Original Channel - Part 1 University

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.


The University of the Universe

If Halloween could stake a claim on a planet this would be it. The sky above is in a constant swirling motion shining down with colors of orange and black. The landscape is filled with sand dunes all taking on a solid burnt sienna hue. The dunes appear to be filled with creatures. Everything is crawling around me and feels quite alive. Upon further inspection the movement seems to be caused by a living thing that emerges from the sand and looks like a cross between a cobra snake and a centipede. If that weren’t enough to scare you away these new creatures are quite a bit larger than a standard size school bus. While observing the surroundings with more curiosity one of these large cobra centipedes comes slithering over the closest sand dune. As the large hooded head crests the top of the dune I see a person ridding on the backside of this snake. Sitting along the scaled and shelled body she appears to be holding some kind of rains which seems to be allowing her to control this interesting new mode of transportation. The rains are wired to the creature like a bit used in a horse’s mouth.  

I find I am not startled or scared by this fast paced movement headed toward me. Whether the lack of fear is due to the knowing that I have lived in this place before or the fact that I am just visiting as an astral traveler, with each new planet visited I seem to become more comfortable with every encounter presented. The being riding on the back of this new creature is cloaked in garb that can only be described as a costume straight out of the movie, “Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark.” She wears a beige colored outfit with a wide brimmed hat and a full mask covering her lower face. I can see only the eyes, but know there is a smile waiting under the veil. She extends a hand towards me inviting me onto the back of the cobra centipede. I comfortably climb aboard and get instantly whisked away towards what appears to be a large city off in the distance.

Riding on the back of a snake centipede feels exactly how you might expect. The hooded head stayed upright the entire time and the body remained in constant contact with the ground. Propulsion from the back of the body kept us speeding forward and tiny legs seemed to project outward from the bottom of the body to grasp down into the sand. As the tiny legs dug down the entire body of this vehicle seemed to increasingly get up to faster and faster speeds. The ride was quick and a distance that seemed quite far turned into a short sweet journey.

As the city came into view I could see we were headed straight for a tunnel along the outside boarder of the exterior wall. The city itself was outlined by a vast exterior wall that seemed only a story or two high and took on a large square shape. This exterior wall was as deep as it was high. The first walls were the perimeters that lead to the open space within. After this exterior structure there was a court yard of sand and then another large structure. The interior structure was a gigantic pyramid minus the top half of the building. This design was intentionally plateau shaped, the base was that of a pyramid and the top looked cut clean off. This structure appeared three times the size of the exterior walls and sat in the very center of the surrounding perimeter. The entire space was the size of a large college campus.

The cobra centipede slithered us right through the exterior walls arched tunnel and parked himself in the shade of the two store embankment. The fluidity of this process makes me think this structure was built to accommodate these large creatures. Could these cobra centipedes be the horses of this planet? My driver dismounted and then turned to make sure I was doing the same.  Standing side by side with my guide I watch as she reaches her hand up to unveil her face. She has a body shaped like a human and very large eyes. When the veil dropped I was surprised to see her entire face was that of a cat. She was not the same cat from my previous voyage to the half animal half human planet she was completely different. Here she takes the chance to welcome me back and flashes an image of my previous self to me. She shows me that she is looking at a very tall male figure standing across from her. Pleased with the encounter she lights up and begins to walk us towards the main center building.

Waving her hand towards the exterior walls she begins to tell me the story of this place. Using her voice telepathically she continues to walk with her back towards me across the courtyard as she explains what I am seeing. These are the living quarters, she says. Mental images of diverse beings start to flood into my mind. I see so many different alien species that I am not sure how to comprehend who or what most of these life forms are.  I see many different mature beings walking and sitting together. I see them lined up within the living quarters at what appear to be stations. They are interacting and engaging in a way one would expect college students to be interacting. As we progress across the sand she extends her hand towards the large pyramid building. This is where we learn, she says. Here she sends me the blueprints of the space we are about to enter. I see room after room built into this structure. There are multiple floors and on each floor is another set of rooms. Classes or sessions are being held within each room and I can see how diverse the students look. There appears to be a teacher in each room leading some kind of educational seminar. Each teacher is vastly different from the other teachers just like the students. I understand that each teacher comes from a different planet or system than there students so that there are unique offerings to learn from.

