Part 4 - Creating Trust


The Circle of Light:

Establishing trust in your practice can be as simples or difficult as you like. When connecting to your guides through the process of meditation it is recommended that you first set up a series of guidelines on how you intend to connect and receive information. To begin you will need to ground yourself and set the intention for your practice. During this specific meditation your intention would be simply enough to establish guidelines between you and your guides, further stating that you are creating a process that will establish trust and accuracy while in meditation and while moving about your normal waking life. Once out of the grounding phase select a visual image somewhere in nature and visit this place known to you through your mind’s eye. This meeting place can be somewhere familiar or unfamiliar, but it will be of your creation. Consider this place in nature to your sacred space, a space created to perform this work with your guides. This will be a place where you can set up necessary parameters for your meditative work. This place can and most likely will change once you have a better connection, but for now any comfortable place will do. Call out to your guide by name, three different times, to insure the connection is strong and then request that they meet you here in this natural setting that you have created. Once you see, sense, feel or know the energy of your guide has arrived ask that your guide send to you a feeling or sensation within your physical body that you can attribute to this guide as their unique frequency and connection. Don’t allow this to be a subtle feeling that you question, ask your guide to make this a very unique sensation something that is unquestionable and that you will be able to recognize even when you are heavily engrossed within your normal operating day. Once you have acknowledged this sensation tell your guide that anytime they want to talk to you they have to signal you through this same sensation you are now receiving in your body. This will allow you to trust in the feelings you are receiving throughout the day and allow you to know what specific guides frequency you are working with. If clairsentience is not your thing you could also ask for a unique smell or sound to happen that could work the same way as a touch or sensation in your body. Once you have established these preliminary guidelines it should be easier to build trust in what you are receiving.

After this initial physical connection is made it is time to ask your guide to take you on a walk to a nearby meadow. Once you get to the meadow have your guide show you what flower represents his or her frequency. This flowers image will be used during future connections to this guide. If you want to connect to the frequency of this guide at a later date, you can simply imagine this flower and meditate on its image to raise your frequency to align into communication with this guide. Next ask your guide to walk you into a nearby cavern like space. When you get into the cavern ask your guide to point out the stone that most harmonizes with their frequency. Ask them to hand it to your and see if you can feel the stones energy during this mediation in your physical body. Ask your guide where you should wear this stone on your body for optimum receptivity to his or her energy? Also ask how this stone should be used? Again when out of this meditation try to find this stone if you do not already posses it and utilize it during future meditations or wear this stone to help align your physical body during waking times.

Next ask your guide what color you should wear in the physical world to better align yourself to their energy? Ask your guide if there are any signs or symbols they may also use to communicate with you and then thank your guide for their care and support. Tell your guide that you now require them to signal you with one of these triggers before they relay their communication to you so that you can be more alert and ready for their messages to come through. Over the next few days after this meditation is complete it would be beneficial for you to wear the color your guide suggested so that you can better align your frequency to this guides energy. This will allow your antenna to be clearly aligned to the field of this guides energy. This practice will help you better receive immediate signs and signals meant to come through. During the days following your work while you are still connected to the intention of this work make sure to ask to receive messages throughout your normal day. Make sure to ask for specific occurrences to happen to see how well you are connecting into your guides’ vibration. Ask questions while in meditation and see how the answers become presented to you during your normal day. While you are practicing this connection make sure to keep your journal handy. Different guides will have different methods of connecting with you and you don’t want to forget any patterns or connections once they have been made.

If you have yet to make a connection with your guide you can ask for all of these things to present themselves to you through the course of your day. Simply state out loud or write down this intention: “I am looking to make a connection to my highest and most loving guide, I would like to hear your name over the next few days, or better!” Then go about your grounding meditation every day and night and stay present during your daily interactions making good notes within your journal. It is likely the name will pop into your head quite suddenly.

To find even more trust in the information you receive you can ask for validation that this is your guides name and undoubtedly you will have some interaction that will validate this experience for you. After you receive the name you can sit in meditation to acquire the other information as previously discussed that will help to create a stronger connection between you and your guide who has chosen to come through. 

Being spiritual beings living a human existence you may find it frustrating having so much energy surrounding your field during random times of the day. Establishing boundaries should be an important part of your practice when you begin to make these spiritual connections. When beginning to develop a clear connection to your guides it is important to establish these boundaries early on. By doing this you will also help in developing your trusted connection. In some cases, it may be beneficial to establish specific times to connect with your guides. You will establish these boundaries by stating that you are only to be connected with during specific, pre-determined times. These parameters can be adjusted anytime to best suite your needs and growth. An example of this might be that sometimes while at work you may have to ask your guides to respect your time only coming through if you chose to open the lines of communication. By doing this you allow your energy to be reserved for specific times when you are ready to work within the energetic field. If you find yourself drained or resisting daily meditations, it may be due to your boundaries not being fully in place, which could lead to an energetic drain.

A solution for fear of missing something is to always keep a journal with you. The small hints you get throughout the day can be written in your journal with the intention to follow up later. This will save you the hassle of spending extra time and energy on messages that pop into and out of your energetic bodies. Once at home and within your delegated hours for spiritual practice you can then chose what to follow up on. It will be here within your scheduled time that you can connect and start acknowledge the message the guides are presenting you with. Once you have established these boundaries you will become more perceptive on what fills your own energetic field and it will be from here that you begin to perceive from a higher dimensional plane without the assistance of your guides, but that comes later for now simply know that when you carve out this time for not only your human self, but the energetic levels of yourself you will begin to open more fully and align with all of the energy surrounding you.

By doing this work in this way you will undoubtedly become present to your energetic field at all times, you will see clearly the lessons that are being presented for you to learn from while working together with these divine beings. During this time, it is important to keep an eye out for synchronistic occurrences that begin to happen in the physical world around you. When you are present enough to perceive what is happening, you will begin to learn what work you are being called upon to do. These synchronicities are confirmations from your guides that you are receiving their messages loud and clear. The goal is to be able to ground your energy daily into the third dimension while still holding an open line of communicating to the energies present in the higher dimensional realms. This objective of presence everyday can get you the answers you seek without having to close your eyes. It is normal and quite human to feel we must go into meditation to receive the most understandable guidance. Because we believe that meditation is where we can establish clear visual, audio and sensation based guidance that can be trusted above all else. Through meditative journeys it is true that our guides can help us answer questions that have been within our mental field for too long and have become clouded during our normal day. Meditation in this way is encouraged and is sometimes required to help one learn information in a clear and encompassing manor, but it is not the only way. Be fully aware that at some point you will need to rejoin society and perform more waking mediations.

A waking meditation is where you can be active in the third dimensional world surrounding you and still receive powerful guided messages similar to how you receive with your eyes closed. Here the goal is to hold this space in your every waking moment and be grounded and present enough to filter through the energetic field as you move through your daily activities. This can be tricky at first as it is hard to stay fully present in the third dimension while believing and deciphering the guidance you receive. That is why it is so important to set up guidelines for your practice and boundaries with your guides early on so that when these patterns of connection present themselves you can have ways to confirm what is happening while in a waking state. The goal is to not have to run somewhere and close your eyes hoping to connect into the matrix to see if the answer you think you are receiving is correct. When you can create these trusting connections to your highest guidance the information you receive will be directly connected to your highest and most loving path. When this happens your everyday life will feel fulfilled with high spiritual energy and guidance.

A final tip about trusting. It is important to not attach to the idea of receiving information in the same way every time you try and connect to your guides. This is the quickest way to block your ability to receive and can lead to second guessing what comes through. Allowing the left brain to think it has everything figured out when it comes to psychic work will push you to the edge of stagnation. As guides and allies change in your energetic field so too will your method of receiving also change. One day you may chose to wear the color red, a guideline you set up to help you connect to your guide associated with healing. You may call out their name and ask for a sign that they are with you. Every time you moved through this process in the past you would see a specific flower in your physical world or in your mind’s eye, signaling that this antenna of connection had been made between you and the guide you had intended to connect with. This time when you called out to this guide instead of sensing the flowers presence you received an intense burning sensation in your shoulder, this distracted you and made you move through the steps again to call in your healing guide’s energy hoping to see his flower that signals your connection has been made. You start to question why this guide is not coming to you and begin to think you are doing something wrong. Instead of questioning the burning sensation in your shoulder you dismiss this sensation and resign to try to connect again later. Your guidance is always evolving, trying to keep up with your growth as you move through your path.  The pain sensation received in your shoulder might have been the frequency of a new guide stepping in to assist with a new area in your life. This might be a signal to a cord or attachment you need to entertain before moving forward. There

are times when your spiritual connections will change, and it is important not to attach to any hoped for outcomes when you practice.

During practice if you are not getting your hoped for results it may be time to sit in meditation with your eyes closed and set a clear intention to better connect to your guidance. You will need to stay open to how you receive once you finish the grounding process of the meditation. If you find you start to have mental impulses on how or what you should be doing, your left brain is becoming too active and you are going in the wrong direction. Stick to your breath and simply place your attention on the feelings moving through your body. By doing this your next initiation or stage will come. It will do you good to remember, there are also times when you are required to do introspective work. During times of introspection you will be required to implement recent teachings or finish a lesson through to completion. During these times it may feel as if your growth is blocked, you will feel as if you aren’t connecting as deeply as you once had and this is ok. As a matter of a fact this is expected, during these times you are integrating the learned wisdom into your energetic field and will not connect as deeply as you once had. There are also times where you may feel you are not connected to anything divine or spiritual and this might have to do with previously received information that has not yet been finished or followed up on. Here your guides will wait for you to implement that work before you are given or told anything new. This too will feel like a block or stagnancy because in this space you may not get to connect regarding anything new until you clear the previously assigned tasks.


Throughout my journey I would admit that the integration phase is always the hardest adjustment to become aware of when it is happening. There is not predictable time when it will happen to you yet low and behold one day it will happen. Once in your field the trick is to catch the shift in your energy and make use of the down time to regenerate your body, otherwise you may find you begin to experience feelings of depression, loss, and confusion just to name a few.

An example of my most memorable integration phase happened a few weeks after I had finished writing my fourth book, “Survival guide to 2054”. During this writing process I had with me twelve guides who would assist me in astral traveling and writing. The entire process lasted a total of thirty days and each day came through with seamless accuracy. I woke up each morning in the flow of synchronicities, connection and energetic support. When I would intentionally sit down to start the process of meditation for the book my body would connect quickly and perceive what was needed almost immediately. Following the completion of this book my body began to fall into increasing states of tiredness and depression. I felt lost on my path and was not able to connect in meditation. I found I had no energy or desire to move into the field of the matrix. Each day I became more confused as to why I felt so disengaged from life. Coming off of the high from writing the book I fell directly into what seemed like a never ending pit of disconnect.

