that they can focus on feelings of authenticity while understanding what’s really going on.

Old Soul – You live in a perpetual state of energetic absorption. Meaning your reality is not so singular and what you experience as density is a reflection of where you are still in distrust or resistance to your higher truth. This is a time to become completely vulnerable, surrendering your last ounce of control over your vision for the future. Where do you still project your mind in a false reality that isn’t now, where do you feel you need material support, where do you question your physical body or environment? This physical paradigm is evolving quickly, you are being asked to remove illusion so that a new objective reality can become realized. 

OLD & NEW Explore Your Journey Now