Angel Jophiel Message: You live in a world created just for you. The sooner you recognize that you are the student and everyone around you is your teacher, good, bad, or indifferent, the sooner you will be able to see the world for what it truly is. You must remember you have handpicked your interactions in life and every meeting is an opportunity to learn another message and regain clarity as to who you are and what your purpose is. The more you fill your day with activities and interactions, the more you are asking to learn about yourself. Everything that holds energy or charge in your life is an area you are choosing to work on. As you begin to reconcile with all the knowledge you were meant to have, you will gain more wisdom and slow down accepting everything for what it is. This will start the process of reducing your physical responsibilities allowing you to be with your internal wisdom. As you make this shift you will find more stillness, acceptance, and presence in your life. Your interactions will not require thought and your teachers will present themselves as your equals. You will start to see all energy for what it truly is and will understand the deep unifying connection between all things. You will hear and understand the voice of the universe deep inside of you and will find clarity in all that you do. Your shift will bring you to a place of quiet reprieve where your silence will allow others to hear your call and students will seek you out for help with reconciliation of their own path.

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Are you Blocked? (Purpose) You find yourself constantly frustrated with the outcomes in your life. You feel you should be creating more meaningful work and you feel you should be happier and more connected to what you do and who you are. You are confused about your life and inevitably about your purpose. You have obsessive thoughts that keep you moving down life’s path but feel disassociated as to where any of it is leading you. You no longer trust in yourself or your ability to make decisions that will lead you towards your salvation. The choice is yours, will you give up on happiness and settle into the life you were dealt?

Hyper Spin: Indicates when a chakra vortex center is producing an excess of energy from one center. Hyper spin can be defined as an individual attaching an archetype to their core persona. This makes the person out of alignment energetically, they begin overexerting themselves in this specific area taking on different energy that is not natural to their core energetic blueprint. Individuals do this during different stages of life because they believe taking on an archetype will help a specific situation. If the archetype the person takes on becomes a pattern within their field this individual will inevitably impose this energy outwardly from this charka center on anyone within their auric field, imposing their new persona. Having this overpowering inauthentic energy projecting from the field creates an uneven distribution of energy within each of the other chakras. It is important to find out where this excess is coming from and bring the energy back into alignment with the rest of the chakra column. This is usually healed by discovering the archetype playing out that no longer resonates with the individual running this pattern.

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(Transcendence) You understand life to be one dimensional, very black and white. In short, you believe we live, we die and in between we just try to survive. You are closed off to any remembrance of who you were before you chose to enter this life and have forgotten why you chose to come back at all. You distrust in any spiritual explanation of our existence and chose to only believe in what you can understand through your rational thoughts. You chose to ignore the synchronicities in life and dispute claims of heaven, hell, or any form of living that isn't visible to your current perception. You are unaware of the transcendence process and any minor shifts you are going through to awaken from a slumber that has kept you locked into a world of unimaginable disbelief.

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Smart, knowledgeable, self-assured, someone who is in touch with their internal operating systems and understands their higher calling and path in life. You recognize it takes more than just an understanding of the world around you to develop into the spiritual being you seek to be. You understand you must know the world within you as well.

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You don't care if the people in your life understand you or not. Your life has been led by a higher calling and you have done everything in your power to follow that calling no matter the outcome. You try your best to stay connected to the world around you, but find it hard when others can't understand, or keep up with the information and interests you seek. Acknowledge that not everyone will get you and that is not your purpose. Your job is to understand yourself and everything else will fall into place.

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You recognize that it has taken you much-focused determination to get you where you are. You have control over your verbal expression and know how to get things done with little negative effects. Your words are powerful tools to help guide the people around you. These people could not successfully accomplish their goals without this guidance. Your purpose is to lead others with your expression and to allow everyone to see their own purpose by simply guiding them towards their highest abilities.

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Where once you let the opinions and labels of others define you, you now understand what it means to be uniquely you. Your confidence used to depend on how others viewed your progress through life. You now own your path and stand up for your authentic self and the causes meaningful to you. You are continuing to manifest an attitude that is uniquely you and has unlimited growth potential.

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You watch others around you walk by situations of heartbreak and despair without a blink of the eye. These same situations inspire you to stop and help. You have always been someone who feels what others around you are feeling and have discovered that it is your calling to be of assistance whenever you can. Continue to carve out your place among the people of the world as they will support you wherever you go, but remember you must be open to receive their goodwill back.

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Sometimes you feel like you might be overlooking your responsibilities when you spend time exploring your life purpose. You spend much of your time focused on building a bridge to your destiny and this satisfies you each and every time you do it. Yet, you worry about how others view you and what you are trying to create. As long as you give love to all around you including yourself then your creations will reflect happiness and joy which everyone will appreciate.

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(Transcendence) When you begin the transcendence process you are called to release all attachments to materialistic, physical, emotional and mental items in your life. When this process of transcendence begins you will start to lose things that no longer serve you. If you are blocked or if you are unaware of what is happening you will see this as a direct assault on you, your lively hood and everything you hold near and dear to your heart. You will judge life and its plans and try to attach yourself to those things you value most. Your transcendence process will require you to look at life in a new way, in the hopes that you will allow yourself to release all that is not serving you.

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WINDOW 65 Obsession - Root to Crown

Are you Blocked? (Intuition) Obsession is a good word to describe your addiction to feeling spiritually connected. You are a seeker of the light and will stop at nothing to achieve what you perceive to be an enlightened stage of spirituality. You have goals set for yourself and expectations to receive intuitive guidance from otherworldly entities. Your hope to connect leads you to over analyze your progress and not trust in your own process. You study and read as much information as you can get your hands on, only to find yourself unable to replicate other processes. Your true abilities lie within you and once you release the obsession over trying to achieve this everyone else's way, you will begin to tap into your own divine knowing.