It is here that I will remind you yet again, when you take these first step and begin to question your consciousness you step into the open awareness of the matrix and all of the subtle fields surrounding you. It is here that you exist as all forms of yourself, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is here that you will learn what it means to be a spiritual being living a human existence. It is here that you must learn to listen to all levels of your “consciousness”. In my experience I had just had the connection and support of twelve high frequency guides. Each day they lent their frequency to my physical body to achieve the outcome which was a completed book. While experiencing this connection I had transcended the limitations of my physical body and connected each day into their higher frequency energy. To be running this much high frequency energy a physical body will at some point need to ground and recharge to the Earth plane otherwise a short in the circuit just might happen. In my case when the book finished writing, five of the twelve guides detached from my energetic field. I went through the experience of losing five of these being’s energy. When this happens the human who is connected to this being will need to go through what could be called a mourning or integration back into the physical realm. In this example it took me about a month of disconnect and integration to rebalance my body and begin to move back into the matrix. When I finally did I found I had gained some new guides who were surrounding me ready to start the next phase of my journey.

Other not so extreme examples of an integration phase could happen when a person goes through their first meditation where full connection into a different frequency is achieved. Here when the person gets up from their meditative state they may feel dizzy or light headed. If there is no documentation noted regarding the experiences the person may go through a loss of the content received. Making details fuzzy and over time the experience you had in the field will become like the aftermath of a good dream. You will return to life and begin to live again from the third dimension. When the time is right, you will be given a synchronistic occurrence in your daily routine that connects to your experience in the field. This will trigger you back to your meditative state and begin the process of you exploring the information you subconsciously stored regarding the experience. When the integration phase is over, meaning once the information has moved thorough your spiritual, mental, emotion and physical field you will find time or inspiration to follow the hunches, connections or synchronicities that the encounter brought you. This is how the field works. We receive information from a higher plane. Most of the time the information is in pieces and these pieces need to be “integrated” into our full energetic field for complete understanding to occur. The last phase of this integration happens when the information begins to manifest into our physical world by way of patterns or synchronicities that connect us to the full message. This entire process is our integration. Once we give ourselves the time to allow these pieces to come together better understanding of our next step can be received. These are opposite ends of the integration cycle from someone who has lived it again and again. The important piece of information to take away here is that if your body either physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually is going thorough something out of the ordinary don’t push, don’t resist and don’t force. Stay connected to the energy surrounding you and find the silver lining. Allow your body the time it needs to balance and integrate and you will bounce back in a much more harmonious way.


Part 3 - Raise Your Frequency


After you have achieved a grounding practice your next goal will be to learn the importance of raising your frequency. There are many ways to begin to raise your frequency, if you live long enough the natural progression of the earth and its own energetic field will force you to raise your frequency. For everyone else it is recommended that you find a way to help you in raising your frequency.

You may be asking yourself at this point what are the dimensions and what exactly is frequency? It is important to know in physical terms humans and their tangible bodies live within the third dimension. In our matrix there are 10 dimensions that a person can move into and out of at will, simply enough by raising your vibrational frequency. There is an 11th dimension which is a gateway between the matrixes and the 12th which is GOD. There are times in your life when your frequency will be raised so that you may access one of the higher dimensions either for a greater perspective on a situation, or to help you remember a part of your spirituality or simply to allow you a glimpse of your unique gifts and talents. When discussing a person’s frequency, it is important to know both of the levels in which you hold, first there is the level of frequency that you have reached at any given point in time and second is the average level in which you consistently hold. These will be two different numbers one for your average frequency and one for the highest level you have experienced. These numbers will be constantly evolving as your practice and work progress.


For those who are not separated from civilization and connected to the Earth plane somewhere in nature it is recommended that you manually achieve heightened states of frequency so that you can begin to bring thorough more divine light and energy into this world. In the year 2016 around 72% of humans can be said to be vibrating around a 3.2 frequency, meaning they are vibrating and perceiving within the three dimensional field. That percentage drops drastically when you begin talking about persons who are resonating around a 3.8 or slightly higher. What this means is that in order to move ourselves into and out of the different dimensions we must be able to raise our base level frequency out of the third dimension. Why you ask would we want to move into and out of the different dimensions? Simply put so that we can perform the work we were made to do with clear perspective. Example, when you sit at the base of the mountain you cannot see the top. You know the top is there, but you can only believe that it is there. It is not until you start climbing the base and scale the mountain until you reach the top you have a clear understanding of what the entire mountain looks and feels like. It is here that you gain the greater perspective.

It is to be assumed if you have gotten this far into the book that you have been brought into this space and time as a teacher. As a teacher you must begin to remember your specific gifts and talents before you can begin to assist those around. These gifts that you must recall are some of the ones listed above like astral projection, time travel, connecting with angels and guides, but also include things like healing, manifesting, telekinesis, telepathy, animal communication, plant communication, elemental control and inter dimensional travel just to name a few. Specific individuals are here in this time and space to remember who they are on a spiritual level so that they can begin to help others transition into the full understand of who they are. By being able to hold more light and raise your frequency you will allow a shift to take place for the people who surround you. Unknowingly people of a lower vibration are drawn to higher vibrational people. This happens because higher vibrational people can aid others in their assention process simply by being themselves. As you embark on your own journey of self discovery you will find that the universe brings you people that can be aided by your unique spiritual skill set. As you begin to discover who you are and what drives you, others will be brought to you throughout your own learning process to be a part of the understanding of who you are, but also to learn from what you are discovering. When we step into the light of who we are we not only make it ok for ourselves to discover our unique gifts and talents, but we also open space for those that surround us to find their unique energy within the matrix.

You may be asking yourself at this point what are the dimensions and what exactly is frequency? It is important to know in physical terms humans and their tangible bodies live within the third dimension. In our matrix there are 10 dimensions that a person can move into and out of at will, simply enough by raising your vibrational frequency. There is an 11th dimension which is a gateway between the matrixes and the 12th which is GOD. There are times in your life when your frequency will be raised so that you may access one of the higher dimensions either for a greater perspective on a situation, or to help you remember a part of your spirituality or simply to allow you a glimpse of your unique gifts and talents. When discussing a person’s frequency, it is important to know both of the levels in which you hold, first there is the level of frequency that you have reached at any given point in time and second is the average level in which you consistently hold. These will be two different numbers one for your average frequency and one for the highest level you have experienced. These numbers will be constantly evolving as your practice and work progress.

Example, Joe has an average vibrational level of 3.3. Joe may have been involved in a near death experience which means Joe has achieved a level of 6.4 reaching into the sixth dimension. When a person goes through a near death experience their frequency gets elevated when they move through the fourth dimensional portal of time space and move into the higher dimensional realms. From this example it would indicate that our subject Joe normally holds a 3.3 frequency and has reached into a 6.4. With a consistent practice Joe will begin to elevate his average frequency higher, with such practices anyone can learn how to hold more light energy and vibration in their body. What Joe had experienced in the sixth dimension could with practice one day become his normal frequency.

Here we will give a hint more detail on the sixth dimension and a near death experience since we brought the topic for review. When a person lives through a near death experience they will travel through the fourth dimension into the sixth dimension. Missing the fifth dimension as this is a place for visiting beings and certain souls who have passed already. A guide from the seventh dimension or higher will be available to greet the person who is now astral traveling or projecting into the sixth dimension. This guide will help to initiate a review of sorts before the soul makes any choices. Think of the relationship between a loving mother and her child, this is what the welcome is like when a soul enters into the sixth dimension. Things move slowly and at the pace of the wide eyed soul. Like the Joe example there can be many reasons humans go through a near death experience. One example is so that the soul can be reminded of their lesson plan. Another reason may be to make choices on whether to stay in the current human body or to move into another human body called being a “walk-in” or even to fast forward life experiences so that a lesson plan can become fully recognized. Meaning the soul visiting the sixth dimension needs to remember what it is to be a soul, possibly this person could have been to focused on their human existence forgetting their divine lesson plan. Souls always have free will when it comes to their path therefore options that are given will be given time for consideration before any decisions are made. After a near death experience depending on the information that was given to the soul to review the soul will then decide if they want to come back to earth or transition on. If return is selected, most souls will return to their body and have little to know memory of what was experienced in the sixth dimension. If a soul remembers the experience or not will depend on what information and tasks that soul is looking to complete. An important note to remember is that as one progresses higher into different dimensional realms it is not necessary to have a near death experience to reach the sixth dimension, this is simply one way an unpracticed soul may achieve this level of resonance within the matrix. With practice holding light energy one can begin to perceived into the finer subtler fields running through the matrix they live in. This is all done by projecting your consciousness through that which is physical, once this is done you can begin to move into the different dimensional fields.

Children and their relationship to frequency. Ever few decades the frequency of the world changes and therefore the children being born into that Earth frequency also make big strides in understanding the connection between human and spirit. The last big shift in planetary frequency happened around the year 1983. Souls that incarnated around this year and after are considered bright eye children. Most souls born into this earth frequency have the ability to remember more clearly their divine connection and have a stronger pull towards their unique abilities here on earth. It is said that each child of a new generation will be born with a stronger connection to the higher dimensional realms. This is an important note because as each generation comes into this world they are bestowed with more consciousness than the line before them. Today children manifest anything and everything they want. They were born into a time when what you think can appear outside your door within 24 hours, yet this ability to transmit through the mental field or the internet is something they will always know. To not have proper mentorship about the different fields will be a means to an end. They must learn how to remain connected into the physical world for our growth in our abilities if not taught to our new generations will lead them to a point of disconnection instead of ultimate connection. 

As children we keep in constant contact with the divine world around us. Babies come into this world and chose to have their all knowing soul incarnate into a physical third dimensional body. Due to the changes that this new dimension holds a baby will continue to astral travel taking its soul and leaving the body returning to the sixth dimension. Energetically it is said that this is why babies sleep so much because they are astral journeying. It is hard to move from a completely energetic form and then be forced into a physical form. In order for babies to completely acclimate they will astral projects up until they develop their language centers and may even continue to project after this language center has developed, but it is a fact that as an infant the baby will leave the body almost every time it moves into sleep. Children up until the age of eight will have the presence of a guide with them most all of the time. This guide will act as their guardian angel protecting this child and making sure its lesson plan is looked after. Once the child reaches the age eight they will lose contact and knowledge of their guide. This loss will happen mostly because it will be time for the child to enjoy the life of a third dimensional being. At age eight the child’s guide will stay connected to the soul of the child, but from the perspective of the child the connection will be gone. At this age a child becomes very internal and will begin to transmit from their mental field, this combined with the soul growth that is needed at this point in time the guides will step back and allow the child to develop on a more self-directed journey until they are around the age of 27. This is to insure that the child has experiences that are unique to a human existence in the earth plane. Then around the age of 26 or 27 the guide will reestablish a connection and begin introducing elements of the soul lesson plan. Whether the 27-year-old knows it or not the guide who has stepped back in the picture will now begin assisting the person into situations, encounters, dreams and remembrances that will help keep them moving towards their divine purpose. At this point those adolescences who have held onto their spiritual connection will even begin to develop their unique gifts and talents and move into a clearer channel of receiving their intuition and messages from their divine connection here in the physical world. Between 26 and 31 beings will begin doing physical world activities that begin to connect them to their divine lesson plan. This will start to align in their lives in subtle ways and become more predominant if the being is clear with their intentions and goals. Beyond 31 the guides will always be around to assist and keep a person centered on their lesson plan, how clear the actions are will be based off of how clear the human is. It is always possible to develop your unique gifts and talents no matter what age, it is simply most accessible when a person is clear during the timeline provided.

