Reading 11-15-17

Where is my Life Going? 

Root Chakra - your foundation where your moving from - this one card sums up a lot of what you are currently experiencing (per your question) you are manifesting the energy of reconciliation. This is where we take the lessons the patterns we’ve been living and start to witness what is happening in our life from a different perspective. As a human this can be tough because you start to question everything you have been involved with and it gets heavy and disorienting. The beauty of this card coming in as it does is that it is giving you the ability/energy necessary to reconcile a part of your life that is out of harmony with the whole. Reconciliation means we can look at something we perceived to be negative and start to see how it was perfectly aligned to teach us exactly what we need to know. Nothing in life is broken, it is always perfect and this card is giving you the space and energy to start making those connections.

sacral chakra -  relationships, intreastingly enough this is the heat chakra card (compassion, balance and those around you) Again you are manifesting this energy of harmony and balance with your one on one relationships. I wouldn’t say this feels like the totality of your question, but would say that when you asked the question, where is my life going (relationships) were a part of the overall picture. Here it states that through your understanding of your current process you may find more space to see that your relationships are supporting your efforts and it’s your perception of life right now that has got you confused, not the other way around.

Solar Plexus - YOU - this gets better and better! The Empathy card - I tell people this card is all about letting go of the “metaphorical” demons. This is where your voice connects to your heart/compassion and you start speaking from a place of vulnerability that isn’t so much for the people Around you but for you and your ability to release the heavy ness that kept you locked into seeing life in only one way. This states that you are currently bringing in the energy to release what’s holding you back from seeing things clearly, but you are going to have to speak truths to make this switch flip! 

heart - the bridge to bring what you want “your purpose” into your human timeline. Here the card is reverence, again manifesting. This says YOU to in your HEAD! Have compassion towards your mind. Were you told what you want is ego? Were you told you have to be a certain way to get what you want. This card highlights all the possibilities of your life and what it is saying is that your in such conflict over what you want that it becomes a source of frustration. The key here is to follow your heart - or better yet know that everything in your head is a product of the heart and to just pick something and have an experience with it. Reverence to me signals the deep respect we have and can give to something. That is what i want you to have regarding your thoughts. All of your thoughts are of YOU they are yours, have respect towards them and stop beating yourself up. This will slowly guide you clearly towards your purpose.

throat Chakra - appreciation, again your purpose is aligned to your heart. Have appreacation for what you are thinking and speak it! This is the process to get you through the previous card “heart chakra” when you are feeling vulnerable because you don’t know if what your thinking is right JUST SPEAK! This is the key, your cards are laying out like a road map to get you through this confusing time - trust them!

third eye - perspective! The Narrator card (this is so clearly coming through) the more you can be open in the present moment and use your voice to tell your story the more insight you will have towards what is unfolding. Speaking your authentic truth in each situation (back to the mind/ all those options and things your thinking) will give you the guidance to align to what you would deem your purpose.

crown - outcome. Teacher card - relationships meets your self expression or how you walk your walk and talk your talk in life creating opportunities to be the teacher. This energy is all about owning our own authentic flow in life when we can not only live the truth we feel but also act in a way that is in accordance to that trust we become a powerful vessel to those relationships we surround ourself with so that we can teach them (by just being ourselves). 

your energy was spunky and fun to work with - light and love



What is happening in the next 6months, and what do I need to make it successful

You - manifesting card, intreasting thing is that you have the reverse energy of this card as your foundation. these two cards represent the opposit ends of a cycle. Here in the you position it describes what you are currently going through. This is where your present moment connects to your high self and brings into your field the ability to manifest. It means you are in prime mode to create into your field exactly what you need as long as it’s deemed purpose filled and supported by high self. This is the baby card of the cycle - what is new, what excites you, what do you want, where can you play and explore here is where you will find the “thing” wanting to be manifested

whats blocking you - your own awakening! Where is your passion not connected to your high self. Remember to manifest in this new cycle you have to be playing and passion filled so where are you blocking your own high self connection by your inability to find joy in what your doing? 

goals - stability. Easy! You want to connect your one on one relationship to your present moment!

Foundation- complete card, this card signals the completion of a long cycle it’s where purpose meets your foundation. Think of the flow of energy up and down a tube, this signals the downward flow - manifest in cycle where everything comes back down into your foundation. You are manifesting the completion of a long cycle and it will soon come to an end, but it will create the new foundation that you can grow from. Think all the experience you learned instead of what you lost in the process of what you took so long to develope. Everything had to be cleared to put you in a place to create this new higher level thing.

distant past - shadow of illusion, this is a pattern that if you don’t let go will continue to hinder your own growth and success. Block in third eye or perspective, where are you not seeing clearly what’s unfolding and holding onto the dark side of what’s coming through. Stop your overactive mind and allow yourself to be open to the totality of what’s coming through instead of your limiting views on what you think you see. 

Future- hyper root chakra, in order to move forward in the next six months you have to stop playing this role/archetype! Stop being someone your not. Root Chakra is all about fear in moving forward, where are you living someone else’s path and not you own because your scared to not have a solid foundation Beneith you. 

Your attitude/position - you are manifesting the ability to tell your story clearly. This has to do with walking the walk and talking the talk. Family connecting to your self expression and you authentically speaking your truth your story. 

other people views- people witness you as someone who is putting on a hyoid mask or they see your “fake ness” they can tell you are playing a role. This has to do with your obsessive tendencies, mostly connected to relationships and passion. 

Hopes and fears: you,-“if I become completely authentic and be who I want to be in the future... hyper root chakra card” what happens if there is no foundation what happens if I don’t have support or stability to do what I want to do... you hope you can find the balance between who you are and living in this completely connected and authentic way but fear if you do so you will not have support in what you want. This card signals the pulling back or away from your foundation (job, family, foundation) 

Outcome: witness. Divine is asking you to watch for the signs. Use you MIND your ability to perceive what’s going on in connection to the present moment. By doing this you become the witness of what is happening around you which becomes your roadmap to the success in which you seek. You must remember we’re not given the entire path we’re given steps and the steps arrange themselves into experiences. These experiences when joy filled and connected to our passion create a harmonious path that your entire self (high & human) can get behind. 



Physical- heart and your one on one relationships. You are currently moving through a healing that will actually show up in your physical body

emotional- you are playing a role in your spiritual center of the crown chakra. Watch out where you pull back from the grand perspective of what's happening and where you detach from what's going on. 

mental - your making progress! Your will power towards creating a new foundation (although it's taking everything you have) is manifesting and your making progress. Release any worry in your mental space to move forward more seamlessly. 

spiritual - your authentic self is aligning to your intuition brining you more into balance with what is happening on a higher level for you at this time. You are being asked to have the fortitude (strength) to stay connected and present to left and right brain right now. 

past- manifesting harmony and compassion towards yourself in this new energy.

present - being adaptable aligning your passions into the community supporting you. Or finding you passion for what's at hand and getting the support from the community around you.

future- a warning to not lie, if you lie or tell lies your future will have patterns from the past and be hard to navigate clearly. Speak truths and this will make the future clear and more easy to move into.


10-10-17 Reading

When corosponding through email I felt your throat chakra "ascension symptom" you could say - and got a flash of running this layout for you. Saying that I assumed I would get direct info pertaining to your throat chakra integration, alas not a single throat chakra card, but so much more and actually more clear! SO here we go:

Root Chakra your foundation: the energy here is awakening. Your "high self" or cosmic awareness is aligned to your passion at the moment and creating an awakening In your field.

Sacral Chakra one on one relationships: "high self" cosmic awareness is connecting to your right brain the intuitive center and asking you to observe what is happening outside of yourself. Specifically aligned to your one on relationships. This can be romantic, business, friendship... anywhere that you hold energy in connection to another. Your intuitive senses are becoming heightened by what you perceive happening outside of you in dealing with these close personal relationships. What's becoming more present and what's falling away. The cosmic self in connection to everything is triggering you in this intuitive center to show you what's happening...

Solar Plexus the human: you have the Heart Chakra card symbolizing complete balance. Your authentic self has found harmony in the collective experience.

Heart Chakra the bridge: by aligning your authentic self to your heart you were able to find harmony in what you do and what you've created in human form (3D reality) this heart connection inside YOU has been your number one guide in getting you through this bridge or this 4D gateway.

Throat Chakra your purpose has been in leading the community through devotion and heart centered guidance. you have manifested a path that has been directly influenced by the heart guiding you.

Third Eye your perspective. It is going to take all of your strengt/fortitude to now align yourself with your intuition regarding the current situation presenting itself. (Here your awakening from root chakra and what your observing from your one on one relationships) cosmic self aligning with your passion in this moment. Also a lot about duality and balance where have you separated: right from wrong, positive from negative, ego from intuition. This is all about finding the strength to unify as one whole - authenticity to intuition knowing it's all me and everything is one.

Crown Chakra - outcome this is the shadow side of the heart chakra (grief)  what are you unwilling to let go of. Shadow comes up where there has been a pattern repeated many times and it's a warning for you to look at;  what am I scared to lose or what am I afraid to let go of. Everything about you is connected to heart center and in this new paradigm the emotional body the 4d emotional reality is releasing if you do not move past this pattern of (rejection, protection, vulnerability, grief - letting go) you will stay in an old pattern not creating the expansion you deserve. Find the space to make yourself expansive (where can you bring yourself more into oneness) the fortitude to reconcile duality from third eye. It is here when everything is the same that you will not have fear in the loss or potential of loss.