As we walk into the large structure I am excited to see the activity of this place and am eager to meet some of these unique individuals I have just witnessed. Upon first glance everything is black. It is here that I get very confused. I ask why the lights are off and why are we in the dark. My guide now sends me another piece to this puzzle. I am back in the hustle and bustle of the class rooms at full capacity. I see the teachers teaching and the students learning. Along the exterior walls there are flags flying from every individual’s home planet showing the diverse collection of beings in this singular place. Here the students and teachers are all fully grown adult beings representing their home planets. They have all come together to learn from one another about the unique gifts and talents each species has to offer. I follow one specific student who catches my attention. I see him finish class and return to his home planet by way of space travel. Once on his home planet he begins teaching the individuals around him what was learned. There is an air of greed, ego, and domination that can be felt in his actions and it seems the wisdom he has acquired is going to be used for purposes other than good. Their planet begins to become obsessed with the quest for knowledge and further development and begins to disturb the natural balance of the universe.

It is here that my guide tells me I was one of the founding settlers of this planet. It was a group of my planets inhabitants that discovered this planet and decided to create a so called inter planetary market place. Our goal was to bring together travelers from all across the stars to learn and grow a community of supportive and nurturing beings who could help one another with inter stellar problems and concerns by way of teaching one another from personal experience. The original settlers came from the Paladien star system. When the rift happened and the student took the wisdom learned and used it for conquering instead of peace it was the home planet of the Paladiens that had to deal with the disturbance. Due to this shock wave of war created by the schools teachings it was decided that the school needed to be closed down until further precautions could be taken to insure this quest for power would not happen again.

Here my guide walks me up the stairs to the final room at the top of this structure. The room is expansive and large and filled with tubes of suspended soulless beings. This chamber of tubes is such a familiar landscape to me now. This is my fifth planetary visit and my fourth run in with a previous body.  I take to the rows of glass like tubes all anchored into the floor and begin the search for my body. I walk up and down the aisles looking for a connection that my soul can feel. One by one I move past each vessel seeing extremely different and unique beings within the tubes. I see more diversity here than I have on any other planet visited. I begin to ask my guide what the purpose of this diversity is. She responds with a quiet voice in my mind telling me when the war began over the knowledge acquired select beings who helped to found the school and its teachings decided to freeze their timelines here on this planet in suspended animation in order to search the star system for ways to bring teaching back to this planet in a way that would insure success and not improper use of the information. All bodies here within these twenty eight tubes are out living other incarnations in order to find ways to bring teaching back to this vast star system.

Here I am encouraged to reflect on some of the learned lessons so far from my current incarnation on Earth. I see that children who are open and void of singularity are the ones who receive Earth teaching. I see on Earth there is a lack of development of the individual which leads to confusion for the soul. In Earth teachings there is a lack of diversity of thought and experience which limits the souls understanding of their multi dimensional self, but teaching at the young age leads to more receptivity towards a hoped for outcome. On Earth there is a benefit in teaching children over adults who come with a set of expectations. I get the sense that this was one of the problems that lead to the war outbreak from the learned knowledge from this planet. Coming back to the awareness of the room in the pyramid I find my mind racing with possibilities. I feel a connection not only to this planet and the quest to educate all who wish to learn, but also feel a connection to the Earth plane and the interesting expectations for learning in this time and space. I find hope in the continued growth for all beings who wish to expand their consciousness in a loving way and hope that each one of these twenty eight suspended beings find what they are looking for so that life may resume once again here in this space.


Cosmic Archetype

IMAGE: COSMIC FLOWER (ARCHETYPE)-11 Soul Connections for Jenessee (each person is different in their number of petals)

-11 Soul Connections for Jenessee (each person is different in their number of petals)

Peace & Connection Planet



Cosmic Master Archetype - Peace & Connection Planet

1 of the 11 frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype of Jenessee was found on the Planet of Peace & Connection. This petal was found to have a total of 5 split souls to complete its cosmic archetype.

Magnetic Planet

DRAWING: PETAL REPRESENTING SOUL EXPERIENCES during first visit to Magnetic Planet.

DRAWING: PETAL REPRESENTING SOUL EXPERIENCES during first visit to Magnetic Planet.

Cosmic Master Archetype - Magnetic Planet Visit One

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the first visit to the Magnetic Planet. This petal will hold 5 soul connections meaning the soul split a total of 5x to complete its learning path.