The Circle of Light:

The 12 dimensions all coexist within the world we live in and can perceive today. When you look around with your two physical eyes you are seeing into the third dimension. What you may not see, lying in wait are the other subtler dimensions all coexisting right beneath the veil. Dimensions in nature become less dense as they progressively get higher in frequency. Even the most attuned spiritual seeker requires much practice to raise their frequency high enough to get access into the highest dimensions. With enough practice, openness, and an ok from the higher realms we can all experience the higher vibrational fields that are contained within our matrix.

The third dimension is explained as everything physical/material that you see around you. The third dimension is considered dense and therefore contains physical matter. You will learn later on that it is possible to take your physical body into higher dimensions, but this practice requires the ability to raise the vibrational level of the cells of your body very high.

The fourth dimension is the dimension of time and space. The fourth dimension is used to travel into the past and future. Beyond the fourth dimension there is no such thing as time so three dimensional beings must use this tunnel to access that which is all “time and space” or “past and future”. Here by using the fourth dimensional gateway we can travel outward (faster – more fine) and other beings can slow down and travel inward (slower- more dense) the fourth dimension is like the great inter dimensional airstrip allowing all with the intention to do so a landing strip to move wherever they are looking to go. When traveling through the fourth dimension many explain that it feels as if your body is being pulled or sucked through a cylinder like tube. As you raise your frequency your body will become lighter and around your head you will feel a pulling or lifting sensation. This is one of the ways that you can tell you are moving through the fourth dimension. Using the fourth dimension is where you can begin to remote view. This means using the eyes of another human or guide to gain perspective on a situation that has happened in the past or in the future or even in current time. When we go through a past life regression we are using one of our talents called ‘remote viewing’. During meditation in connection with your higher self, guides or angles you are most of the time using the fourth dimension to remote view. If you see yourself from a distance or watch a situation play out as if on a movie reel you are almost always using the fourth dimension.


It is easiest on a human body to use the talent of “remote viewing” as opposed to other techniques you will learn later. The fourth dimension being closest to our third dimension is close to the frequency of our normal Earth plane and therefore makes it easy for us to reach and hold this higher frequency without much change in our normal state of being. When a human brings in higher frequencies it changes the molecular structure of their physical body. This means when a person raises their frequency enough their physical body will begin to change and not always for the best. People who have channeled high frequency energy for repetitive years will begin to get mutations in their cells which can lead to tumors or cancer. So to own your energetic field and be cautious about the work you do is always recommended. Like my mentor told me, doing this work is not easy, it is a choice and being that it is a choice one should know exactly what they are getting into before they proceed.

The Circle of Light:

In the fifth dimension we can astral travel. This means that you don’t have to use another energetic forms eye to view timelines and you have choice in where you go and what you see. Here you are able to take your own etheric body and see events as they happen or as they may have happened at one time or in a specific timeline. You may move between remote viewing and astral travel during the same meditation session. A way to know you are doing both is to chose to meet your guides to review an upcoming even, once in your meditation you may at one point be remote viewing meaning using their eyes or your higher selves’ eyes and then in the next moment you may transition into astral travel. Astral travel is much harder on your body energetically so it is not uncommon in the beginning to bounce between the two dimensions depending on what you are working towards. If you feel you might be transitioning back and forth a way to know you are astral traveling is that when you touch or embrace your guides, you will always feel the surge of energy from this deep loving connection. If you are remote viewing it will not be as intense or you may not feel an energy transfer at all in your own physical body. During remote viewing we are simply witnessing encounters or events, not able to use the senses during the situation, but with astral travel we can go where we want, we can touch, smell, feel, hear and when these senses are engaged it is an indication that you are using the fifth dimension. An easy way to know you are using the fourth dimension is that the images will flash forward and back as if someone is pressing fast forward or rewind. Sometimes it can feel as if you are watching pictures scroll in front of your visual perception. As if you are flipping through a photo book with no control simply witnessing a series of events.


It is not uncommon for an individual to move into states of “lucid day dreams” where they are unknowingly within the fourth or fifth dimension. I will give an example from my own life, whenever I sit in my salon stylists’ chair I begin to get lulled into a state where my frequency raises into the fourth dimension. I will begin to move into “telepathy” or the mental field of my stylist. I will begin to pick up on her thoughts as if they are my own and begin to sense into her field. Unless my mind is sharp, I will not catch this activity before I am hearing the same words come out of my stylists’ mouth. This can happen to anyone when they are tired or not consciously on guard of what their subconscious and mental field are doing. This also happens to people when they perform repetitive tasks like driving, gardening, or washing dishes. During these types of activities one can find themselves slipping into states of lucidity. This is where the energetic bodies find harmony with one another and the natural breathing becomes very regulated. A persons’ field becomes pliable and their frequency will naturally raise. It is within these moments that one can sense into the subtle fields surround them. A person might go into life/timeline review, or have pre cognitions about future events, possibly one might move into the mental field of someone they are thinking about inspiring the other person to connect in the physical plane. Because humans are not taught what it means to live being surrounded by energy people do not know that they do these things on a regular basis. When these things are done unknowingly it can cause for much distress in a person’s life. When you don’t know what is your energy and what is someone else’s energy you may constantly feel confused, thinking that everything you see, sense, feel, hear and know is you when that is not always the case.

The Circle of Light:

In the sixth dimension you will encounter what humans call “heaven”. The sixth dimension is where souls go once they transition over from the third dimensional world. Here they move away from the dense matter in the third dimension and return back into higher vibrational energy. Due to souls freewill there is the option for a soul to stay behind in the fifth dimension where they exist on the earth plane still moving through life, but without a physical body, they will be without a vessel. A soul might choose to

stay and not move on because they are attached to the third dimensional existence or people they use to know. This typically only happens to souls that have been through catastrophic deaths or subsides as these souls are unknowing of their death most of the time. This may happen because the energetic connection to those still living is too strong and the living might be keeping the soul behind.  Most souls that die here on earth in the third dimension have to go through a transition period where they are bound to the earth and their physical body that remain in the third dimension, but they are stuck in the fifth dimension while this transition happens. When this happens all souls have their guides with them helping them to clearly understand what has occurred, but again there is a transition period and it takes time to acclimate to the new senses and receptors that get turned on when you enter into energetic form. Most souls choose to move on from this period in the appropriate amount of time and can find their way easily and with help from higher frequency beings into the sixth dimension. There are some that want to stay behind or stay to long and find it more difficult to find their way back into the sixth dimension. As each day passes in the fifth dimension, connection to a potential different way of life becomes more distant and acceptance of the new fifth dimensional lifestyle settles in and souls become stuck in this dimension. These are what we call the ghosts in our third dimension. Please note that a soul that wants to move into the sixth dimension will always be allowed and shown the way, but as time passes so does any need or reason to move on. Remember that the fifth dimension is a place where we can see, feel, sense, touch and it looks as if we may still be living in the surroundings of our familiar world so it could be very easy to forget and remain behind. The fifth dimension is used in time travel; many beings from other dimensions use this dimension to move about our earth. Those in the fifth dimension can see beings in the third, but because of a lower vibrational level those in the third dimension can’t perceive what is in the fifth, unless you find yourself slipping into higher states of frequency.

In the sixth dimension we will become our higher self. This is the divine part of our self that has remained tapped into the higher frequencies of all space and all time. The higher self is knowledge and wisdom of all of our life times a complete version of our soul that we have access to always in this third dimension, but due to the vibration and energy of this component of ourselves unless we higher our frequency while still on earth in human form this part of ourselves remains convoluted full understanding is veiled from our human perspective. We connect to this knowing only through signals or impulses of remembrance like dreams or synchronicities.  Remember our human forms are very dense and it takes high frequency energy to connect all aspects of our soul self into a singular time and space. When one passes on from physical form into the sixth dimension this is where our soul gets taken into a life review lasting around twenty human years here we have the ability to work out the areas of karma where it did not successfully accomplish what it had set out to do. With the help of our guides who work here we figure out what lessons we will work on in our next lives or what work we will choose to do in our next incarnation. The sixth dimension then turns into a school for the soul, it’s where we review, learn and plan and practice for our continued existence as a soul making the return journey to Earth. This phase of our journey takes about 100 human years to complete. Beings in the third dimension can access the sixth dimension by raising their frequency and using either remote viewing or astral projection to experience timeline review, past life viewing of lessons, light retrieval, and even karmic clarity. If you have heard the phrase “heaven on earth”, there is a point at which a human being can raise their frequency high enough so that they are in constant contact with their higher self. Eliminating fear from their journey and bringing a sense of comfort and ease to the human body. This is called the decent of the higher self and it can only happen when a human is able to maintain a frequency that permits that haven energy to reside within the human form by raising the base level frequency to a six or higher. This can happen in short intervals over a life time or be maintained with conscious awareness of the energetic field and opening to the energetic field around one’s own body. For most souls going through this spiritual journey it will be hard to stay open and receptive enough to allow the higher self to descend into the body as well as stay connected and grounded to the Earth at all times. It is important to know that by practicing your meditative work and staying open and grounded all of the time you will create space for this shift to occur. The higher self or wise consciously aware self cannot stay in a body that is constricted or holds any dense or lower vibrational energy so eliminating these patterns from your body will allow for a more natural merging to happen.


Try a fun mental activity: Take away any concept of time and now reread the above paragraph. If time does not exist in the sixth dimension that would indicate that our six dimensional self or our transitioned soul is infinite, even in the here and know all knowing and perfect. If this soul piece is infinite and resides in all space and all time and we have access to that component of ourselves what happens when this shift occurs and we being to know ourselves as the higher self? How does this relate to heaven on earth? What happens when we are channeling our higher self and are aligned completely with this component of our existence? What is a human life (considering time) if we have an infinite existence in these other dimensions?