Reading 10-3-2017

Root chakra (your foundation what's supporting you right now) you are manifesting the energy and connection of archangel Gabriel. Gabriel comes in to teach us the power of creation. You are the totality of what you have created, everything surrounding you is you, what you think, feel, experience is all your creation. To be in harmony with this knowing means you are co-creating with divine.

sacral chakra (relationships / passion) here you show the shadow card for crown chakra which would signal a pattern in life you have chosen to repeat multiplied times here the energy is of attachment. Look into your one on one relationships and try to understand where you have attachment to an outcome or expectation over how another's process is unfolding. To hold onto expectation over another is always going to end in disappointment (which is divines way of giving you back your own energy) cutting the cords between you and the other person. 

solar plexus (authentic self who you are at the core) you have aligned your authenticity to your purpose you are a living expression of SOUL self in action. The wisdom you hold over all timelines is Your to express in every conscious moment of every day. 

heart (the bridge between human & spirit self living in complete harmony) another shadow side which means you are living a pattern. Here this pattern is attached to the sacral chakra and the energy of guilt. Where do you follow another because you feel it better to go along with a plan instead of follow or take care of yourself? Guilt is an emotion we feel when we have disregarded our own needs or allowed ourself to get manipulated by another's energy. We feel guilty and surrender our own needs to furfill those around us. This is keeping you from living. 100% connection in all aspects of everyday conscious life.

throat - archangel Michael is here validating you that light attracts light and your community follows you and can find you when you use the power of your voice and the vibration of this amazing creation center. Those who have been waiting for you that you don't even know exist yet will be able to find you through the power of the throat chakra (almost like the game of telephone - by speaking to one soul in one state you can alert another soul in another state because the cords linking all will pull them closer and closer to you) 

third eye - the greater perspective of this card reading. With concentration your voice will align to your purpose and those words in which you chose to speak and who you decide to speak them to will all align to your divine lesson plan creating a clear pathway for you to walk in constant and clear connection with source creator. Through concentrated efforts in issuing your voice your path will always unfold in miraculous ways. 

crown: in conclusion, don't let yourself be effected by how others want you to be or need you to be. Being your authentic self and not playing a role for someone else will be your greatest attribute to keep you aligned to this co-creating path. Your foundation suggests you will be creating new exciting things (mostly through speaking!) so stay tuned into what makes you feel good and furfilled not what furfill a others and your path will stay clear and authentic!


Card Reading #2 10-1-2017

Root Chakra - the base your moving from and creating into this curent reality. You have archangel Michael in your field he is all about the coming together of like minded people - light attracting light and frequencies supporting each other his energy basically draws these people to you without any effort on your part.

sacral chakra- one on one relationships - another archangel this one zedikial who's message is about acceptance and acknowledging that you are the co-creator of your world everything surrounding you especially one on one relationships have been created for you by you and with you in mind so learning to accept all the energy of these one on one connections will bring you more fully into alignment with what your creating

solar plexus - the authentic you, this card talks about your mind (considered left brain more than right) and your heart. I would direct you to know that it is ok to want things in life and anything your mind creates is there for you to feel into and manifest for your ENJOYMENT - don't assign wants to ego anymore know that your channel is pure and every experience/idea/want is ok to peruse have reverence for this part of your authentic self. 

heart - hyper crown chakra - back to the previous card the only thing inhibiting you from manifesting all of those heart felt wants the lay fill your mind is the attachment you have to how that might look or what the outcome might be... if you let go of what the end result of your desire may be more of your desires will mee you in the 3D world! 

throat Chakra - artist card your mind and your passion are meant to move through your voice this creates  artistry in everything you do, express and speak.

third eye (perspective) recognize how much purpose lies between you and your one on one relationships. All yourself to receive from these high vibrational connection in doing this you will open up to a greater perspective that serves you well on your path. 

crown - (the conclusion) you are manifesting the community in this present moment that is going to be the connection you seek at this time on your path. Your presence and engagement within this community will furfill that same connection.


7-Card Reading 10-1-17

Root Chakra (bottom) what your foundations is showing is the ability you have to connect your heart/compassion to your voice which allows you the empathy necessary to move from a place of detached release of pain and emotionality that no longer serves you from this new platform. 

Sacral Chakra (archangel Zadekiel) in your one on one relationship you have the support of the angels bringing through the energy of acceptance. You are creating this reality and ever around you is of your creations so to be in full acceptance of this serves you best through this connection and phase of growth.

solar plexus (hyper third eye) your authentic self - what role are you still playing protecting you from the authentic perspective you seek? This card indicates that you have obsessive tendencies and tend to be something your not to portray what's needed for others - trying to create a projection of yourself into others worlds. Try settelinh into what feels right for you in each moment don't worry about what others perspectives are...

heart (bridge card- pragmatic) this signals a connection between your foundation (here having empathy and using your voice clearly when in connection with your heart) and possibly the family along with your intuition. There are things moving around your field that you know, but are not speaking clearly (possibly In connection to your family) by speaking with your heart you will resolve a patten created to keep your human self separate from your spirit self. 

throat (hahaha - it's all making sense) you are currently manifesting the WISODOM you need to speak your purpose as it connects to your authentic self - SPEAK SPEAK SPEAK this is where all your healing for yourself and others comes in!

third eye (tolerance) the perspective your self expression. How you walk the talk is aligned to your purpose. So it will take a deep understanding of what becomes clear through your voice before you can live in tolerance with this new way of life. 

crown (the ending) this whole story ends with you finding the stability you seek. Your one on one relationships all align to the present grounded moment and you finding your stable foundation. 


111 Numberology

Meaning of 111:


Energy Flowing: Physical aspects of divine energy are flowing into your life. Look for foundational changes and support coming in to help your create a new reality to grow from.

Number 111 is a powerful number of manifestation, and carries the combined attributes and energies of number 1 and the karmic master number 11, & 1 which resonates with assertiveness, independence and uniqueness, motivation, new beginnings and striving forward, insight, self-leadership and inspiration, positivity and achieving success. Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. Number 111 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity.  

222 Numberology

Meaning of 222:

New Cycles Starting: This is the beginning of a new path. Look for the next 3 fold number sequence you see to get more clarity of the new path you are ready to embark upon.


Another meaning of 222 and a reason why you are seeing 2:22 repetitively, is that the new ideas that you’ve seeded in your mind are ready to grow and become your new reality.

So, what was it that you planted?

If the ideas that you’ve consciously or unconsciously nurtured actually serve you for your highest good, continue to water and care for them. They will emerge from the fertile ground of your mind and you will soon see them manifested into your life experience as your own creation.  Always remember that you are the producer, director, writer, and actor of your own play.

Have faith and patience in your life plan.  The bigger the goal, the more physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy you'll have to put into your plan in order to make it happen – and it will happen.  It will happen at the right time for you.

Keep up with the positive affirmations and visualizations.  

333 Numberology

Meaning of 333:


Time to make a Decision: You have a decision to make - this will lead you to a 666 sequence where it will be time to repeat a lesson on a deeper more wisdom filled level or to a 999 which shows reconciliation of karma and completion through all time and all space.

Seeing the number pattern 333 can mean that you have to make an important decision with regards to what you were thinking about.

This decision can take two different turns, depending on whether you’re in tune with the Universal intelligence or not.

Hence, if you're on the right path, your decision can turn into a 999 energy, which brings closure to your problem. In this case, whatever your decision was, you made the right choice, and you’ve put an end to what’s been on your mind.

Opposed to a 999 decision, you can be less inspired and go for a 666 decision. This decision is the result of being out of alignment with yourself. Eventually, you will have to start over.  Because all growth comes from pain and suffering, challenging experiences are meant to be learned so that you can grow.  Your soul already knows what to do and you just need to listen to what feels good in your heart.  The best decisions are always based on love.  Can you remember a time when your decision was based on fear?  What was the result of that decision?

Just remember that there will always be another, more inspired solution for you. Trust that it will be revealed to you at the right time when you need it.

When you see 333, all you have to do is ask for the blessed guidance of the ascended masters, have faith and you will receive it.  

Trust that you are surrounded, protected, loved, and guided by the spiritual masters of our planet.

444 Numberology

Meaning of 444:


What is currently occurring in life is a reflection "creating your reality". It is time to dive deeper into what you may think you know. Take time to study through a mentor, reading, seeking or discovering what this reality you are creating is all about.

When you see 444, it's a sign to let you know that you’re on the path of spiritual awakening. You have become more aware of the spirit within you as you are feeling the subtle energies from the Universe. The more you start learning about this new path, the more you want to discover who you really are. Are you suddenly more interested in the spiritual nature of things? Are you into spiritual books and people? The number 444 is here to tell that you’re awakening and you're on the right track of entering another dimension on a higher spiritual plane.

555 Numberology

Meaning of 555:


Unity Consciousness: Congratulations your have arrived at the level of unity consciousness on the Spiritual Plane. Mastery of teaching through the lower body or the 3D - 4D planes has been accomplished. Christ Consciousness - Highest Spiritual Number.

Seeing 555 is an angelic reminder that you are a divine infinite being who chose to incarnate here on Earth to experience life. Always feel that you have worth because you are here to co-create with the Universal Source and complete a life mission.   Your life has ultimate significance.

555 is a powerful number and it represents the wholeness of creation. It is the number of Christ, the number of unity in consciousness, the pentagon, the 72° angle, and so on. Hence, the meaning of 555 is the perfection of the human being that is you.

666 Numberology

Meaning of 666:

Earth Consciousness: Number of life and mankind in his relationship to the Earth. Carbon has six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons. Watch for physical events happening on a Community and Earth level.


Number 666 is a compilation of the energies attributes to the number 6, including honesty, justice, integrity, charity, faith, love, humanity, service, balance and peace, domesticity, responsibility, care, the teacher, convention, the provider, protection, idealism, selflessness, charity, faithfulness, the nurturer, truth, order, economy, emotional depth, curiosity, deep love of home and family, humanitarianism, service, unselfishness, balance, peace, self-sacrifice, empathy, sympathy, unconditional love, circulation, agriculture, grace, simplicity, compromise, reliability, social responsibility, compassion, beauty, the arts, generosity, concern, family, home, community service, self-harmony, nurturing, caring and harmony, the need for stability in all areas of life, society, possessions, planetary issues and concrete tangibles. Number 6 also symbolizes gratitude, responsibility and service which needs to be achieved through love and self-less service to humanity.

777 Numberology

Meaning of 777:


The school of life where you are no longer simply learning the lessons but living the lessons becoming present to their teachings.

You are riding the wave and are in tune with your true self and the whole Universe.  You are in alignment with your life purpose. When you understand who you truly are, you work on what's meaningful to you and bring your energy and light to the world. This is what the world needs from you.

Whenever you see 777, remember that your purpose flows from within you and everything that is unfolding or being revealed to you is part of your purpose.

You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be in life.

888 Numberology

Meaning of 888:


Completion of a particular LESSON on that has been swirling around you during you for completion.