DRAWING PETAL: Represents the 2nd visit to Magnetic Planet

DRAWING PETAL: Represents the 2nd visit to Magnetic Planet

Cosmic Master Archetype - Magnetic Planet Visit TWO

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the second visit to the Magnetic Planet. This petal will hold 1 soul connection meaning the soul will not split once the contract is complete.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Science Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the second visit to the Science Planet. This petal will hold 1 soul connection meaning the soul will not split once the contract is complete.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Amphibian Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Amphibian Planet. This petal has 2 souls connected to its learning path meaning the soul split at one point to achieve complete learning.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Heaven Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Heaven Planet. This petal will have 2 souls connected to its learning path.

Cosmic Flower

I understand the Flower to be a representation of our souls cosmic lesson plan through all time and all space of the 10th dimension. Each persons cosmic flower is different and until consciousness is obtained birthing into a cosmic archetype will not happen. (chicken or the egg)- Only when one becomes conscious of a cosmic consciousness will the cosmic flower become known). An cosmic unconscious soul will stay on the Human consciousness path until ready to be birthed on a planetary/cosmic level.

To be in conscious expansion with the matrix we must reconcile the lessons of our COSMIC FLOWER/ ARCHETYPE (multi-dimensional timeline). Once we recognize our cosmic connections we are able to start moving through the reconciliation process by releasing our individual learning pathentering into cosmic awareness. Once we are able to consciously begin reconciling our multi-dimensional selves we can then "birth" new souls to take our human contracts / place. Each cosmic petal of this flower helps to makes us the individuals we set out to be while connecting us completely to those that have come before. We constantly reflect our Matrix while birthing it anew with deeper experiences.

Half Animal Half Human Planet



Cosmic Master Archetype - Half Animal Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees' frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Half Animal Half Human Planet. This petal will only have 1 soul connected to its learning path.

Bubble Planet



Cosmic Master Archetype - Bubble Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessee's frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Bubble Planet. This petal has 3 soul parts meaning the soul will split 3x to accommodate the learning path.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Fairy Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Fairy Planet. This petal will have 2 souls connected to its learning path.

Fire Planet



Cosmic Master Archetype - Fairy Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Fire Planet. This petal will have 2 souls connected to its learning path.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Learning Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Learning Planet. This petal will have 3 souls connected to its learning path.

Planetary Guides


Guide Jesus*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Jesus

Jesus the Pleiadian Guide will continue to bring through information that serves humanities connection to the energy coming for the Planet of Peace & Connection - 3 of 5 cords form the Master Archetype yet to be finalized.

Jesus = A Pleiadian Guide

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body had yet to Reanimate at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will split a total of 5x in the hopes of complete understanding of its part within the master archetype

Our cord was connected to the 3rd soul and at the completion of the book was still frozen. Contract here not complete.

This soul frequency resonates with Herkimer Diamonds


Guide Gabriel*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Gabriel

Gabriel the Raven Headed Guide will continue to bring through information that serves humanities connection to the energy coming from the Half Animal Half Human Planet - 1 of 5 cords from the Master Archetype yet to be finalized.

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body had yet to Reanimate at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will not split leaving only one soul experience to gain the totality of information needed from this planetary existence.

Appeared as a half man half human with a black birds head and human body

This soul frequency resonates with the Raven on the 3rd dimensional Earth Plane


Guide Bruno*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

0 of 11 Petals - Bruno (not in master archetype due to this planet being Earth in the future)

Bruno fist appeared to me as a large hallowed out tree. His energy would invite me into the center of the tree and we would perform astral work together. Bruno was a guide I meet before this astral adventure so when his energy appeared on the Dragon Planet although he took a different form I knew it was his energy I was dealing with.

Bruno = A Earth Guide / Milkyway Galaxy

3rd Dimensional

No frozen body the Astral Journey reveled this was a potential timeline running in a future version of Earth residing in a fractal dimension. (Received information that it was considered 20300)

This is a potential outcome of Earth 2015

A cord was connected through my Earth consciousness

This soul frequency resonates with Trees find and connect to a high vibrational tree to travel to the underground dimension this version of Earth resides in.


Guide Zadekiel*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Zadekiel

Zadekiel has had multiple incarnations on the Bubble Planet. When we first meet he took me to the planet through remote viewing and showed me a life he lived on this planet when it ultimately was destroyed. During this astral adventure Zedekiel was the alien entity who was watching my frozen body.

Zadekiel = A Pleiadian Guide

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body Reanimated at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will split a total of 3x in the hopes of complete understanding of its part within the master archetype

Our cord was connected to the frozen woman who at the completion of the book will reanimate and no more soles will incarnate here. Contract complete.