The Circle of Light:

The seventh dimension holds a higher frequency than all previously reviewed dimensions, here guides amongst other things may reside. These seventh dimensional guides chose to partner together with humans and assist with items within their divine lesson plan. Guides can be working with multiple humans at one time, remember past the fourth dimension there is no such thing as time so it is possible for a guide to work with any number of humans at the same time in this dimension. A guide from the seventh dimension will work with a human on specific areas within their lesson plan. For example, a seventh dimensional being and your soul might have connected together during a transition time while you were performing a life review in the sixth dimension. During this life review before you chose to incarnated back to a physical plane or elsewhere the two of you may have decided to partner together during your next cycle of life. The seventh dimensional being is tasked to take on your soul’s case and their job was going to be to help you stay aligned to your path by learning some of the life lessons you chose to learn in this next existence. Seventh level guides can be considered very social, due to their jobs descriptions within this seventh dimension. These guides are continually trying to align humans together on the earth plane encouraging people to come together to either resolve past karma or to assist in learning lessons or to help in transitional times. In the seventh dimension there is a lot of networking going on between guides, their goal is to fill our social calendars and our day to day interactions with encounters that keep us aligned to our highest path. This means that these guides are working behind the scenes trying to get people to meet together to encourage growth and alignment. In a human term we would call these guys our soul agents, because they are working together trying to get us a starring role with another soul in the stage that is our Earth. A great piece of advice to remember is that if you are having problems with a human from the third dimension you can always call on your seventh dimension guide to step in and talk with their seventh dimensional guide to elevate the tension or bring light to the situation between you and this other human. This will work if it is for your highest good, it will not work if you are trying to avoid a lesson or experience that is for your greatest alignment. A seventh dimensional guide will pop in and pop out of your life depending on what your needs are at any given moment in time.


Remember as you elevate your frequency into higher dimensions’ the things that you perceive around you do not change only your relationship to them do. As three dimensional beings perceive only that which is tangible and material around them this will become their reality. Once a three dimensional begin begins to play within the unseen field around them they will being to develop a different understand and relationship to that which is a higher frequency. So to do higher vibrational energies perceive all that which is similar to their frequency. As a person begins to elevate their frequency and has experiences with time travel, remote viewing, telepathy and other modes of higher energy beings you begin to realize that everything coexists within the same matrix, it is only our limited awareness that holds us back from this complete assimilation into the truth of our existence. Think of a high level military security compound. Those who have a first level clearance can access common spaces that are open to all, they do not have knowing’s of what lies within the spaces of the higher level clearance areas. Those who have a second level clearance can access the same areas as level one, but also have special areas that those with their same level clearance can access. Those who have a third level clearance can access even more areas than one and two and so on. Level three has the same access to level one and two, but also has access to a new area that includes those from level three. This is how the dimensions’ work. Once you gain access to a specific level those abilities stay with you yet it takes much clearing work and time spent trying to reach this clearance to begin to perceive from this state of awareness. Unlike a military clearance one only needs to open themselves to the possibilities of the dimensions to begin to perceive from its space, like a military clearance there are those who guide us who help us to achieve these different levels so never be scared to call out to your highest and most loving guides to help you achieve the perspective in which you hope to seek. Within the higher dimensions our guides also deal with these clearances. In the fifth dimension beings trapped here have no greater knowledge then your human self and these beings if they come in contact with your light might actually impose their own ego driven needs onto your journey. Above the fifth dimension is the sixth dimension here there are souls who are able to be in contact with third dimensional beings for a time during their stay in the sixth dimension. These souls are not supposed to interfere with your lesson plan at all because they are not guides, and do not have the ability to mentor you on your path. Above this are seventh dimensional guides, these guides come from a different solar system then you and have finished their incarnation cycle. They have had experiences just like you and are now tasked with seventh dimensional responsibilities of mentoring you along your lesson plan, you would have meet with them while in the sixth dimesion. There are seven different levels of knowledge or clearance within this dimension and each comes with its own job. Past this is the eight dimension here again guides who have passed through the clearances of the seventh dimension are able to work with us with greater knowledge and understanding. There are seven different levels here and each comes with more knowledge and clearance then the last. Past this is the ninth dimension where there are eight levels that guides can move through.

Circle of Light:

The eighth dimension hosts guides that work with humans on bigger picture items. For example, if your lesson plan states that you are to learn, remember and use healing arts while living here on earth you will have an eighth dimensional guide who is waiting for you to come into this phase of your life. When you are ready the eighth dimensional guide will be with you during the times when you are learning these skills and even performing these skills. They will make sure you are in contact with the people and information you need and help you to stay aligned to this process so that you can accomplish your goals and complete this greater objective. This guide will only enter into your field of awareness if and when you are focused on this goal. They will not be there day to day like your seventh dimensional guides. They will come into and out of your life mostly while you are engaged in this specific activity. These guides help you by allowing you the frequency necessary to remember how and why you are aligned to this goal and they will make sure you receive the lessons necessary that surround you and this new energy. Eighth level guides have a bigger picture take on your life and they will pick and chose based off of your own progression when to enter into and out of your energetic field.

In the ninth dimension you also have guides, but it is less likely they will be working directly with you. The only time a ninth dimensional guide will be working directly with you is if you are performing jobs here on earth that effect large groups of people or major shifts in consciousness. In the ninth dimension guides mostly preside over other groups of guides. An example of this would be that a ninth level guide is working with a group of eighth dimensional guides who are all working with humans who are learning to teach others humans about healing using medical intuition. In these dimensions’ guides will be working directly with humans if and when it suites the best interest of the human and their lesson plan, guides will also be working with other guides as in the example above. Ninth dimension presides over eighth dimension and eighth dimension presides over the seventh dimension and so on. Although there is no higher archery there is a level of perspective that is achieved that is greater as you move into the higher dimensions. The ninth dimension guides could be considered Karma Cops as they are making sure that everything is within the divine alignment of the humans, the guides and everything in the matrix. These guides will make sure that everyone is working towards the highest good of all involved and they will make sure free will is kept intact and lessons are not taken away from those needing the experience. This happens all throughout the dimensions, each level you move through there is more gained perspective so where one dimension may believe an action is best taken in a specific way the next level may see that there are other opportunities to take the same action during a different time or space. Even within the dimensions there are checks and balances to keep the matrix operating at maximum harmony.

In the tenth dimension we no longer have guides that work directly with humans. Here we have gatekeepers or guardians to the energy that resides here in the tenth dimension. Within the tenth dimension we have the god head energy, this can be experienced as the light that connects and move through each and every human being and dimensional being within our matrix. In humans this energy connects down into the heart center or the fourth dimensional gateway or chakra. The energy found in the tenth dimension is a collection of all of the healing rays of light that are found within each of the other dimensions. This is where complete assimilation into our matrix happens and receptivity to our own divine existence happens. When complete balance of positive and negative energy is achieved within a being it is possible to hold and use this energy. Access into this space will complete a trinity of energies and bring the merkabha light body into full knowing within a third dimensional being. Tapping into this field will allow for ultimate healing and harmony to occur to a physical body. This tenth dimensional field can give access to all beings within the matrix or all dimensions of existence and allows the one using this field to gain wisdom and clarity over one’s experiences and purpose.


Healers use the tenth dimension to bring through the rays of light into the physical plane to help heal a physical body. When a person can resonate with this energy no lower vibrational energy can affect the physical body. This is divine light energy and anyone who wishes to use this for their greater good has access into its frequency.

Circle of Light:

The eleventh dimension holds a connection from our matrix into other matrixes out beyond our known field. It can be seen as a frame work of gridded lines that extend form our matrix outward having the ability to touch all known matrixes in existence. Our matrix or “god” holds within it these ten dimensions and this eleventh dimension is the gateway to reach out beyond our known matrix and discover some of the other 40+ matrixes or gods that are within our reach.

Lastly is the twelfth dimension. This is our creator or the “god energy”. Although it may seem that these dimensions exist separate from one another that would be an untrue assumption. As you move through the dimensional frequencies the vibration of each dimension becomes higher and less dense and therefore all dimensions exist within one another just in finer and finer energetic levels. When trying to understanding what this god energy is we begin to see that it’s the energy that fills into every being on the subtlest of levels creating the grains of connection that unify all creatures within all the divine matrixes. It is the constant that connects everything to everyone and everyone to everything.

Circle of Light:


It is important to be able to raise your frequency if you wish to grow your conscious awareness and be able to gain greater perspective on the energy of things happening around you. Most humans reside in the third dimension which means if you are plotting this mark on the frequency scale they would be considered somewhere between a three and four. In order to move into the higher dimensions and connect with your guides, your unique gifts and talents, and the universal wisdom you must be able to raise your frequency and release the density from your energetic field.

Frequency changes in a body will feel slightly different to each individual going through them, but ultimately there are a few command threads between each individual’s experience. The goal when working with frequency is to first be able to feel it, and then begin to hold the higher energy within your body. When you begin holding this energy you will be able to consciously move the subtle vibrations around your body feeling and illuminating each area of the body you think about. A first time encounter with frequency coming into your energetic field might feel like a head ach or possibly pain to review one of the extremes. If you have started a meditation practice for the first time you may find yourself going through moments of dizziness or lightness in the limbs or head. Frequency in its most beautiful and subtle of forms will feel like light energy moving through your body starting at the head in most cases and running through the body like a chill or shiver. Again each person will describe this encounter differently and each is correct. You must recognize that whatever you are feeling no matter if it connects to these words or not is energy. If you think it is, it is, so go with what you feel and begin to play with what you are experiencing by seeing how long you can stay connected to it, before the sensations dissipate.


To review, if you hold a three frequency and find yourself receiving the full impact of an eighth dimensional guide while in meditation, it might feel like you were going to explode from sharp pain wherever the energy is channeling though you. It is important to know this is an extreme example and not how our guides chose to work with us. Over time we will be introduced to small amounts of our guides frequency allowing us to establish a connection to the higher energy. Once we begin to hold and work with this higher vibration we will be given more. It is a fine balance between human and guide when discussing how this energetic connection works. Remember frequency is energy and has the ability to change our biological constitute, therefore if an eighth level guide were to work with you they would do this work gradually allowing your physical body time to adjust to the new energy. Your guides will begin by sending you small amounts of this energy over time until your body is able to hold the higher vibration on its own. This might mean that during this time in your human world you will be called to let go of patterns and density that no longer serve your field. This will allow you to open up more fully to receive the higher frequencies coming through. This work takes time on so many levels so it is important to respect your journey and allow it to unfold as it is intended to. Release can and should happen on a physical, emotional, mental and then spiritual level. When one resists a calling to change their frequency they will most likely experience “problems” in their physical vessel. During cases of resistance one might take on illness and pains that can create sever blocks in their human body. This happens to try and signal the human to release whatever it is that they are holding onto that is no longer serving them. Note, this change will not happen to someone unless it is in their lesson plan. We all set parameters for ourselves for when we come into this human life and some will be called to change a lot sooner than others, so never compare your journey to that of another because all being are different in their lessons and that is part of the beauty contained within this experience.