Number 888 is a powerful number as it carries the vibrations and attributes of number 8 appearing tripled, magnifying its energies and influences. Number 8 relates to self-reliance, reality, manifesting wealth and abundance, dependability, truth and integrity, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement, giving and receiving, philanthropy and serving humanity, and karma; the laws of cause and effect. 

Praying Mantis Energy

Praying Mantis Meaning:

  • Patience
  • Stability
  • Meditation
  • Peaceful
  • Quietness
  • Cosmic Connection
  • Reflection
  • Serenity

You have learned to take your time and live your life at your silent pace. Furthermore, you never make any movement without careful thought or contemplation. You know exactly where you are going and when you will get there. Even within this calm and serene environment you are capable of quick and decisive action when opportunity presents itself.


The Great Central Sun is a Source and a Center of the All-Pervading Presence of the Great "I AM". It is a Point of Integration of the Spirit/Matter Cosmos, and an Central Concentration of God Consciousness and the release of Light and Life and Love to all creation. It is a Nucleus, Heart Center, or White Fire Core of the Cosmos. (The God Star Sirius is a Focus of the Great Central Sun in our sector of the Galaxy.)


Insect beings appear within mythologies throughout the world, including Native American and African folklore. The Khoisan tribe of Africa specifically regard the mantis as the first living creature upon the Earth, who granted life to animals and humans, inventing language and bringing fire to the people. It is even said that the mantis created the moon as a guide for hunters by throwing a gallbladder into the sky.

The Mantis beings have presented themselve to me during meditation where a connection to the earth and the great central sun have been needed. They come to offer portals to new worlds and help us connect to our path when we have become grounded and nuturing to all living things (planet at the top of that list).

Grasshopper Energy

Grasshopper Meaning:

  • Lucky
  • Stable
  • Virtue
  • Vibrant
  • Content
  • Intuitive
  • Fertility
  • Patient
  • Peaceful
  • Creativity
  • Abundance
  • Insightful
  • Messenger
  • Connected
  • Courageous
  • Resourceful
  • Forward Thinking

You are being asked to take a leap of faith. Just go ahead and do it without knowing the outcome. Usually this is something that you have been avoided doing and is often linked to a large scale change in direction. This can be a change in relationship, career or a change in yourself. Know that you have the wisdom that you need to get past any obstacles in an efficient manner. For the most part all possible outcomes will be positive.

Master Trip 77


DISCLAIMER :: Don't Read with EGO there is NO EDITING!!! Straight thoughts from before/during/after trip

Leaving Serpents Mound we drive eleven hours towards Arkansas. Choosing to stop over somewhere along the way I can tell that the messages of Anger were coming through – interpenetrating the trip to Serpents Mound, but were going to be a constant pattern through the driving portion of our trip. Knowing what the energy is trying to express I am able to catch myself during moment of emotional expression, but have yet to completely let go into the flow of those around me. 

The trip to Serpents Mound helped to finalize my connection to the five individuals which started during my trip to Mount Shasta, now moving towards Arkansas and the Magnetic Planet I can tell the information about Anger started to come through to help solidify the messages from the angelic planet and possibly even to help me better understand the messages of Kindness on of the virtues I have set forth to better understand from that cord of connection.

Arriving to Arkansas we stop at our first of three locations. Centered in the heart of Mount Ida or “crystal mountain” as it is known in these parts we have five days of exploring before we pack up and move south towards “diamond country” and more mounds. Having no expectations for the trip all I have scheduled are our three overnight accommodations, the rest I leave up to divine to implant where needed. Thinking about this trip during the days before our drive all I could tell you is that things felt good and exciting almost like there was a party waiting for me fifteen hours away.

Day one does not disappoint at our secluded cabin location. Arriving to our new home we drive into the 200 acer property up and down and around a mountain towards four red cabins sitting along a babbling spring feed creek.  The boys are giddy seeing the pasture of cows grazing the hillside and then noticing that the creek is just the right size to play somewhat unsupervised by moms watchful eyes. We unpack our loaded minivan and start to blow up the floatation devices for more water play. Day one will include mom relaxing Creekside while the boys get increasingly water logged. Towards the end of our day we drive back to the top of the hill where the only cell service can be located to phone home our arrival. Camden was chosen to drive up the hill and Taylor had been selected to drive us down (on moms lap of course) as we crested the top of the first hill a Bald Eagle comes soaring down towards our car and then inclines up towards the tree tops. Stopping, pointing, and getting charged with energy all three of us joyously cheer as we see the magnificent bird. The voice inside my head begins talking as the clairvoyant inner vision begins placing the Eagle at the top of a medicine wheel. In shamanic terms I see the Eagle get placed at the North node and the voice says King of the Sky. 

Intrigued I pause my outward enjoyment of the moment to reflect on what was happening internally. Curious if this Magnetic Planet journey was going to repeat my first adventure to Sedona where animals came out to guide my experiences, I smiled thinking how easy that might be to follow and understand and relished in the thought that this trip might just be that perfect. Letting go of the experience we made it to the top of the hill and phoned home then turned in for the rest of the night. 

Day two it was time to explore the crystal mines housed around mount ida. Having selected Twin Creek Mine I tried putting the address into my cars navigation system only to come up short. No recognizable street, city, location to get us close enough to the mine to find our way and this being day two I was completely lost on where I was in the new town to venture out on my own. Checking my phone I also had no cell reception to pull up one of those brilliant google maps. Remembering the connection once outside of the property we drove on with no real clue where we were going hoping cell service would kick in soon. Hitting the top of the hill text messages came through signaling a connection so I proceeded out of the property waiting for the internet to also connect. Arriving to route eight right outside the drive way, there was still no connection so I chose the direction to the right. Hoping the internet would connect soon we drove route eight for fifteen minutes of no connectivity. Having not been down this road before my heart started to pick up as I realized I might not get cell service at all! Having no clue where to go I read every sign hoping to find some clue as to where a city or gas station or some type of life might reside. Reading a green street sign I was given an option to go towards Mount Ida and decided that is where the crystals were so we turned right again when route eight came to a dead end. Driving and checking my phone over and over still no reception. Twelve minutes later the first glimmer of hope presents itself. A sign for Wagner Mine just 2.5 miles ahead. Not what we were looking for, but a mine indeed. Following the signs we find our way to the mine and park. Making it with a few minutes to spare we are right on time for a 9:30am excursion to the top of the mountain to dig for crystals. Paying for the trip we have a few minutes to walk the property, standing tall in front of the shop is a carved statue and a roped off section of ground filled with quartz crystal pieces. Moving closer I read the inscription on the plaque and can see the carved statue more clearly. 

IMG_4191 2.JPG
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Arch Angle Michael! Now laughing at the extremes divine went through to get me here today I almost dance with joy in front of the crystal pit knowing how connected this adventure is going to be. Day two of eleven and I find comfort in the fact that even the littlest of mistakes of planning on my part will be rewritten by divine to get me where I need to be. The Magnetic Planet’s guide is Arch Angle Michael and it is only fair that I start out the eleven day adventure knowing that he is guiding my journey. I am sure when I planned to go to Twin mine first, the guides made sure I would be redirected to find the Wagner mine with its statue of Arch Angle Michael and the glorious bed of crystals. 

I have been guided to grid crystals throughout these adventures leaving connections behind in the five states I have visited not only to ground my energy and connection to each place, but to also raise the vibration and space itself to that of the discovered energy. Before coming on the trip to Arkansas I searched my heart for what felt connected to this experience and what crystals wanted to join alone on the journey. Feeling almost silly to bury crystals where crystals were already imbedded in massive supply the only stone that jumped out was a record keeper stone and of course the Tibetan tektite for connection to the cosmic thread connecting all this together on the Earth Plane. Having such an amazing time during our three hour dig and quite literally getting wiped out by the sun and bending over to harvest quartz crystal the boys and I finished our dig and walked right back to the car heading straight for a cooling body of water to take respite in. The day ended with everyone drained and ready to fall over asleep.

Day three began with a trip towards Twin mine, now having a better understanding of the area and getting a pamphlet including turn by turn directions we found our way to the mountain where this mine was located. Turning off the paved road we headed up a pit hole filled gravel road, moving slowly up the side of the mountain about ten feet in front of our car a black bear comes barreling down the left side of the mountain heading towards lower ground moving in a straight line in front of our car. Never stopping I scream for the boys to look and see what quickly moved in front of us. Missing it by seconds they do not glimpse what I see, stopping the car I wait to make sure there are not more to follow as this one seemed smaller and possibly young. While the car idly waits the voice inside my mind and clairvoyance kick in placing the bear at the West node on the medicine wheel in my mind and the voice whispers the King of land. Smiling I wonder what all of this is going to turn into and find enough time has passed to drive on. Making it to the mine we dig in the blazing sun for 90-minutes before it seems to be time for our packed lunch. Stopping to eat we never seem to regain the energy to go back out and dig so we say our goodbyes to the woman at the mine and drive back down the mountain scanning for bears the entire way back to the main road. 

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Being around noon there is plenty of time to do something else before we head back to our cabin. Having a despite urge to drive to a city I saw written up in an online article, we begin our north bound drive.  The article talked about this town having multiple locations where a plethora of different crystals could be found by looking in creek beds and just lying along the roads. Driving the hour north we enter the town and begin hunting in the random locations. Finding everything, but crystals we had fun poking at a mini lobster in one creek and jumping a trampled barbed wire fence at another. A total adventure that earned the boys ice cream shakes for participating so willingly. Driving back home it was time for the water as another hot day of rock hounding took its toll. Not but 30-minutes into our drive heading back to the cabin I realized I had completely forgotten to bury crystals at this location and at the statue of Arch Angle Michael. Wondering if I should turn around, I realized this might infuriate my passengers and decided we would stop there again on another one of our trips.

Day four June 1st a day for wrapping up loose ends. We start the day heading towards Wagner Mine. I forgot to bury a record keeper and Tibetan Tektite there and I have this urge to ask if I can buy some of the crystal that surrounded the Arch Angel Michael statue for the master grid I plan to make at my home once all of these five trips are complete. Driving the street towards the mine I pass a rather large snake crossing the road, once again the voice and clairvoyance kick in and I hear King of the Ground and see the snake anchor into the Eastern node. Smiling yet again I wonder what the last king could be? Sky, Land, Ground… I think about the water and laugh at the thought of seeing a dolphin or whale somewhere in Arkansas. Making it to the mine I am told we can shop for crystals in the garden surrounding Michael so we do so and head out towards Magnet Cove the city where I forgot to bury the other crystals on day three.


