1 - Numerology


ONE - Signs & Meaning

  • New Beginnings
  • Monad
  • Everything
  • Alpha & Omega
  • 1 is everything 0 is the space that allows 1 to be unique
  • Masculine
  • Self
  • Strong-Willed
  • Self-Reliant

It is stability among numbers, one remaining one multiplied or divided by itself, and one of anything is uniquely that one thing. One is perceived as unconditional in its love, yet its majesty and mystery remain veiled beyond comprehension. One is alwasy alone, all one, and no thing can exist without it. 

Original Channel - Is This Heaven?

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.



Is This Heaven?

Finding my way through the fourth dimensional tunnel of light the first exit point I am guided to leads to the Earth plane in the time space of 2015. Exiting this inter dimensional tunnel my body soars through the air moving amidst fluffy white clouds. As I become more aware of the blue sky above and the white clouds below I see not far ahead stands a circle of twelve beings all illuminated with a glowing golden light centered near their chest. Falling like a sky diver I find my body has enough control to move towards the circle of beings standing amongst the clouds.

Moving into the center of the circle I can see each of my twelve guides who have recently accompanied me on the different journeys to visit my frozen bodies.  In full recognition of this connection each guide in turn begins to send a golden shower of light towards my body. One at a time I sense the entirety of my journey coming back to me as the guide sends me his or her light. As the twelfth completes this process of sending me the light I become fully illuminated and begin to take on the heaviness of a solid gold statue. My body becomes too heavy to remain standing on top of the clouds and begins to fall very fast towards Earth. Here my fifth dimensional light body remained with the twelve guides in the clouds as my physical body dropped very fast towards the Earth plane. Watching the event take place I witnessed my golden body crash through my current home in Aurora, Ohio. Symbolic yes, meaningful most definitely, I find myself experiencing in totality a full connection to what I have just begun to comprehend from this last vision.

Turning around I see my final guide for this last journey to the twelfth planet extend out his hand. Grabbing a hold we soar off into the blue sky which quickly turns black and becomes filled with lines of white light. Moving into the fourth dimensional tunnel we move to what I can only describe as the heaven planet. Dropping onto a large open road I am greeted by enormous buildings on my left and right hand side.  The roads seem to pattern out a large square grid with massive Grecian style buildings anchoring down every intersection point. Each building is also square with large marble steps on all four sides. These larger than life steps lead up to a column protected structure sitting on top. The buildings that sit on top of the steps are set back from the final step with enough room to have large golden statues lining the entire perimeter. Unlike gargoyles these statues are not meant to intimidate they seem to be symbolic of the information that lies within. Each building has statues of people and animals and beings I have yet to encounter. I begin to see that I have connections to specific buildings statues. Some of these buildings have statues that resemble inhabitants from planets that I have been to and encountered.

I ask my guide what the purpose of this planet is and within seconds I am flooded with images and knowings from this place. I see that children are invited onto this planet. These children ages ranging from four to six part ways with their guardians from their home planets and get sent to live here in this place. I get the sense that this planet is like a boarding school of sorts used to help develop those who have been chosen to study from its material. Flashing forward I see that there is much self study that goes on here. Children turn into adults and move into and out of the different structures endlessly. The planet is silent there is not much interaction and it appears that even the inhabitants of this planet heads are shaved. The quality of life here seems to run parallel to what we on Earth call monks.

My mind begins to wonder searching for understanding over what I am seeing. These beings seem to be reviewing their many lived lives. They enter the temples of the planets that they have once lived on or will chose to live on in upcoming lives. It appears that they are reviewing the history of their soul’s entire existence. Here I begin to wonder how this is any different from the sixth dimensional realm where all beings do this exact same thing, in the sixth dimension it is called a life review and souls use this process to determine where and what they will be doing in their upcoming lives. I am pulled back to the current planet and see one of these individuals retreat to their living quarters along the outskirts of the large library like Grecian structures. The living space is simple just walls and a platform that is used to meditate on. The individual sits atop the platform in a lotus position with legs crossed and goes into a deep trance. There is no sleep here, the individuals of this planet do not seem to sleep they use this time to realign and connect into the higher dimensional realms to wait for their call to action. I see this individual awaken from his meditative journey with a renewed sense of adventure. It seems that this individual has received the call to move onto the next stage of his training. Here in this place all guidance and learning is self directed. When it is time to move on an individual will know it is time to move on to the next phase of their journey. Once their learning has been completed and full understanding of their mission is achieved the beings of this planet will await a call from their highest guidance. This individual has received that call and now moves into the city center heading towards one of the large building with the golden domed top. Here it is that the individual will freeze his body to make a journey to his next life.