This soul frequency resonates with Gladiolus Comptonii (flower)

This energy usually connects to me around my waist band and around the back sacral area of my body.


Group of Pleiadian Guides who I had recognized from many other encounters. Mostly connected to the Planet of Peace and Connection where the council of 12 beings sat. Michael concluded this journey and took me to the next planet.

I believe I was taken to the stop over planet as a connection to the crafts that surround Earth in different dimentional capacities. This station also had a feeling of connection to the Science Planet, which was very keen on protecting other life forms from over developing and using natural resources. I meet with many guides from which I could recall here from the Planet of Peace and Connection - all or most were Pleiadian and some of other origins. I believe this is a place where humans are engaged to become hybrid beings holding DNA from other dimensional planes.


Guide Michael*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Michael

Michael the Angelic Guide will continue to bring through information that serves humanities connection to the energy coming for from the Magnetic Planet - 5 of 5 cords from the Master Archetype yet to be finalized.

Michael = A Pleiadian Guide

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body had Reanimated at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will split a total of 5x in the hopes of complete understanding of its part within the master archetype

Our cord was connected to an early incarnation of this soul - one of the original souls that froze.


Guide Raphael*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Raphael

Raphael is an angelic guide who showed up in full white wings and golden glory during the second trip to the Magnetic Planet. Raphael has been a staple angelic guide who comes through during star work (astrology) earth work and other work where clear sight is needed for further progression.

Raphael = A Sentarien Guide

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body had yet to Reanimate at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will not split one incarnation will be had to understand the master archetype

Our cord was connected to the angelic being.

This soul frequency resonates with Magnolia trees, Labradorite Stones, and triggers through my right glut when a connection is being made.


Guide Phalonia*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Phalonia

Phalonia has come through in different meditations even before the astral adventure. Phalonia has present as alien most of the time until the astral visit to the Fairy Planet where the energy took on that of a male fairy (ancient yet young).

Phalonia = A Pleiadian Guide

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body Reanimated at the completion of the Astral Journey no more cords are connected to any of the souls from this planet.

This soul will split one time in order to understand the master archetype being created.

Our cord was connected to the being in the coffin awaiting reanimation.

This soul frequency resonates with Pink Carnelian, and triggers through my sciatic nerve when a connection is being made.


Guide Malachi*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Malachi

Malachi the Pleiadian Guide will continue to bring through information that serves humanities connection to the energy coming for from the Science Planet - Malachi is connecting humans on Earth together that share the same contracts so that massive activations can happen and inter-dimensional contracts can be completed.

Malachi = A Pleiadian Guide

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body has not Reanimated at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will not split leading to only one incarnation to complete the understanding of its part within the master archetype.

This soul frequency resonates with Malachite the green stone.


Guide Uriel*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Uriel

Uriel the Hooded Figure from the Hell Planet will continue to bring through information that serves humanities connection to the energy coming from the Hell Planet. I have meet Uriel before during a shamanic journey where he took on the archetypal energy of DEATH on the river styx.

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body had yet to Reanimate at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will split one time leaving two souls to experience to the totality of information needed from this planetary existence.

This soul frequency resonates with the stone Seraphinite 


Guide Moses*

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Moses

*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

Moses has taken many forms. Incarnating mostly in the Orian star system, this guide has been humanoid and animal. On the Learning Planet she was a feline cat. Through other encounters I have meet this energy as an old monk like man in burlap robes as well as an angelic being.

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body has Reanimated at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will split a total of 3x in the hopes of complete understanding of its part within the master archetype

The most recent cord was connected to the soul in the freezing chamber that took on the appearance of an Angelic or humanoid being. Contract here have completed all bodies have reanimated.

I feel this guides energy enter at the Right Side of my head (brain/lobe) as a sharp pain response



*Named for the energy felt from his pattern/vibrational field and how it connects to the cosmic archetype.

1 of 11 Petals - Chammuel

Chammuel the Pleiadian Guide came through to assist in the knowledge Of the cosmic master archetype but has also come through during regular meditations. He is here to up level the frequency of all who wish to know more about their cosmic beginnings. He can assist in raising your frequency and allowing you the sight of inter-dimensional travel.

Chammuel= A Pleiadian Guide

5th Dimensional

Frozen Body has Reanimated at the completion of the Astral Journey

This soul will split a total of 1x in the hopes of understanding its part within the master archetype

his soul frequency resonates with monks visualize a monk to assist in your connection to Chammuel