Driving towards the city I decide we will head into little rock another 90-minutes from this destination and go to play at a splash pad for kids that I had jotted down might be nice for the boys. As we make our way north I see the sign signaling our ascent towards Magnet Cove. Seeing this sign I also feel like something slaps the side of my face and immediately realize that I am headed to a place called MAGNET… The planet of Angels was named The Magnetic Planet. I am startled that I did not recognize this on our previous trip and am astonished at the synchronicity. No wonder I didn’t find what I was looking for on our previous trip, it was about the crystals it was about recognizing the connection. This trip was panning our more like Shasta than the Sedona trip and the animals, but both were ever present. Finding the bridge we placed our two crystals and headed out of town towards Little Rock.

Almost two hours later we found our desired location along the canal or river or whatever it was filled with trendy shops and restaurants. There were a lot of blockades near the Peabody Splash Pad area our GPS was trying to take us to so we drove around until we found a parking garage near the end of the row of shops. Getting out of the car it was around 11:30am we walked back towards the splash pad location to find everything was closed down getting ready for rockfest… a famous street fair taking place that Friday. A bit disappointed a man stationed at one of the rockfest openings told us to go to the War Memorial where another splash pad was located. 

Finding the War Memorial thirty minutes away by the zoo we were deleted to find a gigantic public water park and play area. Spending hours playing we stayed as long as we could until the rain started to poor down. Jumping into the car, I searched for a panara bread nearby needing public wifi access I knew a panara would have good food and open connectivity. Having to do some 9-5 work responsibilities this was an easy opportunity to accomplish what needed to get done. Arriving at the panara we all played, our electronics until the food came, and then we ate. Towards the end of our meal a man named Mr. Aaron came over to our table, an older gentleman probably in his seventies he gently and kindly engaged with the boys. Talking to them in his best story telling voice he told them, “eat up for your mom now.” Be good boys so you can grow big and strong like Mr. Aaron. He went on to wrapping their bread like it was gold and he dazzled them with his magic wrapping style. He catered to their every need and coddled them to the point of Taylor saying, “I will never forget Aaron.” Mr. Aaron even walked us to our car to say goodbye. At one point Mr. Aaron pointed out that he had been given the title of Kindness Ambassador by Panara, a title he was so proud of having. Little did Mr. Aaron know that is exactly what my unfinished contract with the Magnetic Planet was all about. Mr. Aaron was a pure reflection of what the Angelic Virtue of Kindness meant. Mr. Aaron changed my relationship in that one moment to the Anger I had experienced during the trip. I recognized exactly how a person can get wrapped up in another person’s field to facilitate the ultimate good and help completely change the perspective and narrative of the reality being experienced. Leaving the Panera we went onto see a movie as it was still raining and then drove two hours home to our cabin turning in for the night. 

Day five our last full day at the cabin on Mount Ida. We chose to explore a new mine called sweet surrender, where Taylor found a massive quartz crystal the biggest one of the trip. Spending three hours at the mine the boys had earned water time so we drove home to the cabin. Up until this point the three other cabins on the creek had been empty, but now we had neighbors to the left and right of us including other kids to play with. The boys changed quickly into their swim trunks and began making summer friends. Sitting on the covered porch of our cabin watching the kids play I allowed my mind to doze in and out of reality under the warm pressure of the sun. Each time an animal would come out to play near the porch I would question divine if this was the forth animal of the totem that was being created. Humming birds flew to and fro drinking from the hanging liquid feeder. A hawk made his appearance in a tree near the brook and squirrels played endlessly near the trees below. Not one seemed to fill the empty forth spot of King animal. 

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Pulled out of my lazy gaze the kids start screaming near our neighbors cabin. “It’s a snake, I think it’s a water moccasin!” to this I jump off the porch and move towards the loud voices. The kids are gathered around a black snake who is now curled up on the side of the creek. Throwing rocks at the snake they are taunting it to either strike or swim away. Not knowing how to feel, I pull my kids back and tell them not to throw rocks, but do not feel right in telling the other children what to do. Being the adult I stood by until the show was over making sure no one got too close or hurt for that matter. The one boy threw a final blow that made the snake slide off the shore into the water to which it swam away to the other side of the creek. Feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of the snake getting hurt for simply being around, I walked back to my spot on the porch with an uneasy feeling. Was there something I was supposed to do? Snake showed up for me as a reminder of my journey yet I did nothing for it during its time of need. Sitting with this though for quite some time, I realized that the snake showing up might have been a final showing of the King animals. Right before the screams erupted I had been questioning what the last King animal was, but maybe snake showed up again at that moment to say this is it, or even this King lives in the Water and the Ground! Now figure the message out.

It took me all night to put the pieces together. Now lying down for bed I performed a quick meditation and asked what the meaning of the King animals on my path meant. I saw the animals triangulate around me and saw five crystals in the shape of a five pointed star around them. Then a large crown came down from above and fit itself around my entire body. The voice came through and said, “you are the kingmaker.” This was a familiar phrase and triggered me immediately to something I had experienced during my trip around the Great Lakes of Michigan. In a dream I was shown five crystals in a shape of a star, then upon looking in a mirror I was told I am the king maker. I called upon my astrologer friend Diane to decipher this message as I knew the Kingmaker was a star in the sky “Regulus”. 

Diane got back to me at the end of that trip which was a bit ironic since the information I thought I needed during the trip did not come through. Now I know the information was not necessarily meant for that trip, but meant for now! The Kingmaker star is a fixed star in our night sky, it is said that Regulus represents one of four Arch Angles, Regulus being Arch Angel Raphael. And here we begin the shift. There were two parts to the Magnet Planet the student and the teacher. Arch Angel Michael came through to represent the student who is still learning the divine angelic virtues and Arch Angel Raphael came through during my second visit to the Magnet Planet to show me that I was also teacher. I can see clearly how these energies are intersecting on this trip and I now understand why this trip had to be so long compared to the others. It is now day six here at the red cabin and it is time to leave for the second half of our trip. It is here that I believe Arch Angel Raphael will be guiding my adventure helping with the final activations of this trip.



Leaving The living waters cabin on Mount Ida, it’s time to move to our next location and hour south at Diamond Joes right behind the Crater of Diamonds State Park. The extended drive gave me time to reflect on all that had been experienced while exploring Mount Ida. The trip thus far had proved to be all that I had hoped it would be. Greeted day one by Arch angle Michael and the last day recognizing the shift to Arch Angel Raphael I could tangibly see the transition happening from Part 1 of the Magnetic Planet to Part 2. 

Learning the lessons of Kindness and flow that Michael was trying to usher in, I had come to terms with this shift on yet another emotional level and allowed the stagnant energy to release helping to finish the contract, completing more of my divine lesson plan. Planting pairs of crystals all around Mount Ida (a record keeper and Tibetan Tektite) the three pairs were left at the feet of the statue of Michael, in a creek bed in Magnet Cove and outside the Living Waters Cabin. At each place, much information had been received helping to connect the dots. Seeing now how these crystals are going to be gridded, I can clairvoyantly see a hexagon shape begin to take shape in my mind creating the bridge between the three experienced locations and three upcoming. Bringing six record keepers and six Tibetan Tektites, three pairs have already been dedicated to Michael where the other three I can assume will go to Raphael and his lessons from the Magnetic Planet. 

Arriving at Diamond Joe’s we check into our tree-house cabin throw on our swim attire on and head to the state park where a promising water park awaits two excited boys. After an hour of swimming we get stormy weather overhead which leads to the guards calling the kids out of the pool. Hopefully waiting, the weather does not change so we decide to grab lunch at the local gas station. May I remind you this is a very small town with limited eating options! Grabbing a few essentials for our tree house we head back to Diamond Joes camp ground where we find the cage housing peacocks, ducks and chickens and a cage with a golden finch. Playing around the birds cages and taking pictures from every angle, we walk back towards the river where other campers have congregated and decide to spend the rest of the night gabbing, fishing, playing in the muddy banks and swimming to the sand bar. 

Sitting along the rivers edge digging my feet into the grass, I noticed something that had started happening to my feet during the time I arrived at Serpents Mound. A bit more than three weeks ago I had done a peel on my feet, being a Spa Director I receive a lot of products to test out for potential use at our spa. Peels usually take effect 72 hours after the peel is administered, maybe because this acid peel was expired nothing happened in the typical three days, but a little over two weeks later my ankles started itching. At first, I thought I had quickly acquired a lot of bug bits from the grass around our cabin at Serpents Mound. Then along the drive to Arkansas I had noticed the itching turned into peeling. Once at the Living Waters Cabin in Mount Ida more noticeably the bottoms of my feet started peeling off in sheets as if full casts of my feet were being removed. Not something I would take any particular notice of, especially after performing a standard peel, but the timing was oddly strange and delayed and not to mention my feet are big symbolic connections in relationship to the my 3D human experience. 

When I started recognizing my detachment from the human experience years ago at the beginning of my spiritual emergency, I noticed it all started by my recognition of how much I hated the feeling of the Earth beneath my feet! Now years later I am always aware of walking barefoot and acknowledging the special connection I have with the Earth beneath me. Watching my feet become activated at the beginning of this trip and now continuing to peel almost completely turning into new feet at Diamond Joe’s I take subtle notice of something trying to grab my attention and shift my perspective 


That night the boys went right to sleep just as our power went out at 8:30pm, and for whatever reason, “she said… with a grin on her face!” my night was not so peaceful. Twisting and turning I could not get comfortable. The temperatures outside were in the high eighties yet the inside of the tree house was freezing cold from the multiple AC units. Not recognizing just how uncomfortable I truly was I tried to make it through the entire night; cold, in pain from the bed and with an overly active right brain. I recognized immediately that this was a duplicate repeat of my traumatizing night during trip two in Michigan while trying to sleep in the back of the van! 