Circle of Light:

When you first begin a journey and a guide is bringing to you a new level of frequency the information you receive during times of connection may come in fuzzy or be contained within brief encounters. This will happen until you are ready to hold this new energy more fully within your physical body. For an inexperienced meditator you can begin to request to feel energy within your own body by simply making a statement to the universe. Through a mental connection simply ask that you begin to feel energy within your body. When you say this from your mental center and send this request outward you should immediately start to feel energy moving within your body. This may feel like ants running up or down your spine or around your head, you may experience this energy as the hairs on your body standing on end. At this point it is suggested not to overanalyze what is happening to you on a physical level and just recognize that it is happening. Simply keep yourself open to the experiences that follow.


Words for the new meditator. There will be times during meditation when you will experience a very fluid connection to guides and the imagery that they will be sending or showing to you. This will be new and exciting. In these cases of connection, undoubtedly you will have had a guide with you helping to higher your frequency. This will allow you the ability to receive whatever it is you needed to receive. It is here that you will later understand what dimensional level you reached into by way of the help from your guide. This assistance alone will not promote your base level frequency to raise, but will show you the way to creating a connection through your human experience, to be, to see, and to feel into the new level you were brought into by your guide through meditation. Within this connection you will not have the bodily pains or density releasing discussed earlier, because you were being lifted into another dimension momentarily. It is only when you are doing clearing work that your body may experience the pain associated with a base level frequency increase. What you may experience after this connected encounter with your guide will be feelings of light headedness when you stand up or a vertigo sensation while sitting down, and quite possibly numbness in your limbs or face. After an encounter like this you may feel either a surge of energy or like you need to take a nap, no in-between, truthfully there has never been an in-between for me while practicing. No matter if you are experienced or inexperienced it is always recommended to take your process slowly and respect the energy as it comes in. If and when you overdo it, and I promise you will overdo it. It is recommended to listen to the signs to slow down, when you feel tired, or like you don’t want to mediate, do not force yourself into situation you are resisting. There will be times when your body needs to integrate the information it has received and if you don’t slow down you will be forced energetically to slow down by the universe, this is never a good sign.

Circle of Light:

Methods to raise your Frequency.

There are many ways to raise your frequency beyond what is stated here. Through reading the words below you may be inspired to try something new and exciting that pops into your head. Know that in order to connect into the energetic field around you all you must do is request it, if aligned to your path the process will be simple. Trust in what you are guided towards and be sensitive to your own inner callings. Raising your frequency is a trial and error method of practice that only you will be able to validate as successful or not. It is important like always to initially ground yourself in meditation before you begin to explore raising your frequency. If you are ungrounded and begins this work, you may not be able to register the changes happening within your field, so find a pathway to grounding that works best for you and make sure to perform this ritual before moving into any of the following techniques. It is also important to set your intention prior to your practice. Make sure to note this intention in your journal for full clarity during your practice while moving into the stillness of your breath work. This will help to align you more fully to your hoped for outcome, and will enable you to understand the results more fully based off of your set intention.

Method number one.

This method is best used if you have already established a connection with your guides. Meaning that if you have meditated in the past and been able to connect to the energy of the guides or angels with you either by clairvoyance, clairsentience or other methods of perceiving while in the higher dimensional realms. If you have not connected with these energies yet it would be recommended that you try the other methods first and then come back to this one once you have established a trusting connection to those working with you. The only reason to not practice this method before you make a connection is because of the trust issue between you and the practice. Without some type of encounter to recall you will have to be very trusting moving into this specific practice and as it is humans will question everything.

Method one simply stated consists of you asking your guides to higher your frequency. After your grounding meditation is performed take notice of your body. Once you feel into the sensations moving through your body then ask for your guides to raise your frequency higher than it was just moments ago. Compare the feelings you hold now to the feelings you had when you initially sat down.  Do you feel more vibrations or tingling sensations moving around your body? Can you tell how these waves of energy are now moving through you, meaning what direction or towards what part of your body? Are there areas in your body where you can’t feel these energetic sensation?

Once you have found this initial baseline within your body, call on your highest and most loving guides to come and higher your frequency even higher than it was just moments ago. It is good practice to get in the habit of asking your guides where you currently are on the frequency scale, meaning what your base line number is. This means being open to hear a number between one and ten. This will help so that you can note how deep you can go within this frequency raising practice. After you find out where you are on the frequency scale, begin to feel into your body for any areas not completely taken over by this new vibration. Ask your guides to move their energy into those areas and create more alignment for the energy to resonate more fully within your body. Once you feel fully aligned into this vibration ask your guides to raise your frequency to any level above the number you were given earlier as your base line, asking for a specific number or staying open to be raised as high as you are meant to go today. At this point don’t do anything, this is very important, here you are placing your trust in the guides surrounding you. Simply sit back and continue your circular breathing. The only goal of this practice should be to raise your vibration to the number you are open to reaching or had just requested. You can wait until you feel a complete diminishing of this energy and then ask your guides to tell you what level of frequency you were able to achieve.


For those who are clairaudient when they ask a question they will get an immediate voice response back answering their question, if you are not clairaudient or more likely have not developed this talent yet in your practice you will need another method of connection to get answers to your questions. A fun way to receive answer that I will use to this day to eliminate any ego concerns over what I am hearing is to use my fingers or hands as different indicators of the answers I am seeking. Example of this, set up your fingers with numbers from one to ten reaching from one pinky finger to the next. Tell your guides to stop you from moving on when you have gotten to the right number or finger. This is working on your claircognicianze or your direct knowing. Your mind will clear or you will not easily be given the next number in sequence you will simply know when you hit the correct number or finger that answers your question. If your primary mode of receiving is clairsentience or feeling, ask the guides to send you a sensation within the finger that represents the number you are looking to receive as the answer to your question. When searching for yes or no answers I wills sometimes set each hand as either, yes or no, I will then wait for my hand to be closed or moved or effected in some way to receive the guidance I seek. If your primary method of receiving is clairvoyance you can ask for a red light and green light to appear for you as you count higher and higher up the scale to see where your frequency landed. There are many different methods you put into place to receive the direct guidance in which you seek.

After you figure out your achieved frequency send gratitude and love to those that assisted you with this practice and close your session. Following this session in your meditations you will ask your guides to raise your frequency to that of the vibration you achieved during this session or something better. You will work on this until you can feel your own frequency move between the different dimensions. This takes practice and patience. Stay consistent and be open to receive the subtle changes in vibration that your body goes through during these practices. When you become aware of your frequency during all waking moments and meditation moments you will begin to feel when your body begins to slip into higher level frequencies indicating a need for you to ground and become present to what the field around you is doing.

Circle of Light:

Method number two.

Method number two will review how you can raise your frequency by using a crystal or gemstone. Crystals are known to help clear low, dense, energy from the field around you. Along with clearing energy within a space, crystals can also help to raise your frequency and the vibrational field of the space around you. It is best if you have already performed clearing work on your chakra centers and your energetic field so that the crystals you use can work effectively on your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Without having performed energetic clearing work in your field it may be hard to perceive the subtle vibrations of the crystal. While using crystals in your meditative work if you can see, sense, feel and know that they are functioning it will be extremely helpful in confirming that these shifts and changes are affecting you in the way you intend them to. Please note that crystals will always be active and do what they are supposed to or intended to do, whether you notice the subtle shifts or not. If you are not clear within your energetic field, it becomes confusing as to what is happening and that is why it is so important to do your own clearing work before you experiment with this exercise.

When you have created space to receive higher energy within your vessel the vibrations from the crystals will help to raise the frequency in your body. This in turn will allow you to move into higher dimensional states of existence. Performing this work will feel similar to working with a guide, but in this case you will hold the crystal in your hand and ask the crystal to do the work instead of calling out for the energy of your guides.

Teachers Note: Crystals are said to be manifestations of higher dimensional energy that has chosen to manifest into physical form here within our third dimensional plane. So there is no real separation between working with a crystal and working with a guide. Their divine energy is very much the same, but here you have a tangible element to hold onto while requesting and intending through your work. When we bring something like amber into our energetic field our field replicates some of the signature qualities that amber holds like it natural anti-inflammatory qualities. Simply by having amber around our physical bodies the physiology of the way we operate begins to change from the physical through to the spiritual. Specific minerals, gems and crystals have come into our Earth plane as certain points during our existence to bring through different energetic currents that humanity needed at that point in time. The manifestation of these elements into our plane have come to assist us in our own assention so use them if you feel drawn to their energy.  

Circle of Light:

In selecting a crystal if you are new to this work and do not yet have a crystal collection, you will want to take a week or two and surround yourself everyday with crystals energy. You can do this simply enough by thinking about crystals, and asking for crystals to appear, ask for crystal guidance in your life. Set the intention that you want to find a crystal that will resonate with your energetic field. Specifically ask that this crystal will help enable you to travel into higher dimensional plains. Sit with this intention in mediation and then become very aware at the synchronistic events that start to happen in your life. You may see a program on television that you have never seen before talking about gemstones and their unique qualities. You may find a stone lying in the open somewhere unexpected waiting for you to pick it up. You may have an urge to drive down a street that has a metaphysical shop filled with crystals for you to examine.

Keep your field fluid and open to receive the guidance that will begin to come through. Remember when you ask the universe to provide, it does, but there are factors that come into play that will help you achieve your desired result. One factor you must be aware of is that you must be open to receive, meaning you must be present and grounded to the energies coming through. The second factor is that you need to be aligned to this part of your timeline or path. When working in your energetic field (simply meaning when working with the divine) when you ask for a stone guide to present itself for you it almost always will come to you when you ask. We say almost always because if you have asked for something else in the same manor that you were not present to when it appeared, you may have placed an energetic block on your ability to manifest, and it might be harder to get the synchronistic connections as they come through.  By using this practice, of asking the universe, you will also see how quickly things manifest into your world. It is always interesting to see how aligned we are on our paths by how quickly what we ask for comes into our field. Does it take one day to bring something of want or need into being in your world? Does it take a week, or a year? Start to journal your requests from the universe and create a timetable to see how quickly those requests get brought into your life. You may be surprised by what you find.

Once you find a crystal ally you should begin to work with this stone during quiet meditation. Sit in your meditation space and begin to perform your grounding process. You will want to be holding onto your crystal in whatever hand feels most receptive to its energy. From here start asking the crystal to raise your frequency higher than it was just moments ago. Feel your body and feel where you may be closed off to receiving this crystals’ energy. Ask the crystal to send energy into those areas of your body that feel stagnant and are not fully opening up to this flow. Ask that your entire body be filled with this crystals high vibrational energy. Request this for every area of the body that feels pain or might be holding onto stagnancies or blocks.