Hyper Spin: Indicates when a chakra vortex center is producing an excess of energy from one center. Hyper spin can be defined as an individual attaching an archetype to their core persona. This makes the person out of alignment energetically, they begin overexerting themselves in this specific area taking on different energy that is not natural to their core energetic blueprint. Individuals do this during different stages of life because they believe taking on an archetype will help a specific situation. If the archetype the person takes on becomes a pattern within their field this individual will inevitably impose this energy outwardly from this charka center on anyone within their auric field, imposing their new persona. Having this overpowering inauthentic energy projecting from the field creates an uneven distribution of energy within each of the other chakras. It is important to find out where this excess is coming from and bring the energy back into alignment with the rest of the chakra column. This is usually healed by discovering the archetype playing out that no longer resonates with the individual running this pattern.

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Are you Blocked? (Intuition) You feel at times you may be going crazy. You hear your own voice inside your head talking back to your thoughts. You question what is right anymore and feel like a little guidance and direction could really help you out. You choose to deny that there is any meaning or validity in what your internal thoughts are fighting about and chose to move through life feeling confused rather than figure it all out. Your inability to decipher what your mind thinks leads you down roads that are challenging. You want to believe in the impulses you receive but are overly dogmatic in how you view the physical and spiritual worlds. It’s time to stop denying what is happening.

Hypo Spin: Indicates when a chakra vortex center is deficient within a person. Hypo spin can be defined as an individual decreasing their authenticity due to a challenge of their personality. This makes the person out of alignment energetically, they begin suppressing their natural feelings and expression during specific situations because there is a belief that who they are is not good enough or able to take on a situation. Individuals do this during different stages of life because their authentic energy is challenged by another forcing them to look at who they are and what they are presenting to the world. Those willing to give away their authentic power to an individual outside of themselves will begin suppressing their authentic nature because it is too much for the people around them. This can lead to subservient qualities on an energetic level where the individual not willing to claim their own authentic space will energetically get manipulated by most every other aura they meet. This suppression of authenticity creates an uneven distribution of energy within each of the other chakras. It is important to find out where the original disturbance came from and what personality or quality has been diminished in the face of another, reclaiming this and healing this original suppression can being an entire chakra column back online.

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Nothing outside of you matters anymore the only place you feel safe and fully recognized is within your own being. You don’t care what kind of perception this gives you as perception is just that. Nothing to you is real anymore except what is happening inside of your own being. You stay constantly tuned into this and do not waiver from You watch as day by day things around you subtly change to accommodate this new you. There is a perception you have about life that wasn't there even a year ago. Your ideas are powerful and feel deeply connected to the authentic you. If you continue to follow this path your world will create itself around you not the other way around what feels right to your true nature.

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Nonjudging, accepting, knowledgeable altogether. You are someone who recognizes a need to be connected to your internal guidance and will do whatever it takes to keep this clear and audible no matter the situation. You seek knowledge from all sources so that you can speak to all on their levels of existence and hope to create space for any who wish to learn in your presence.

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You eagerly listen to others while waiting for your chance to fill in the spaces of conversation. You have many hunches on how to help others and love when you can lead them to the right choices. You have to recognize that there are times when it is better that they figure it out on their own.

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You are one of a few people that know how to marry times of stillness with times of group enjoyment. You enjoy the best of all worlds. When you are mixed together with large groups of people you have time for self-reflection and contemplation and this serves your higher purpose. Continue to carve out space for both ideals and your life will continue to feel effortless.

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You have finally learned to listen to your internal guidance. Recently you had experienced many events in your life that had negatively influenced your self-esteem and confidence. You realize that your attitude towards life was one of fear and this created a hesitation towards change. By embodying this attitude, your life did not feel right or make much sense. As soon as you let go of the fear and embodied the guidance, changes started to happen that turned your attitude into excitement and eagerness to start the day.

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Sometimes you can be very direct and have unbearable conviction in your thoughts and expectations. In some cases, this can be good and truly help you to achieve greatness. In other situations especially when dealing with close relationships this can cause more harm than good. When two energies are involved it is never the best course to stick to your guns with unwavering indifference. Your attitude is internal and strong and when you mix this with another person there is likely to be offense taken.

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You don't waiver from your decisions. You have recognized how correct you are when you follow your internal guidance and recognize that decisions made from this state of presence always have the best outcome. You are pragmatic in how you handle situations, but use your own process to make your decisions and this sometimes irrational process is hard to defend.

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Are you Blocked? (Intuition) Because of lack of practice or lack of understanding when you meditate, you find yourself connecting to a source that is believed to be bigger than your own understanding. You trust in the messages and guidance received without question. Notice that anything you give your power away, even through meditation you may be playing into illusion. This is hard to recognize because the intuition may sound just like any intuitive source of guidance, but when you surrender your supreme authority over to another unquestioned you choose to follow a path of illusion. Feel through your levels of guidance and ask for love and light. Ask for the highest and most loving frequencies to come through and then wait with open receptivity. If your voices stop, recognize this to mean that your guidance might have been of a lower frequency not looking to serve your highest good. If this message is coming to you, there may be a shadow inside that is signaling it’s time to claim your power.

Shadow: Indicated by death or the skull, it represents a time to end a cycle. It takes a willingness to transform, opening one’s eyes to the dark, to acknowledge the light that is held within. Death is a messenger of change, initiation, and transformation. Those ready to change and willing to do the work to get there will bring out the shadow. This means if change and recognition of the shadow aspect are understood concerning the current block, growth is sure to follow. If the block or stagnancy are not acknowledged it could mean a long road ahead of unwanted experiences that bring to light all that you are unwilling to release.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.