The next day with nothing to do in town, and not yet ready to mine at the crater we headed to a native American burial ground and spent the morning running from mound tomb to mound tomb in a downpour of rain. Having more fun than I thought we could have exploring the area in a storm we waited for the weather to lift and then combed the terrain for arrow heads which had been neatly placed for the kids to find. After a few hours of work and collecting many treasures we chanced the water park yet again even though the storms were looming overhead. Getting to the park right at noon we were able to stay until closing. The kids made friends and even I connected with a traveler from Texas. Saying our goodbyes we both agreeing tomorrow would be the day to take the kids to the crater and mine for diamonds then repeat the swim park until close yet again. We parted ways hoping to see one another the next day.

Getting back to the camp ground I started wondering what my spiritual purpose was here at the Crater of Diamonds. So far, I felt completely disconnected from the spiritual experience. I was 100% connected to making sure the boys were having a good time which after Michaels teaching made sense in the grand scheme of thigs, but even if that was the lesson to be had I still felt as if divine had left my field all together. Confused on what the lessons here were I took some much needed time to sit down and meditate hoping to connect with Arch Angel Raphael and see what his messages for me might be. 

On cue the boys ran towards the rivers edge, finding their fishing buddy this allowed me some time to sit and connect through meditation. During the quite reflection time Raphael’s energy came through very strong. So much so that I felt his presence around certain parts of my physical body, signaling our connection was strong. The messages that came through were all focused around my connection to an underground crystal and how this crystal would help to bring balance to my bodies during this transitional time. I could feel strongly the energy of the crystal as it adjusted and manipulated different areas of my body, creating a state of euphoric ecstasy. The light energy pulsated into areas of my body opening and allowing for activations to happen on some unconscious level, leaving me feeling weightless. The sensations were welcomed, but I left the meditation having no more clarity then when I had started on this locations spiritual purpose for my journey.  

Night came quick and as the three of us retreated back to the tree house the familiar and distinct sense of unease came immediately back to life. Greeting me like an old friend, it kept me up late that night probing my mind with questions and ideas that could not manifest, for the time and place were completely wrong. I reviewed the ending of the trip and the grids that would soon need to be completed in my own yard connecting the five grids I had planted all over Norther America. I saw miniature grids manifesting to life through my mind’s eye and reviewed the smallest of details that needed to be acknowledged before making these talismans. Knowing it was the wrong time for this endless borage of questioning thoughts I could not stop them from coming. Wondering again what my purpose was for coming to Diamond Joes in this present moment I got lost yet again in the unknown spiral of thoughts. This constant borage finally broke me. It lead me to grab the television remote turning on the television simply to numb and distract me drowning out the thoughts I can’t control.

Waking in the morning my body hurts and I am overly aggravated at the outcome of the previous night. Grabbing my phone to distract my still overly active mind I start reviewing the pictures of the trip thus far trying to select some to send to my husband. Scrolling through I see pictures taken from the previous day, first in line is a full color image of the peacock. When I saw this one image the totality of what has been trying to come through at Diamond Joes became clear! Diamond Joes sits on Roy road, which is my last name. Stumbling across this picture of the Peacock helped to fuse the name of the street together with the picture of the peacock allowing me to access a flood of memories locked in my subconscious body. The peacock has been my spirit animal, my souls’ totem animal since I became a conscious spiritual seeker. This was one of the first fully connected spiritual experiences I had that validated my clairvoyance and it was through that shamanic journey experienced in Norther California that I received message after message to start moving forward. The shamanic journey validated my spiritual existence, setting me towards a path that has not slowed down or stopped since I first connected with the peacock. 

Now here at Diamond Joes this memory resurfaced along with the understanding that I have been asked to leave “Jenessee” behind, that is the Roy connection and step into my next spiritual role. This was the main teachings of my astral experience that lead to these five journeys. All along the goal here has been to finish the open contracts I still hold and move into the next phase of creation alongside our matrix. Now thinking about my feet I recognize the fact that I am actually loosing my physical connection to Earth and who I was. No wonder I have not felt Raphaels presence with me, I am being asked to completely disconnect from “Jenessee” to lose the person with whom I have created these experiences so that I might step into the next phase of my journey. The phase of the teacher. No wonder this place has been so hard to connect to! I was never meant to connect, I was meant to let go and the more I tried to connect and create a relationship to what was happening the more aggravating it got trying to get me to let go!

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At this recognition, everything I had been struggling to connect with simply melted away. We were scheduled to stay another night here at Diamond Joes, but with this new information I can’t see staying another minute, I will happily forfeit the final nights payment if I can leave this disconnected feeling behind. While the boys slept, I began feverishly packing the contents left in the tree house into our car. Not knowing where we were going to go, I simply had to get out. With this final part of me disintegrating with the last thing needing to be transitioned now gone I recognized more than ever the disconnect from this location.  No longer supported by the foundation underneath my feet, energetically this chapter of the book had ended leaving me ready to step into the next adventure. Ready to move and with no fear present in what lied ahead, all that was left to do was wake up the boys and go. 

Packing the last contents of the tree house into the back of the car, I see tucked into one of the cars side shelves the box of crystals I had brought to bury at the different transformational locations. Opening the box, I am ready to bury two more crystals to represent the transformative energy taking place. To my surprise when I opened the box along with a pendulum and some Paulo Santo burning sticks I notice I had packed a huge A+ grade Pink Danburite Crystal. Apparently, I had completely forgotten about this selection made back in Ohio. Looking at the pink crystal, I knew immediately this represented my heart, my love for Volume One Jenessee, the one who had gotten me to this moment in time and who was now ready to be buried here. The love vibration of the pink Danburite represented my connection to the growth, life and now death of the soul and lesson plan from volume one Jenessee. 

Understand that this death is not a human one, but more like a shamanic death where no more learning can be done from the current soul’s perspective. When this happens the soul must leave everything behind going through a little death which creates a clear and open vessel to bring in new teachings and grow from a different higher perspective. Burying this stone here will help signal the readiness and completion of my path up until this point. Excited to begin creating the next level of my existence I grab the pink crystal and count the Tibetan Tektites. I notice there are four remaining! How does divine always do this… Either I packed seven or these things have multiplied. The subconscious actions we perform always have meaning, my etheric body must have know this would happen and had me grab seven of these black stones instead of six to match the number of record keepers I had brought. Either way it was destine to be this way. Walking to an overgrown pond area that no longer moved water, but grew lush greenery I noticed the three Easter Island Statues sitting along the top of its stone laid wall and found this as memorable a place as any to bury my heart and connection to the hybrid human existence I had now fully accepted.

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Now on the road and not knowing where to go, I pulled up an old website I had briefly explored before the trip started. The search I had performed to find this page included something about the vortex points in Arkansas and where their present- day connections were. The sight didn’t match this search request exactly, but when your performing a spiritual google search it doesn’t necessarily have to! The page talked about the fall of Atlantis and made connections to Arkansas in the present-day, quoting it held vortex energy, sun discs, and recently activate underground crystalline energy emanating from underground caverns. Skimming the page while driving the one road out of Diamond town, I found a paragraph that talked about Magnet Mountain apparently different than Magnet Cove. This is exactly what I needed to see, the planetary connection has come back once again to save the day! Just like the chapeters of my book, the Magnetic Planet connection had made itself known two times in my objective world confirming divine was back on my side. Having no clue where in Arkansas this mountain was I went right back to google and typed in magnet mountain. The number one link was The “Ozark Jesus” built on Magnet Mountain in Eureka Springs. My mind makes the connection and realizes that of course, it would be another connection to my birthed from Master Archetype of Jesus. Concluding Volume One of the life of Jenessee I guess when you disintegrate your first human timeline and begin your second journey ready to expand fully into the cosmic matrix it makes sense for one to go back to the starting point within the cosmic origin. For me this is with Ascended Master JESUS! 

Eureka Springs here we come! Its seven in the morning and we have a five-hour drive ahead of us. Not wanting to stop for breakfast because that would mean having to spend another minute in a town that no longer supported this new timeline of mine, I promised the boys if they could just hold on for an hour I would find them donuts! Speeding as quickly as I could along the back-county roads, the navigation system ticked along and an hour later we are in the familiar territory of Mount Ida where a small local donut shop resided along our route. Making this one stop we were slated to arrive to Eureka by noon.

The remainder of the trip I can only explain as an activation that has completely changed my ability to perceive what is happening around me, release limiting beliefs and judgments, as well as opening me to a flow that was sometimes forced to be around coming from the old version of Jenessee. Now connected to the aforementioned Atlantean website, I see how starting my journey around the northern tip of Arkansas and moving down is quite like what is happening to my clear and open channel.

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Ozark Jesus and Magnet Mountain house the Platinum Crystal of Communication which was activated on 11:11:11. The Platinum crystal exudes calming energy of brilliant magnificence. Balancing between the dimensional realms of the New Earth and those realms that will help us interface more greatly with the Angelic Realm. This crystals helps to regulate everything between matter and antimatter creating a harmonic cycle of energy. The magnetization of the mountain helps to facilitate this and the expansion of the 11-crystaline grid. It was here taking pictures near the Ozark Jesus statue at the top of the mountain that I captured many blue orbs signaling the angelic connection taking place. I left one of the remaining pairs of crystals here for a connection to this part of the grid. Spending the day and night in Eureka gave me a chance to assimilate to the energies coming from Magnet Mountain. Swirling channels of soft flowing energy is the best way to describe how this crystalline connection greeted me.


After a blissful night in the Ozarks we headed south towards Pinnacle Mountain where it is said one of the twelve Sun Discs resides. Arkansas is supposedly the most powerful of the twelve discs staged neatly around the globe including: Sri Lanka, Australia - Uluru, French Polynesia – Moorea, China – Xi-an Pyramids, Africa – Kilmanjaro, Egypt – Giza, Russia – Siberia – Lake Baikal, Russia – Ural Mtns, Scotland – Roslyn Chapel, Bolivia – Lake Titicaca, Brazil – St. Tomas Des Letres. The job of the Arkansas Golden Sun Discs is believed to help in the rise of the Lumerian Energy, bringing back into full power once again. Going through activations which starting around 11:11 and completed around 12:21:12 these discs are helping code the DNA of the Earth to that of the NEW EARTH reprograming vibrational frequencies so that transition for both human and Earth can happen. These discs connect to sacred geometric lightcode which will help humanities expansion into higher dimensional fields allowing the 3D to become 5D then 12D moving in ascension towards cosmic awareness. 