Once your entire body feels open and is in resonance with this crystals vibration, meaning you can feel your body shift into alignment, feeling the tingling sensations moving freely through it. Ask your crystal what base level your frequency is in this space and time? Wait patiently until you receive a response. You may have to practice this exercise multiple times before you get relaxed enough to hear, sense, see or feel into the number given. Once you get your baseline number continue to ask the crystal to help raise your frequency, moving it even higher than it was moments ago. If you have practiced this multiple times finding that you are not increasing your number at all, it may be time to ask a few more questions. You can ask how high this crystal is meant take you, and find out what the overall goal of this crystals partnership with you is? In some cases, it may not be time for you to experience different levels of dimensions using higher frequencies through this crystal. This could be because you need to experience something you on your path that you have missed. Or you may need to experience something you haven’t played around with yet. Remember crystals are here as messengers and most have a divine message from humans, if you have not moved into the crystals world yet to hear that message and have been solely focused on your intended journey you may not gain the full access in which you seek. As humans we tend to want to move into the next level without fully experiencing the level we currently reside within. Make sure you are receiving the teachings and lessons before you assume something is broken. Other times the answer to your frustration could be that you have gone as far as you can with that one stone. Make sure you ask your crystal if it is time to find a different crystal to experience different levels of frequency and dimension? Some crystals may only take you up to a certain frequency because they may only be working with you to move into the astral plane or possible to connect you to a seventh dimensional guide or experience. If you are feeling stuck with your current crystal make sure to open up a dialog to find out if it is time to transition onto another crystal or possibly bring a second partner crystal into the mix. Crystals also love to work simultaneously with one another for greater benefits to the user.

Method number three

Using nature to higher your frequency.

Nature is one of the quickest way you will find to raise your frequency, especially as a newly practicing meditator. By removing yourself form areas where there is electromagnetic frequency you will be able to connect quicker and more clearly then when surrounded by these distracting electronic impulses. There is no trick to finding a spot in nature, you could honestly go right into your back yard, assuming you have some grass and a good looking tree, and lie down amongst this earthing connection. In nature whatever fells most pleasant will allow you to achieve this transcended state of connection that you are looking for. Like during each of the previous instructions you will start with your grounding meditation as this establishes an intention to move forward and connect openly to receive the energy from the field around you. Once you are grounded it will be your job to do one of the following things to raise your frequency.

The first step you will perform through the process of raising your frequency whilst in nature would be to look and feel around your space for a spot that is calling out to you. By doing this you are finding a place in nature that resonates with your body and will help to align your energy and raise your frequency. When you connect with a spot that feels good to you, it could possibly mean you are sitting within a natural vortex which is very common in many places within nature. Our earth produces natural vortexes where our energetic levels will naturally raise whilst we are amongst them. Another option would be to look around at nature and wait for a tree, flower, or stone to call out to your field by catching your view. By keeping a soft gaze, you may even be able to perceive a space within nature that is holding a higher vibrational energy, vortex, or even auric light that seems right for your work. Again when using nature, it is important to stay very open, for this is old, deep, slow magic that presents itself to those who can ground into its stillness and strength. If you are familiar with the place in nature you have selected, you could perform this last act with your eyes closed. Choosing to sit in a spot that feels right and wait for an image of a plant or flower ally to show up to you. Someone not so familiar with this practice can search around the landscape as expressed above and move into a spot that energetically feels most in harmony with your own being. If you feel you are being called to stare more closely at a flower or tree it might be presenting itself to you, specifically to help raise your frequency. In nature this can happen very quickly and quite harmoniously so don’t hesitate if you feel a pull towards something, meaning you hold its gaze for more than five seconds. Move next to that part of nature and simply be with it while becoming hypnotized by its many details.

The practice will begin once you have completed the steps above, whether you are sitting in an energy vortex created by nature or are connecting with a plant or flower these next steps you will chose to do with your eyes open or closed. You must judge for yourself whatever feels most connected and comfortable for you is what is recommended. Keeping your eyes open helps you to stay connected to the present moment, allowing you easier access to your breath and the connection to the time space you reside within. Closing your eyes may allow you to travel interdimensional easier or perceive things which the open eyes are unable to see. Each is a different level of experience and each will bring you the intention in which you seek.

Like all previously discussed practices involving frequency you will start with your grounding meditation and then move into a full body scan, here you will begin to recognize any feelings of stagnancy or pain inside your body. Placing your attention on these points of resistance you will being to open your energetic field up to the vortex, the surroundings, or the nature allies of the trees and flowers you have chosen to connect yourself with today. When using the natural energetic flow of your surroundings or a vortex allow all energies that surround you to enter your body using your breath. Allow the energy to open your body up so that you can feel the subtle vibration move through your body, releasing any blockages and taking you deeper into the practice. When working with the energy of a plant ally simply connect to the image of the ally you are working with, allow yourself to become very relaxed in its presence and begin to receive the harmonizing vibrations that this ally sends to you. Note if you try to understand this connection using the logical left brain you will close off the natural give and take between you and nature. Keep yourself relaxed creates the natural harmony between the duality of our human body to take place and by staying fluid through left and right brain allows transference to work.

Whether you are working with the energy of the surroundings or a specific tree or flower ally, ask this connection where your current frequency is at on a scale from one to ten. It may take time to establish a language or symbolic understanding between you and nature so whether you receive an answer or not ask that this energy or ally help raise your frequency higher than it was just moments ago. Simply sit with your breath and hold the image of the tree or flower in your mind’s eye or breathe into the vibration and flow of the vortex surrounding you. Don’t create expectation or time limits, simply allow yourself to receive. When you feel your time is done ask what frequency you achieved and send gratitude and thanks to your surroundings. Working with nature is so wonderful because you can call upon the image of the flower or tree you worked with at anytime, even when you are not around them you can use their connection to raise your frequency. This goes the same for the vortex energy, once you experience the feelings and flow of the vortex you can close your eyes and use your mental center to bring back into view the natural setting to reconnect with its energy and raise your frequency. Connecting with plants and nature is just like using crystals, plants and nature may show up for you to help your life and your divine alignment in specific ways, so make sure to keep good records of your experiences. By keeping these records, you will know what energy to call upon when you need something specific and what is going to be the easiest way to connect and receive the information you are searching for. By keeping records, you will also begin to see what connections are showing up in your life for the same purposes, this can be very helpful when you are seeking higher wisdom over your path.  

Finding allies that will assist in hiring your vibration is going to be the key to receiving clear guidance surrounding your life’s path. To find an ally in the form of a crystal or flower will help your natural antenna or energetic channel to connect to the frequencies of the universe surrounding you. As a human being living a spiritual existence it is important that you can understand not only the vibrations that are familiar to you, but those vibrations still unfamiliar, that is where the amplifier of an ally can become very handy in your training. Take crystals for example, today quartz crystal is still used in microphones, because of their ability to change sound energy into electrical impulses which can then be used to broadcast a message. There are subtle frequencies moving all around us that we only pick up on because we are tuned into their channel. When we surround ourselves within the world of the elements and we become still enough to resonate with their vibration we become tuned into a language we never thought we could understand. These amplifiers or allies become our still point, our authentic place from which we chose to move from daily. All we must do is simply become attuned to their energies, to hear their guidance and wisdom.


When creating resonance with the frequencies of your spirit guides and allies one of the most important qualities to establish is trust. Without trust your practice will slowly unravel beneath you leaving no foundation to work from. Questions asked during mediation will be mulled over with endless curiosity. Without complete trust in your practice no answer will ever seem to fit that can be completely accepted. To establish trust between you and your channels you must establish boundaries, guidelines and understandings that will help you to feel confident in what you receive. The following will hopefully empower you to begin to establish trust within these sacred connections.


Part 2 - Grounded Awareness



Any good beginning to a spiritual emergency should start with a powerful and connected process. This process should be able to help the individual going through the emerging process feel trust and assurance that the work they are about to embark upon is authentically connected to them and their own journey. In our case this first practice is going to surround the spiritual and human concept we call grounding.

Grounding is the first and most important practice one must establish to help bring forth their unique gifts and talents. Before you move through any grounding practices you must first understand fully this concept of grounding so that your work may be built upon a strong foundation appropriate to your divine lesson plan. After recognizing what it means to be fully grounded one will then be asked to establish a daily practice of grounding that will help to bring forth the uniqueness that lies within that individual. Simply put this means your journey will begin to unfold as it is meant to unfold for you and not the person sitting next to you. Remember that as individuals choosing to experience this world we chose paths that are different from one another and although a mentor may be able to tell you exactly what to do and how to do it, this may be better suited to their path and not your own. So learning to establish your own grounding process will be the most impactful for your future growth.

Through a practice of daily grounding you will be able to establish a strong antenna like connection from your energetic body into the matrix. Doing this daily practice will connect the presence of your higher self or all-knowing self into your human, physical existence. This process will make you aware of the frequencies and energies within you, which will allow you to learn with full clarity the talents that you pose. All of this will happen by way of your authentic connection that has been created through grounding into the divine.

To define “grounding” is complicated, as is anything when you try to dissect it into manageable and understandable parts. On a physical level grounding can be called the physical connection between a human and his surroundings. Some people chose to use “earthing” equipment to be better connected and grounded into the energy of the earth. Some chose to use crystals and minerals from the Earth to feel a vibration and frequency of the present moment. Some chose to walk barefoot amongst the earth to feel at peace and connected with the present moment and others visualize roots or cords connecting their energetic bodies into the planet. When you begin to understand this interpretation of grounding it is very physically rooted in connection to our third dimensional plane. This physical layer is, but one element that is necessary to understand before performing your own grounding practice.

The second layer to grounding involves understanding it from an emotional level. This layer of grounding is more concerned with humanities destiny and what that means in connection to the Earth. As humans seek spirituality they begin to lose touch with their emotions. They do this by becoming clear in their emotional bodies by simply using emotions as indications of what is happening in the field around them and not engaging with the sensations of that particular emotion. This detachment from emotion is a natural process that any spiritual seeker will go through in order to journey into higher dimensional frequencies. In order for a third dimensional being to begin to perceive the different dimensions without concern of ego, which means falsely guided information they must elevate their consciousness from that of the physical plane.  In the physical plane emotions are used to create connections to our physical Earth and to travel away from the Earth dimension one must release these emotional entanglements to begin to perceive on a greater scale. The concern surrounding this quest to raise your frequency is that as humans begin to lose touch with their emotions and the emotional body they will also begin to lose their connection with the Earth. In this secondary level of grounding it is important to know that although we chose to raise our level of consciousness and seek out our connection to spirit we are still human. Humans have chosen to be one of the caretakers of the Earth and in doing so this means we must remain in connection to our third dimensional plane to help keep the Earth grounded within our Universal Martix. The act of grounding allows us to be open to the energy surrounding us yet also allows us to keep our connection to the Earth. This is how we become both human and spiritual being residing in the same time and space. Grounding allows us to have both of these attributes at the same time. This practice will help you to establishing times when you chose to elevate your frequency through grounding practices and other times when you will choose to remain balanced within the normal operating mode of the third dimension (being human). The third dimension is where we can connect into the energy of all other light beings surrounding us including family, friends, doing things we love, and caretaking for the Earth.