At Pinnical mountain I was reminded of my connection to Toth or in Greek lore Hermes. Before my trip to Serpents Mound and Arkansas I was repeatedly contacted by messengers of Toth first by numerous birds in and out of my life carrying his signature then by his name synchronistically appearing on License plates, client names, print and other means the few weeks leading up to my departure. While at Pinnacle Mound during meditation I was reminded of my exploration years ago into the Emerald Tablets which produced a very powerful initiation by Toth. I was gifted the name Shu Shu Ma, which I was told meant connection between Earth and Sky. While meditating on top of Pinnacle Mountain connecting to the Golden Sun Disc I was shown how I was a connection between the duality of Heaven and Earth – Human and Alien – this was my task. I am a bridge for hybrids who reside upon this Earth to help them remember, to help them re-connect and to validate their Earthly experiences. Leaving my second pair of crystals here I wanted a remembrance of this connection here validating for myself the connection to the Golden Sun Disc and this part of the grid.

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Moving South yet again we connect to Toltec Mound where The Ark Crystal of Gravity resides. This crystal is said to have a counter rotating specific magnetic field around cylindrical crystals creating antigravity waves. The crystal here helps to apply crystalline ovid-shield effects around crystalline structures, minerals and gold which create vibrations making hyper-dimensional divergent energy fields. It is said that when a light worker connects to this crystal they become a code carrier helping to transmit the activated crystalline energy to other grids helping to seed in the rising vibrational energy of the New Earth. Sitting alongside the lake with my side facing towards the furthest mound I can feel the swirling energy as it meets my body. Through my minds eye I see my astral form move in between the three visible mounds. Surrounding my body are wind turbines that shift horizontally in a counter clockwise spin. The crystals I can feel reside in the fifth dimension and sit not under the ground but project upward from the mounds which creates such strong vibrations which any sensitive could feel.  Moving from my first meditation position to the open dock the boys and I shift now to the opposite side of the mound where another small seat has been built into the decking. Feeling inclined to sit once again, the energy changes completely or possibly my reception of the energy changed. I feel it move stronger now through my body making me almost loopy from the energetic effects. Walking away from the visible mounds back towards the visitors center I feel dense once again. Or in different terms as I am sure I am not spiritually dense I feel grounded. There is an emptiness to my vessel that was not present before and I feel energetically like things have completed.

Not realizing it at the time, but by separating myself for my original travel plans and departing Diamond Joes to head north I had moved away from my foundation of this journey where so much learning had taken place and started the ascent process towards the northern region of Arkansas. By doing this I had literally and figuratively started the creation of my new soul self by simply listening to the instinct to “GO!”. Symbolically, I had to scale the mountain to meet my maker which allowed the divine transformation to begin taking place. Feeling everything starting to manifest clearly into my channel, with no cognitive attachment to any of it I allowed myself to become clear. Successfully opening to let go, I now drive towards our next scheduled hotel with excitement in my heart.

Typing into the cars navigation system I am told it will take around two hours to arrive to our destination. Having no clue where I am going I know I am headed back towards mount ida as I had originally scheduled all three locations about an hour away from one another. In planning these five spiritual trips all I know prior to the adventure is that I want to be near a specific aspect of the trip that drew me there. 

Sedona – the Spiritual Vortexes

Michigan – the Northern Lights

Shasta – the Energy of the Mountain

Serpents Mound – the Mound itself

Arkansas – the Crystal Mountain, Mount Ida

In booking places to stay in Arkansas I selected areas within an hour of Ida and only knew I wanted to mine for crystals. I assumed everything else needing to be done would present itself clearly. So in driving back towards Ida I was amazed when my path was almost exactly the same as when I drove down for the first time from Serpents Mound. Not realizing the last hotel would take me back towards Mount Ida, because in complete honesty when on these trips I live minute to minute. So, when the freeway showed signs for Ida and the navigation system told me to take route 270, the route I drove to get in the first time my mouth gapped open and then drew into a smile. It was like I was being give a second chance to experience the Crystal Mountain with all of the new activations in place. This trip I can only describe as a journey that has been experienced through two completely different perspectives and two completely different bodies. Engaging the first time as a student, I re-entre Ida as a fully realized teacher, but a teacher who knows nothing and doesn’t have to hold onto anything previously known or experienced I reenter Ida as a clear channel a vessel that will be given the wisdom needed in each moment as the wisdom is needed. I can see that my channel will mold to the student, one day a lesson might express one view of life where another day the information might seem completely different to address another. I no longer believe in anyone thing, but trust in what may come through the light when present with another enlightened individual. I trust in that which is unclear, and find no longing to know what lies ahead. From an individual who use to have to know where the path was leading I am happy to give up the vision of the finish line I use to hope to hold, and surrender to a life full of surprises that will amaze me every second I am willing to be present to its unfolding gifts. I understand trust in the divine as I have never understood it before because I finally realize I am co-creating every minute of it and if I have no expectation of what it might bring every “present” moment will be just that. 


Master Trip 66


DISCLAIMER :: Don't Read with EGO there is NO EDITING!!! Straight thoughts from before/during/after trip

Preparing for the last two trips to complete the contracts from the book, 12 Planets, 11 bodies, 1 soul. I find complete clarity in what is happening to me on this journey. Starting out this adventure I blindly followed a request from divine to visit five cities around northern America where experiences and information awaited my connection. Knowing nothing more then where I was going to start the first journey to Sedona uncovered the totality of the four remaining trips and where I needed to go. Still having no idea what I was supposed to do when I got to these places I trusted the divine guidance and heeded the call to explore without attachment or expectation.

After Sedona, I traveled to the great lakes surrounding Michigan and Canada. It was here that the remaining bit of control over this journey departed and I became the completely open vessel whom is writing to you today. After the Great Lake adventure it was time for Mount shasta where to my amazement my astral travel to the Planet of Peace and Connection was mirrored detail by detail during the four days spent around the mountain. Each new experiences was more mind blowing than anyone could have imagined and it was during this trip that I came to realize my subjective and objective worlds were co-mingling in the presence of my grounded human form. 

Traveling back to Ohio and awaiting the next trip to Serpents Mound I keep the energy that surrounded me on the Shasta trip. Completely trusting, I released any need to know, anything. Whether it be spiritual, work, friends, family. I simply surrendered into the moments as they presented themselves, trying my best not to hold onto a single piece of information as I knew that once I grabbed hold I would miss the next element flying by.

Back at home synchronicities started bombarding my field. So much so that I allowed myself to plummet into a state of confusion, there was so much energy swirling around me trying to get my attention and I had no understanding of why it was present and so powerfully trying to pull me in. Leaving for Shasta a dear friend one who I would go as far as to say that I had been the catalyst for her spiritual awakening had been on the edge of a viscous divorce. Daily she was getting pulled deeper and deeper in the fear of her situation and was becoming enveloped by the demands of everyone surrounding her. Barley able to come up for air her she was drowning fast in the complexities of trying to establish a new foundation in trusting divine guidance instead of fearing the unknown. The day after coming back from Shasta another friend whom I would go as far as to say I was the catalyst in him finding his spiritual voice in this lifetime told me he has requested a divorce from his wife. Hearing his words made me step back to look for the energetic connection and perspective. As I dethatched myself from his words another friend came floating into my awareness one who I would again claim I was the catalyst for his spiritual awakening. He a few weeks ago requested a reading from me where divine came in and told him to begin establishing his new foundation this new year of 2017 and begin to grow in a spiritually conscious way. He was probably the one who was most removed from the conscious movement yet was called very quickly into this transforming during this year 2017 which numerological stands for the number 1 or new beginnings. 

With three very close relationships going through this energy all at the same time I had to ask myself what was my part in it all. Being the teacher who preaches the reflection technique I began questioning if I had missed anything happening in my own field. Using the reflection technique anything that is happening around you is typically a direct reflection of what you can’t see or haven’t chosen to acknowledge within yourself. Searching my own feelings I can honestly say that my husband and I are in a very good place so instantly I called my husband to confirm from him what our current relationship status was. Getting him on the phone and asking a very direct question about the status of our relationship, he responded to me as I would have to him. He used a page straight out of one of my spiritual notebooks. Understanding very quickly that we are both on the same page and in a very good spot in our relationship, this only lead to more confusion about what was happening to my circle of people! Why were they going through this all at the same time and why was I in the middle? There was a distinct connection, but to prove my theory there was one more person who I had been a catalyst for during 2016 and before I completely bough in, I wanted to check with her. Sending a very brief email I asked how her spiritual awakening was going and how the transformational year of 2017 had started out? The response came within the day and to no surprise she had stated that she had decided to get a divorce from her husband. Proving my hunch, I asked divine to make the connection clear for me so I could move forward in whatever way was needed for myself and these people. 

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That day I went home to a warm sun hanging in the sky. Taking advantage of the warmth I sat outside on our patio with my computer to research some business items. As time ticked away began to feel a pressure in my head, they type you might chock up to a headache starting yet it never quite turned into that. Then out of my peripheral vision I started to see a blind spot, but instead of just fuzzy this spot grew and shrunk on command and had a complete geometric pattern that moved around the outside of its boarder. Like a ring around the entire spot the shapes danced back and forth and even glowed with color. This distortion stayed in my view for hours and I simply enough played with it making it bigger and smaller. My mind at one point clicked and decided I had to be playing with some sort of wormhole or dimensional opening. All I have every wanted was to see clearly with my eyes open and here sitting in the sun, I know whatever this is I am perceiving energy of another dimension. Feeling accomplished in everything that has transpired from the day I retreat to bed that evening ready for sleep.

Relaxing into bed that night I started to perform the meditation my Dragon guide from Serpents Mound had asked me to perform on the last day of my Shasta trip. Connecting to these five cities: Miami, New York, Chicago, L.A and San Francisco began to see the light fill each of their dormant crystals when divine intervention came through and connected the most important piece of the puzzle thus far. 

The whisper came through, “The five cities connect to the five people currently surrounding you who are going through their conscious awakening and regrounding into a new growth cycle.”

I could see the people who I had recently connected with and had a hunch who the fifth one was. In this one statement I understood what my job was in connecting to the dormant crystals and new that symbolically these five people were the physical representation of how each of these cities would fair with this new wave of conscious energy coming in. 