The third level of understanding surrounding grounding involves learning to establish guidelines for your energetic practice not only concerning emotions, but now also within the mental field. When you become connected into the presence of the moment you can pick up on what is happening in the field around you. This means sensing into past, future and current situations all by thinking about a situation. It will be important that you are one with the energy surrounding you when you are in meditation and also when you are out of meditation because here everything you think will become a part of your reality or a distraction from it. You will need to trust in your connection to this field because at this point your journey will become guided by synchronistic occurrences and patterns that come to the surface for your review. The mental field requires that you realize everything you experience is for your highest good and that when you ground yourself by using meditation you are creating a direct link into your everyday life for divine awareness to come through. Learning to release control over your mental impulses and reducing your want or need to control the situations around you will allow you the present mind awareness to see clearly what is being created for you to participate in. When you are ready to understand this part of your grounded awareness life will no longer allow you to control your destiny it will bring your destiny to you while you are open and present enough to be ready for it.

Now that the three bodies of the first triad otherwise known as the first level of conscious awareness have been discussed it is important to know that when a soul achieves the proper grounding practice it will bring into alignment all three subtle bodies, uniting human and spirit into one. By intentionally creating balance between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies you bring forth an energy that solely resonates with your frequency. This is the highest level of connection you will be able to find to grow and learn from while working through this metaphysical filed.

What you are doing during a grounding meditation is telling the universe that your energy is in alignment to channel and bring forth that which you need to be made more clear on and work through. After you perform your grounding work during your meditation you will have the opportunity to work with your collection of guides, angles, extra-terrestrials and other light beings who will be available to assist you with whatever intention you set for your practice. When setting an intention know that by using limiting words during your process you will likely follow a path that is limited to the words you use. Our guides and angles are here to assist us in working through our divine lesson plan. This plan was constructed between us and these guides and was specifically created for us to use while moving through our human and other incarnation experiences. If the work, you wish to perform in the physical world does not align with your lesson plan you will need to be clear in what you hope to accomplish before things become clear. Our guides will assist us based off of our intentions and sometimes our intentions are not stated from the highest possible perspective. It is important to keep your questions to the divine open and void of attachment. This will allow you to receive the highest level of guidance and will not place limitations on your experience.

To review, before you sit down to meditate or after your grounding practice when you are balanced and clear you will want to establish that which you hope to work on using a very clear and thoughtful intention. A practice that is helpful to capture high level intentions and questions is to carry around a notebook during your day. When you have moments of clarity throughout your day either through synchronicities, patterns or hunches it is recommended for you to write these impulses down in your notebook to be reviewed at a later time. Preferably when you can enter into a state of meditation. Once you have established your open channel by grounding through mediation you will be able to openly work from your kept notebook writing and reading without breaking your connection to the divine. This is called a state of trance. By establishing a state of trance in your mediation you can be assured that you are connected into the frequency of your guides and here they will be able to present to you the material that best suits your lesson plan.

If you are unfamiliar with the experience of being in a state of trance and you need more clarification on what this feels like, simply look more fully into your nightly routine of fallings asleep. The moments before you enter sleep, but are still aware of your surroundings is when your brain is reaching theta levels that begin to allow the subtle bodies to harmonize together in a fully balanced and receptive state. It is here that the body makes subtle twitches and adjustments before full sleep is found. Your body should become heavy and you may even find your bodily sensations become heightened which can lead to startling sensations if caught off guard. Similar to meditation, this is why it is important to find a space where you will not be interrupted frequently, not because it will pull you out of the meditative state, but because the body is so receptive that an intrusion will startle you to a point of intense shock through the body. During a state of trance, you will be very aware of what is happening around you, your eyes might even be open and you may find it easy to achieve automatic writing. To find this level of trance you simply need a repetitive sequence of guided commands that brings your body into a level of calm yet receptive conscious awareness. The grounding mantra will feel quite like the work performed by a hypnotist. Most people use a singular grounding pattern their whole lives never changing it to get themselves into a state of trance, once you perform this pattern a few times it becomes easier for the body to subtly fall into and out of this state. Another way to know that you are tapped into a state of trance is that shortly after you come out of this state you begin to forget what was received and experienced. Typically, after your meditative session as the hours’ tick by the information you received will become harder and more difficult to recall. This is a good sign that what you experienced was trance.

The last and single most important tip for grounding is to keep your breathing controlled. Your breath cycle will be able to take you deeper into your meditative state as well as bring you out if an interruption is needed. It is not uncommon to need to break your trance pattern to write something down in your journal or respond to someone in the third dimension. These reactions are all normal and ok to engage with whilst in meditation. Simply put your attention on your breath and continue the cycle of inhalation through the nose and exhalation out through the mouth, when the interruption is over you will return right back to the point of receiving when you left. By being able to bring yourself into and out of meditation like this it will allow you to move easily into states of waking meditation. Waking meditation will be the next big achievement in your spiritual process.

Waking meditation is simple enough to understand it is the process of grounding your energy throughout the day and being open to receive guidance while you are alert and awake without having to get into a meditative state. It is important to have established a strong meditative practice so that you are clear enough to be able to receive waking guidance. Most humans are not clear enough in their energetic field to be able to interpret this type of guidance. Due to lack of practice or clarity or both their own minds/mental bodies run on over drive inhibiting them from picking up on the patterns, synchronicities, and impulses that stream through their consciousness throughout the day. So when their most authentic guidance comes in they assume this to be just another impulse of an overactive mind. True guidance is sometimes so simple it is overlooked. This waking guidance can be as easy as getting out of your habitual patterns and following a whim or thought that floats into your mind out. These impulses are always streaming into you and the more you engage in their calls to action the more guidance and clarity you will receive. These experiences will help to heighten your human experience. As every human knows change is hard and does not sit well for most living in the third dimensional. When a standard routine is questioned and you receive guidance to change a habitual pattern, most people hesitate and will push this thought away. If one is not clear and does not have a trusted practice it will become harder to distinguish between ego mind and authentic guidance. The less one follows the cues of the mind the harder and more convoluted their path becomes. To trust ones own instinct and intuitive hunches is the easiest way to begin to follow the divine path and the simplest way to do that is to clear your mental field and begin following all impulses, seeking that which is the divine voice within.

When exploring the concepts of the ego mind and authentic guidance there is a lot of internal understanding and self actualizing that needs to be done before one can achieve full clarity. Once a person has gone through a self actualizing process more trust is created within their field and a clearer connection can be made. It is easy to tell someone to clear negativity out of their life, and remove fear. We ask them to eliminate the guilt and anxiety holding those people back from an authentic connection, but for one to actually go through a self-review and perform an introspective journey surrounding their life and to implement these changes is a completely different ball game. It takes time and careful consideration to go through ones’ internal system to watch for these ego indicators to pop up signaling where more clearing needs to be done. The collective consciousness is becoming very clear and the frequency of the planet is shifting. This means that many before you have done a lot of this work in preparation for your arrival into this matrix. So much of the negativity within the collective has been shifted and the false programming that seemed to control our emotions continues to reduce day by day.  This opens up your ability to connect more fully to the divine energy surrounding you. Now is the time while the planets frequency is steadily increasing to accept this unique challenge to clear your own field and open your channel to the divine. During this time in 2016 it is easy to slip into stages of complete connection into higher frequencies. In fact, most people do this unknowingly many times throughout the day. As you progress it becomes so important to establish practices that will help to keep you connected to your path, the divine, and your highest wisdom so that you can live your most abundant and fulfilled life possible.

You were blessed with your purpose in this life a long time ago. It is your unique ability as a human being to remember the divinity that lies within. Your process here on earth will allow you the pleasure of remembering exactly who you are and what you were created to do. By establishing a waking meditation, you will be able to connect into the field around you every day and receive immediate impulses about how connected and aligned you are on your path. The key to a waking meditation is to tune into your feet. You must establish a connection that moves through your body and out through your feet into the world. By everyday setting the intention that you are more grounded and connected than the day before you will confirm to the universe that you are ready to become engage, and a willing participant in the co-creating of your field.

Once a grounded connection has been established you may then begin the process of opening your mind to receive the impulses of the filed around you. In an unpracticed person who meditates this can be a bit overwhelming at first because it is easy to read into the etheric, emotional and mental fields of the people surrounding you. As humans we live in an electromagnetic world and any time we feel, think or simply be we give off electrical impulses that are carried into the matrix and felt by all. In our world so many humans operate on autopilot that they do not realize they are projecting their feelings, emotions and thoughts into the people around them. If you begin connecting to the universe through waking meditations, you will surly encounter all of these impulses from the untrained people around you. In the beginning stages of your practice this can be alarming because in a body that does not know its own field (etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual) a person might confuse what they are perceiving as their own energy, and not understand that it is merely a projection from a person in the field around you. This is why when you begin this practice it is important to know yourself well before any attempt is made to dive into the matrix. Uncertainty in yourself, your body, your feelings and your practice may send you into bouts of confusion and undue stress. Become aware of yourself before you enlist these practices of oneness within the field.

Circle of Light:

A suggested way to start a waking meditation for an experienced or novas meditator is to establish your grounding meditation in the morning when you wake up. An example of a grounding meditation will follow this explanation. After you run through your morning mediation set the intention that you are more grounded and connected than you were the day before and ask that you become aware of your highest and most loving guidance throughout the day. Visualize your feet and see them as trunks of a tree willing and open to walking through life present and grounded. This will initiate your presence process which will begin to allow you to feel the flow of the universal energies from the matrix. It is from this place of grounded awareness that your highest guidance will be able to help illuminate your path. Once you have performed your grounding meditation and connected to the Earth anything that tries to pull you from the grounded state of awareness can be sent down into the core of the Earth becoming transmuted from your field. Meaning it will be pulled out of your energetic field and away from your potential repetition of this pattern. The more you keep an open awareness of your energetic field the clearer you will become on your divine path allowing your unique gifts to play out. Anytime you feel overly consumed by the human reality playing out in front of you simply connect to your feet and see the trunks of two large trees replace the image that are your two feet and begin to walk with connected awareness once again. 