Around two maybe three years ago I had connected with a fifth dimensional Dragon from Serpents mound. At that time she told me that it was time to connect and begin awakening the dormant crystal under San Francisco. Before doing anything, and because I had never connected with a fifth dimensional dragon before, I had taken this information to my mentor. I asked her what the dragon intended when she expressed to me to awaken the dormant crystal. My mentor told me that it might be unwise to perform such a task. “When you awaken a dormant crystal especially one like the one you speak about under San Francisco it can have unintended consequences for those who are not ready to go through a conscious awakening.” Her words now ring through my head, I understand what it means to awaken a crystal, by doing this you are allowing divine energy to ground down into the third dimensional plane. A crystal is a host for this celestial energy and will fill to the brim with this new energy and then pour it out into the landscape surrounding it. Anyone residing in the five cities above the dormant crystals would begin to bring this new conscious energy into their energetic field and by doing so they would begin to move through their own spiritual awakenings. Not a bad thing but an awakening has also been called a spiritual emergency because the spirit begins to emerge, but also creates a state of emergency for the soul going through it. During a spiritual emergency the foundation, the bedrock, the constant for the soul begins to shift and change and things begin to adjust so rapidly that if that soul doesn’t have a context for what is happening or have a mentor or teacher for the conscious shift they are going through when they begin to release old patterns, beliefs, and limiting systems they could become almost trapped by the fear of the drastic changes happening around them and block the shift from taking place in a harmonious and natural way.

Having avoided this two to three years ago, this time when the request came to begin activating the dormant crystals I knew I had to help usher in this new energy. I didn’t question the request this time, and now see clearly why these five individuals have been brought forth to symbolically represent the cities and their own acceptance of the new changing, shifting energies. 

Finishing the meditation I drifted into a lucid sleep. Still somewhat present in the room I began hearing hundreds of papers shuffling all around the floor of the room. Near sleep this startled my heart and snapped my consciousness back into my body. Lying frozen listening to the sounds I was immediately triggered that exterritorial visitors might be around. My mind goes to this explanation because it has happened once before to me by an alien group called Kryon. When they came the same sort of sleep cycle took place and then I awoke frozen to a choir of children laughing. Having clear awareness that this might be what was happening I said a prayer to ward off anything unwanted and when the noise continued I knew I was in good company and invited whoever the unseen beings were to work on updating and activating my light body however then saw fit. With this statement, my racing heart settled down and I began to drift off to sleep once again yet right before my eyes closed a bright white light poured into the top of the room near our upper windows. The light came in so bright that my eyes squinted to see through it. Then through the light came a figure and the figure was an unmistakable image from my catholic days of Jesus nailed to the cross. Yet this was a real man handing from a real cross. Out loud I repeated to myself “this is actually happening, this is actually happening, this is actually happening.” By the fourth time I said it out loud the light started to get sucked out of the room and the image disappeared.

Awaking the next day, the experience of the night lingered with me and I am amazed by what I had experienced. I saw with my eyes open in full third dimensional view Jesus on the cross. Not sure exactly why it was Jesus, but that’s what it was and I must think it also had something to do with the vision distortion I had experienced leading up to the encounter. Armed with new vigor for whatever this experience was turning into, I felt a strong pull to connect with the fifth person who I had not yet reached out to. Aging this fifth person is someone over the past few years I have been a catalyst for her awakening and understanding of how divine was working through her. 

Sending a text to meet for coffee we connected the next morning and I was greeted by a person who was a ghost of her normal self. Having recently decided to split from a long time partnership she had lost all way in life and later told me that day if not for my reaching out to her the night prior she would have been ready to take her own life. After talking for an hour about her fear in moving forward with this new energy and having to let go completely the life she had previously created you could start to see signs of the old friend peeking through. She was on the brink of discontinuing her journey because life had started becoming muddled and the path was no longer clear. This seemed to be a consistent energy for these five people whom I had connected with. Not all engrossed enough in the fear to question their existence on the Earth plane any longer, willing to take their lives, but enough so to create drastic changes to meet their conscious awakening and clear a path for new growth and drastic change.

This last encounter really put into perspective the shifts in energy that were taking place and how these unique individuals yet separated people could be connected to the bigger picture of what is coming through into our earth plane right now. Talking with this friend showed me a glimpse of my connection to this situation. I realized that these people were leading their own lives in a very accelerated way and they were my mirror into how the diving energy was coming in to these five cities and how the inhabitants of the cities were going to be able to deal with the new upgrades. I was clued into my potential to help guide these five individuals through their own accelerated process in finding their new foundation or a new root chakra and moving through this next root to crown experiences while being beacons for the new harmonizing planetary frequencies.  

I have always understood to a degree the meaning of becoming a vessel of light as your one true authentic self and by doing this you can in effect change the world one person at a time by holding your own authentic light. I had never understood it to this new degree, that once you reconcile your master archetype you begin holding a light that in itself is so high vibrational that those who you encounter that are ready to accept their journey towards finding the master archetype will branch off becoming birthed by your light and begin the amazing journey towards reconciling their own archetype in this one lifetime. The gravity of this one notion sends shivers down my spine. It only takes one breath, one look, one moment, to know that you are truly impacting the world around you, simply by acknowledging your divine purpose and your authenticity you can begin the expansion of the matrix one person at a time.

These five individuals represent five of the petals of my master archetype from the Heaven Planet, they each represent a frozen bodies on one of the twelve planets that I had previously completed before starting this second journey. I was told this second exploration for me was going to help complete the contracts of the five bodies on the five planets that were still needed to be completed. I became fully aware of this and what was happening once the Jesus connection came back to me. At the completion of the first astral adventure to discover the 12 planets I was shown the Heaven Planet where master archetypes are held for individual souls to being their freezing, expanding adventure. I saw my own soul get birthed from the Jesus archetype. One thing I have yet to mention up until this point is that I too had been birthed by a mentor who spoke to me of my connection to a master archetype. During a training session one day my mentor answered a question for me that I could tell she was hesitant to answer. The response came from her stating that I was holding a soul of Jesus. Never telling anyone this before because in all honesty how to you bring this up to someone, expressing that you hold one of the twelve souls of Jesus without sounding a bit off or egotistical. I had no real clue what it meant and in all honesty through our conversation I don’t really think she knew fully what she was relaying either. She mentioned that I held a part of the soul that would one day leave me like it had left her and moved to me. When I visited the Heaven Planet she was one of the souls inhabiting one of the twelve vessels like I had been. Putting these pieces together and witnessing these five individuals in my life come together so suddenly and so deliberately to teach me this final message, I was ready to recognize my own master archetype souls to see them come forth and reflect to me that which I had created. This is my world after all, said in the most ego-less way possible! I stress that this is all of our reality, I have been chosen to teach this part of our creation story just as you have been hand chosen to teach your part. Jesus as the man we knew him to be on Earth once fully aligned to his cosmic master archetype collected his apostles, his twelve reflections of cosmic cords. Just as my eleven cords are stepping through in the same way. I have been gifted with the clarity to see my cosmic connection and through that connection I get to see those who have been birthed by my present moment conscious awareness. They will reflect to me the divine cosmic connections I had to planets I had once frozen bodies on. Five of these individuals are know and I have a hunch the other six will make themselves know as time goes on. 

Birthing more clearly reviewed: Having this connection all along has helped me to realize the biggest component of this astral adventure. When I envision Jesus as he was here on the Earth plane he has his 12 disciples, in the Heaven planet he also had his 12 vessels each with a truth about Jesus the Master Archetype. I understand fully now that when a soul makes a reconciliation in one time in one space that souls becomes released from his cosmic contract, living a pure and divine expression of complete authenticity which can begin to expand the matrix. The 12 vessels surrounding Jesus are the 12 disciples that he collected during the life in which Jesus made full reconciliation. Those who surrounded him on the Earth journey were also on a path to reconciling their master archetype, as Jesus became aware of their presence they to also became aware of the cosmic connection and that they had frozen bodies on other planes of existence hence the birthing process began. When one is completely clear of their cosmic archetype they can reflect (as they are being reflected) to another their “birth” into discovering their origin story. I believe now that during the life where one finds reconciliation they are able to meet the ones that are birthed from their archetype to assist in the overall beginning expansion of the archetype itself. A teacher in physical form that will then become ascended master from a different plane. Guiding always those who chose to continue the expansion process of the matrix and continue the spread of divine authentic light and learning from the expansion itself.

Getting ready to embark upon the last two adventures I see clearly the lessons of teacher and student from the Magnetic Planet. We are always learning and teaching, it is our consciousness that leads us to this expression during times of complete presence. As the days counted down to my fourth and fifth trip to Serpents Mound and Mount Ida, Arkansas the energy that intertwined with these five people grew stronger. Every night I would perform a meditation that connected my energy to the five dormant crystals under: San Francisco, L.A, Miami, New York and Chicago seeing chakra colored light fill the crystals I would then hold the energy until pure white golden light came cascading in. The energy every night was strong and during the day a series of intense meditations for these individuals came through. Specific meditations to help them begin to update their own light body blueprints for future manifestation of their path. Still having no clue what their individual paths will be and maybe never knowing I simply recorded the meditations as they came through and sent them attachments until one day both stopped. About ten days prior to my own trip to Serpents mound the nightly meditations stopped as well as the channeling of information. I didn’t even recognize the nightly dormant crystal meditation leave until a week after it stopped. The energy was extremally intense and then simply vanished. It is my belief that the trip to Mount Shasta ushered in the energy of the dormant crystals and the upcoming Serpents Mound trip was going to finalize any lose ends with these five people. 

There was something unique and interesting about what had happened and upon further reflection I realize that my lack of meditation and clarity produced other ways for me to recognize just how important these five individuals were going to be on my adventure. Leading up to the Shasta trip I was not connecting to the field through meditation so divine started to come through my urge to draw. Thinking I was getting back into social media I had the brilliant idea (later recognized this was divine pulling on open purse strings) to draw pictures and then pull a layout from my oracle deck to see what messages divine wanted to give out to the people surrounding me. Doing this over and over every message was about relationships and people needing to review the close partnering relationships around them. Every day another reading different yet the same. I had pulled away from reading myself or trying to find out what my trip had instore for me yet divine found a way to get my attention and focus my energy clearly on what needed to be brought together. So starting around the time I left for Shasta to right before the time I left for Serpents Mound I finally understood what divine was saying and found my five beings of light who I believe are now ready to explore their own cosmic master archetype.

Serpents Mound


Driving to serpents mound from Ohio is slated to take four hours. No big deal in comparison to some of the recent trips the boys and I have taken yet every request, every stop, every need of the two boys in the back seat seem to anger me. Having released all emotional impulses (no joke) I truly have no reactionary impulses through emotion at this point in my human existence. To respond to almost every rise in energy level from the boys with a triggered sensation of Anger frightens me.  

The boys have not changed as a matter of a fact they are the same old road accomplices yet my reaction to their needs has changed dramatically. It takes the entire drive and arriving at our destination to reveal what is happening. Once at the red barn cabin I have time to decompress and review the trip from a higher plane. Existing in the realm of connections once again I begin to see the pattern of Anger and realize that this trip might be panning out to repeat our Michigan trip. During the drvie around the great lakes I had been transmuting Fear for not only myself but the collective consciousness of all beings. With this realization I almost pray that my instinct is wrong. The trip around the great lakes although it be powerfully moving and a complete release of control helping me to step fully into trust with the divine, it was one of the most draining things I had ever experienced.

Reviewing my reactions of Anger towards the needs of the boys, I begin my subjective comparison of the two trips. Fear was most definitely root chakra based and a way to allow my soul to step into full acknowledgment of its trusted connection to divine. Here with Anger I can feel the vibration resonate somewhere around my heart chakra. I am angry because the boys are not listening to my rules, they are blatantly disobeying our everyday standards, they are demanding, they are petty and fighting and they are requiring my every ounce of energy to simply keep a normalcy to our trip. I am angry because it isn’t easy and my expectation of them and how they should behave isn’t panning out. Thinking more clearly now I remember my teachings about emotions and recall Anger happens to a person when they haven’t established a boundary between them and another person. Anger is the trigger that shows you a cord from another has attached and triggered your field signaling a boundary line needs to be set. 


Recognizing this pattern is enough to detach me momentarily from the emotion of anger and allows the boys and I to relax peacefully at our new destination. Renting this secluded cabin, we chose to explore the new property and go for a hike. Finding a creek, pond, and paths galore we travel around the boarders until it is time to prepare food. Moving inside I begin making the food while the boys play together on the hammock. Screams erupt and I am called into action once again to separate the fighting boys. Immediately I am connected to Anger and the trigger pulls me away from the emotion to reflect the pattern yet again playing itself out. Recognizing the pattern, I send compassion towards myself for feeling the way I do and realize there is more work to be done surrounding whatever messages are trying to come through. 


After dinner and desert the boys go to bed and I finally lay down with a moment to myself. Performing a quick meditation, I pull a book onto my laid out body and ask a simple question. “What do I need to know about the Science Planet and how it connects to my journey here at Serpents Mound?” Always able to find answers to lifes great questions within the pages of a book, I flip through the pages until one sections feels right. Page 181 had a large chart on it with no words and so did 180 yet 180 had a single paragraph at the top. 

“The progression of the monad beyond the human kingdom can be seen in Figure 11I, which is a continuation of Figure 8f. When the monad achieves cosmic consciousness at 1500 and rises to plane 8 (the lowest subplane of the cosmic emotional plane) it discards its entire triad chain (from the 1:7 atom to the 7:4 molecule). However, the monad retains its 7-atom until it has finished its evolutionary journey and is fully conscious on the plane 49.” – the Science of Spirituality by Lee Bladon.

Reading this excerpt I become fully aware of what is happening and actually understand completely where I am being guided. It has been my understanding that after connecting to my cosmic master archetype that I will begin the detachment process from what I have created here on the 3D plane and begin to move back into a consciousness that is expansive and undefined. Yet I am required to completely let go of that which I have created and attached to here in the 3D plane so that the new expansion can begin to take place. Throughout these journeys I have been conditioned to let go of expectation over myself and release the need to see clearly what is being presented for my review. I have connected into the present moment allowing my subjective and objective worlds to guide my experiences. I have full trust in what is presented and greet most things now with no expectation over how it is going to interact with my path, I simply allow the energy to come in, act on it in a very connected and authentic way and then allow the energy to leave. Again, doing all of this with no expectation of how it should manifest into reality or what the result of its presence should turn into. I am an active member of the flow of divine moving through my existence. Yet here I am being told that there is another level of letting go that is needing to be achieve before this complete release can happen. The paragraph above talks about a monad “soul consciousness” moving through the cosmic plane. In Lee Bladon’s book he talks about the solar scale and the cosmic scale. A monad is moving through first the solar scale achieving complete reconciliation with its divine self and then begins to move through the comic scale repeating everything it had accomplished in the solar scale seven more times at each plane of existence. This is how a new matrix is formed. Reading the above statement, I do not believe I am at a level of existing somewhere between the physical and emotional plane on the cosmic scale, but I do understand this message to mean that in order to fully reconcile what I have learned about my cosmic master archetype that I have to now let go of what is presenting as emotional triggers in my field. Here during my journey I understand that the Anger is happening because I am attached to an outcome of how I want others to behave around me. I have let go of expectation as it pertains to myself, but am still engaged in outcomes through my attachments to others. Having children I understand that it is believed that we must mold them into perfect societal representations of ourselves and our beliefs and teachings so that they represent all that we have learned in this life, making them better versions of ourselves. This is a concept that I have never bought into because in my own quest for authenticity I had to remove layers of my own programing to reveal my truest nature. I did not grow up with a strong understanding of who I was and had to release the beliefs and programing that was imparted in me to find my own authentic voice. I can see now how my Anger is revealing where I am overly engaged in others authentic paths, but not only is it reveling where I am trying to control and outcome for multiple people it is showing me where I am not allowing divine flow to take place. 


This became more clear when my husband and I connected over the possibility of buying property down near Serpents Mound. Part of the trip focused around my want to purchase property near the mound, this was discussed many times by my husband and I. A real estate agent was acquired and an entire day was spent reviewing property near Serpents Mound. Finding a 20 acer plot of land I thought we were ready to buy. Speaking with my husband on the phone about what was found he had taken a 180 spin in the opposite direction and told me he was not ready to buy. Poor communication between the two of us, lead to a burst bubble for me. I though this was it and the time was right and became very angry when over the phone he conveyed his agenda. Again, Anger emerged and this emotion not typical of my normal constitute allowed me to see more clearly the pattern being created. Anger towards my children not following rules can be validated, but Anger towards my husband when my dream of buying this property had been burst was totally different. It became clear that the cosmic emotional plane was trying to teach me that the people surrounding me were helping to divinely orchestrate my path. I had become to wrapped up in my own subjective world and when I had an idea/concept of what was right for me that wasn’t right, the people surrounding me were going to help get my back on my path by dissuading me from what I believed or had been roped into thinking was right at that moment in time. Sometimes being clear on your path means you can feel things so strongly that you feel like the time is now to do something or make a change. When you move past the 3D model of time, space everything becomes aligned to your path and you can feel strongly everything aligned to you in this cosmic plane. Yet we still have to live out our human existence learning and teaching as we go. I realize that the Anger trigger was helping me to see clearly where others were trying to slow me down and keep me aligned to the flow of where I should be on this path.  

Figuring out the Anger component left me open to do the work I needed to do at Serpents Mound. After a day at the cabin it was time to visit Serpents Mound and reconnect with the Dragon if she would present herself once again. Finding my way to the back of the mound I sat on the stone platform that was built to view the forest below. Finding a quiet moment while the two boys played on their electronics I connected easily into the fifth dimensional field surrounding me and am greeted quickly by visions and here is what began to come through:

Scientists from the resource stealer planet were working with light energy and learning how to use this to stabilize the health and Connection of their people to the planet that they had drained of natural resources. I see the body of these beings as a hologram and watch as the scientist move light around, interpenetrating the holographic blueprint helping to nourish the body with what it needs. 

After the vision of the Scientists, the dragon meets me and takes me to visit a crystal beneath serpents mound. She said this crystal works with the frequency of my body and by moving here I will be in harmony with a frequency that will not only help me, but stabilize this part of the planetary grid. The crystalline energy here resonates with my holographic body and like the scientists from the Resource Stealer planet I can heal my blueprint with the energy of the underground crystal here.

I am told that the five people apart of this journey, who were birthed by my cosmic connection are also connecting with their crystals and yes they will find harmony with the place they are connected to, but will also find connection by simply beginning to connect to that crystal below the city that sits within the grid that they are in connection with. The crystal is a representation of them symbolically, in a holographic way, but also physically. By establishing a connection to their dormant crystal they will help to raise their frequency relieving the messages they are waiting for. By finding harmony with the place and crystal each person is meant to connect with they will begin stabilizing the grid of the New Earth as well as helping to ground the galactic energy coming in further signaling their hybrid status. This will also help to raise the frequency of the dormant crystal in its current location which will help to effect change for the local people dwelling above ground in the cities surrounding the crystal connection.

Finally, I am shown that The planet of Peace and Connection, the Scientist Planet, and the Dragon Planet are all connected. They show me this symbolically by connecting each Planet to an angle of the downward pointing triangle of the star of David. They anchor this once triangle to the upward pointed triangle finishing the star of David and connect this three dimensional symbol within me. Malachi the guide with me confirms everything is happening simultaneously and everything I have experienced, has happened before, and is also currently happening. The presence of this the solution, I Am that I Am, As Above so Below. By being aware of these interactions and claiming my connection to the current frequency I can help finish contracts and even facilitate further progress of the cosmic connections I am tied into. My current awareness in this conscious space allows further awareness in all cosmic connections.

These 5 people were gifted cosmic awareness through their birthing Connection to me. Just like I was with my mentor and Jesus when I was consciously birthed. Once we become conscious of our cosmic archetype we begin reconciling all cords we are still connected to and then we reconcile, living and expending a completely new path and reality. Reading this section of the book, I understand I have to let go of everything I have created it is time to find my eleven representations here on this physical 3D plane. I have awareness of the five people who have been birthed by my reconciliation of my first five contracts, as soon as the remaining contracts complete which is the goal of these last five trips the others will begin presenting themselves to me. I will have my absolution, I will subjectively and objectively be perceiving on all plans of existence. My birthed archetype will come through to show me the completion of my master archetype and the completion of my cords to this 3D experience. From this I will be able to consciously expand the matrix in full presence and awareness by simply enough living!