Example of a Grounding Meditation:

Sit in a comfortable space sitting up to begin with since this work needs to be actively participated in. Begin your breath work, breathing in through the nose and exhaling out through the mouth. Keep this breath through the entire practice. Bring the legs together and squeeze making contact between the knees, thighs, calves and inner feet. Hold this tight squeeze for three breaths. After the third breath release the muscles of the body and feel how open and receptive the lower part of the body has become. Make the statement that your frequency is now higher than it was moments ago. Next bring your fingers into the palms of your hands creating fists, lock your inner arms along your ribs, suck in your stomach and squeeze all of the muscles of this abdominal area. Hold for three breaths. After the third breath release and feel into the opened flow of the body. Make the statement that my frequency is now higher than it was just moments ago. Next bring your fingers into the palms of your hands creating fists, bring your elbows up on either side of your head and lock your fists onto the top of your shoulders. Stretch out your neck and drop the corners of your mouth down towards your jaw line. Hold for three breaths. After the third breath release and feel into the opened flow of the body. Make the statement that my frequency is now higher than it was just moments ago. After this last hold you will open your body completely surrendering into a fully open and receptive position. Next you will place your attention at the top of your head and find the silver grounding cord. Pull the silver grounding cord down through your head following your spine and send it out your groin area. Allow this cord to move in between your feet and into the surface of the earth. Sink this cord down until it hits into the core of the earth. Once in the core of the earth allow the silver ball of energy to form underneath your feet. From here place your attention at the bottoms of your feet and allow the root chakras on the bottoms of the feet to open. Next using your exhalation, you will push your energetic root system out of the bottoms of your feet and into the earth. Allow the roots to form whatever pattern they may and guide them down past the center of the earth towards the exact opposite side of the earth that you sit upon at that moment in time. From here allow the roots to protrude out the opposite side of the earth forming an anchoring connection that connects your channel into the earth. You will then place your attention at the top of your head around the crown chakra. Finding the crown chakra you will intentionally open this center and begin to draw down the white divine light. As you bring down this energy you will make the statement, only that which serves my highest good is allowed to be with me today. As you pull this divine white light down through your channel you will feel into this energy. As this light moves into your head and arms you will feel how this energy resonates with your being in a very personal and unique way. You will then move this energy down into the stomach and pelvic region. From here you can draw this energy down your legs and into your feet.

Finally, you will bring this energy through your feet and into the roots you had laid in the earth. Once this channel is completely illuminated you will place your attention at the heart center. You will find the center most point of the heart and allow the three lines that represent the matrix to move in and through this singular point. Move one line from the head down the body and into the earth, crossing through your heart convergence point. The next line will move from the left side of the body out and though the right side. You will lastly move a line from the back of the body out though the front, each touching the center most point of the heart. This will create the grid of the matrix in, around, and through your body. These lines will connect through you and into every other being in this matrix. Like the geographical lines on a map so to we run the girded lines of the matrix through our own bodies. From here we will call upon the highest and most loving vibrational words we can hold in our own bodies and then send these impulses out through the matrix lines. Words like, gratitude, love, kindness, abundance, grace, transcendence, joy, peace, happiness. Once you select a word that you can feel within your heart you will allow this words energy to fill your body and with your intention you will send this energy out into the matrix, like an offering to all who you are connected into. As soon as you send this out you will feel its vibration rushing back towards you and as you follow this vibration into your heart center and then down towards your feet. Once your awareness is focused around your feet you will ask that a vortex or black hole be opened under your feet and into the center of the earth. You will then acknowledge the green vibrant energy of the divine feminine residing at the bottom of this vortex. You will then pull this line of energy up from the center of the earth and allow it to sweep through your body. Feel how it flows in your own body and allow it to open you more fully into your receptive channel. Pull this energy from your feet all the way up to above your head where it can connect into the divine white light energy. Once you find the white light energy above your head, you will change perspectives and ride from heaven to earth with this white light energy back down towards your feet. As you feel this energy move through you acknowledge how it flows differently than the divine feminine energy and allow yourself to open up fully to this experience. Next you will ask that both energies move through you at the same time. This pull in opposite directions will open up a vortex of energy around your body that you can use to raise your frequency. As this vortex opens up around you begin to allow your consciousness to be pulled into its spin. You will now find yourself on the outside of your physical form, witness now as you get pulled in towards the heart center. Find the door that represents your heart center and move into this space. Take notice of this setting and call out to your inner child. Once you find the inner child send an I love you their way and ask to be show to the door of the sacred heart space. Next move through this door and into this chamber, this is a unique place where much learning and travel can be done. From here find the golden pool of light that is the god head energy and merge yourself into the pool of light. You may be able to submerge yourself into this pool if so with every step you take allow yourself to become more and more detached from your physical body. As you submerge your energy into this light allow your only perspective to be that of golden light. Now let this light spill out of the pool and fill your complete internal channel. Filling first your heart space, then into your throat and solar plexus chakra, next the golden light will move into your sacral and third eye charka, and then into your root and crown chakra. From here the light can spill into you entire physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies until it overflows completely and becomes the entire matrix around you. Here you can be everything and nothing at the same time. From here call out to your unique soul frequency and call back through the golden light only those particles that belong to your unique soul song/frequency. As these particles move back to where you are they will create a vortex of energy that funnels down through the crown of your head and back into your heart space. This energy will materialize into a form that represents your highest and most loving self. For here you will become the energy of your higher self. From here you can continue to move into different levels of meditation or sign off for the day setting again your intention to be more grounded and connected to your divine purpose than you have ever been before. You will then close the meditation by bringing your attention back into your physical body and move back into your physical surroundings.

You can use this meditation or establish your own grounding practice by becoming connected to your field and finding what resonates most with your own path. Many times individuals will take parts of different teacher’s meditations and create a melting pot meditation that feels resonate with what their body needs. Never be scared to play around with different meditations. That which serves your highest good will always feel right so play around until you find the energy that sits best with your body. The only requirement for your grounding meditation is that you state something to the effect of, “only that which serves my highest good is allowed to be with me today.” Every detail after that is up to you. You will know a meditation is right for you when you can see, sense, and feel into every word or command being spoken. Grounding is used to anchor the physical body as well as the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies to the present moment. When we are completely present in life things become clearer in the field surrounding us. As third dimensional beings this is the ultimate goal we are looking for, to be able to flow the highest and most connected light of the divine at all times. Being human means you are given a body that can become very dense if not properly taken care of. Only during times of heightened awareness and complete integration can we experience such things as trance, auras, time travel, guides, angels, and astral projection. The first way to establish your gifts in this life time is to become completely grounded in your field and into your daily life. This will align your energy bringing full integration of the energetic bodies making it easier for your next steps of growth to happen.

Getting Started

Book Gifts & Talents

As an individual begins to see clearly through humanities wide-ranging transformations it becomes evident that all people coexisting today poses unique gifts and talents that act as a representation of not only their individuality, but also their divinity. The matrix, otherwise known as the “multi-dimensional universe” makes it possible for every living thing to be a part of the super conscious or the oneness that resonates throughout all living things. Although the matrix is everything all at once it also enables a person to project into a physical form which makes said individual appear to be separate from the whole. The conundrum here is that when soul’s chose to be seen as separate they will experience that of an individualized journey, moving through learning processes customized to his or her own extraordinary experiences. To rattle off characterizations of the matrix and a souls’ involvement within it, only means one must divide its wholeness into separate parts which further segregates an individual from the oneness in which they seek to understand. Here it is best for you to keep in mind that everything in this universe is happening simultaneously. Therefore, that in which you seek you already have, as long as you believe you are able to obtain it. When individuals begin to see their journey as interconnected and apart of the oneness they will have the knowing that all things are happening simultaneously, past, present and future realizing everything in this space and this time is within reach. It will be here that individuals chose to experience, express, and expand on their unique gifts and talents and it is here through trust and a belief in that which remains intangible and unseen that a person will begin to tap into their most divine path. It is here within the matrix surrounded by the oneness that soul’s will being to understand that everything they seek they already have.  Only when choosing to separate themselves will they be faced with what appears to be challenges, levels or plateaus to obtain, because it is only when something is outside of you that you have to reach for it. Through divine order that in which you seek is already imbedded into your divine lesson plan so you are being asked here and now to read these remaining words with the understanding and knowing that everything you think, you are, everything you feel, you are, and everything you know, you are so choose wisely what path you wish to continue walking. Will you choose oneness, will you chose separation, or will you not chose and simply trust in what is created around you? 


The processes outlined within this book will become your story of growth. You will be afforded time for introspective work, during which you will feel like the information being digested is known and familiar to you. Here you will be offered the opportunity to experience yourself as a more connected part of the divine whole. The goal of this book is to have you remember exactly who you are on a soul level by reigniting your passion to discover your unique gifts and talents. Once entangled within the matrix you will being to remember your divine path and why during this lifetime you choose to bring these qualities back into a time when people are awakening fully into the full recognition of not only their own divinity and light, but the budding of light all around them. With faith in the unknown and a deep trust in yourself you too will be able to remember how your thread weaves into the divine fabric of the matrix. These unique qualities are what will separate you from the whole yet bring you together at the same time. Every human will go through their own discoveries and initiations which will inevitably open their energetic field up to the greater consciousness of the human experience. 

Beings coexisting in this year of 2016 living within our multi-dimensional Earth plane are more sensitive than any know. All oxygen breathing life forms are spiritual beings simply living out a divine human experience. When our soul reincarnates fragments or memories from past existences reside, within the all space and time known as “human” this can take a toll on even the most advanced souls and at some point in time the quest for consciousness begins. Consciousness begins when a soul yearns to break free from its limiting human experiences and thought processes. In esoteric cosmology this initial expansion process is when it is said that a human reunites with its energetic field or dimensions surrounding them. As the frequency of our world shifts so too it is required that our human consciousness expand. The human race is opening up to these frequencies one by one and discovering the fullness of their hidden qualities. By way of this frequency shift we have more humans than ever before recognizing that there is more going on in the energetic field around them. Recognition of talents, synchronicities and patterns are becoming clearer and validation around what is happening is received. What was once secret or unspoked is now expressed freely and by many around the globe. No longer will individuals feel alone or ostracized because of their unseen and hard to validate beliefs. The fear is lifting and because of this it is time to remember your part in this process to help reflect the light and knowing back to those who surround you. We are all connected and to hold our own light means we are able to reflect the light into those who surround us so that they too may see more clearly their own path. The number one truth behind all of this is that all humans are clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognostic, and clairaudient. You are now and have always been tapped into the seeing, knowing, sensing, feeling and hearing of everything going on around you. Unfortunately, like many people you probably didn't have teachers available during your times of growth and because of that you distrusted in what you received. The messages henceforth are here to validate you, to give you tutelage, and to assist you in knowing that which you seek you already know and what you are is divine so embrace your unique gifts and talents so that you may begin reflecting back to others what you are soon to discovered within yourself.


The following pages will be filled with guidance from three different sources. The first team to be introduced, we like to call the “Circle of Light”. The circle consists of eight different guides who channeled most of the spiritual practices and reasons surrounding those practices through the channeling vessel Jenessee Roy. Jenessee (a human) took dictation from the “Circle of Light” (energy or spirit) while the information came through and will be adding tangible real world explanations to some of the information that came through she felt needed further clarification. Jenessee will take on the role of “teacher” through the rest of the book, the goal being to thoroughly explain the information needing further clarification. The third contributing source is Julie Gable, Julie is the most surprising addition to this book as her presence as a co-author was not originally planned. Through a series of interesting and divinely guided synchronicities Julie was asked by spirit to join this collaboration as the “student”. Taking on this role Julie will live the following words and respond to the information like any good student would. She will question, comment, relay experiences and also help to further clarify the information that proceeds. Our goal here is to create a dialog and conversation around your opening process. This book will not only help you remember your own divine purpose, it will also help to validate your experiences through our following exploration and questioning.