My guide tells me that unlike the sixth dimension or the planet I call Hell when a person chooses to have a life here they chose to align their soul with another soul to attain a much greater accomplishment than what their singular souls lesson plan might have attained. This path is chosen by an individual soul to carry the energy of another soul to bring transcendence and transformation along with other energies to all whom it may come in contact with. I see in this silo a group of five beings that have choosing to unit together to hold the soul fragments of what some have named the energy of Buddha.  When these souls incarnate into their next lives if they are ready they will begin to take on the soul pieces from the soul energy of what we humans have labeled as Buddha. By choosing to freeze your body on this planet you chose to remain in contact with the energy and knowing of the life had on this planet, a direct connection you could say. This means if one of these five individuals living within a different incarnation cycle achieves a higher frequency they will be able to have remembrance of the wisdom learned while on this planet.  Some here never receive the call to freeze their bodies and they will allow their vessels to parish releasing their soul back into the divine where it can chose its next incarnation or journey.

If you are one of the beings living within this planet that receives the call to freeze your body there are many different energies that you could be called to become a Sheppard of. The planet holds endless libraries filled with records of different incarnations. These libraries have been created to teach about different soul principals. There are specific soul principals or “concepts” for lack of a better term. These concepts or ideals are the building blocks that make up all living souls. On this planet each of those principals are categorized into a different section coming to a head around one of these golden domed temple like structures. Reflect for a moment to the continents of Earth, amongst this planet I see multiple continents supported by one golden domed or silo like temple. Surrounding that temple are cities comprised of libraries filled with records of different soul journeys. Those called to live amongst this planet seem to have an extremely high frequency or energetic signature and have the ability to move throughout the planet by means of teleportation not inhibited by distance or time. Towards the end of an inhabitants time on this planet when an individual receives their call they will move towards the temple of the soul concept they are meant to hold.

In each golden silo there are multiple beings that have frozen their bodies. These beings have chosen to become a Sheppard for the soul concept that they have been called to hold. Here I have already witnessed the silo of the energy of Buddha. Five beings that now hold a direct link to this planet and the concept that they now embody. Each will be given a component of this soul concept during their different incarnation cycles. When they embody a physical vessel on a planet they will bring along with their own soul a sliver if you will of this soul concept they have aligned with on this planet. That means in their body they will house two souls in one physical body, one is their own and one is a sliver of this soul concept. As these individual holding one of the five pieces of this specific soul concept becomes more aware of their divine purpose it is possible that they will be gifted the other soul components for the other Sheppard’s. This is why I call the energy I am witnessing the energy of Buddha. Buddha as I speak of him was not the energy here he was the vessel who became enlightened enough to his divine purpose to being to hold each of the five soul concepts of the energy he sought out to hold and he did this in one life time in one body. He became a figure head for the embodiment of the soul concept of compassion, or worthiness, or transcendence…. Buddha in my lifetime has been able to embody fully the five slivers of the soul component he south out to bring awareness to. Buddha as a man was the Sheppard of this soul component.

As I move along the path between the libraries and the golden silo housing the Buddha energy I receive a nagging connection to a part of this world and it feels like an energy I would relate to that of the Devil.  I felt this connection as soon as I saw the first silo, but continually brushed it away for I had not an understanding of why it was trying to present itself. I now open myself to its pull and find I am guided towards a different silo and flooded with an understanding of what I have been feeling. Being a human embarking on this astral journey I bring my own thoughts and humanly acceptance along with me. This is necessary to try and decipher what these new planets offer to my being living on the Earth plane. On Earth my understanding of the Devil is negative and finding his energy present itself in such a pristine wisdom filled place filled me with confusion. When I originally saw the silos I didn’t have the full knowing or capacity to understand. Now giving this energy space I recognize that negativity is a creation of the Earthly plane, that all energy is equal and necessary for our growth and development. I see a silo that belongs to the energy of the devil and see six capsules within it. I get hit in the gut with an understanding of this energy and the necessity it serves as a soul component for all beings. When speaking about building blocks this component of the Devil lies within all of us for without dark there is no light. This soul concept here may be faith or hope. I see these six individuals and understand that the sliver of soul they Sheppard into their incarnations is used to bring destruction and “evil” yet in the wake of their encounters with inhabitants on the planets they reside within they bring forth teachable moments that lead those willing to listen to a place of faith and hope.  For whatever reason I do not see these souls being able to join into one body I see the job of these soul parts is to wonder around creating this destruction on a pretty sever scale. There are times when the soul parts reside within the same time and space on the same plane and during these times major changes can happen for the landscape they reside within yet I feel a sense of hope and faith for all who encounter these beings for to have this immediate opportunity of choice seems blessed in itself.

Back down the steps I find myself on yet another street leading between the golden silo and the libraries surrounding it. I feel things begin to shift and I know now I am being taken to my silo. I can feel the energy conspire around me as time shifts and my guide and I move towards a silo I feel a deep resonance with. It is here that the energy of the man we called Jesus lies. Moving into the silo I see twelve individuals held within their glass capsules. Moving around the circle staring into the faces of the twelve I feel connected to each and have an immediate understanding of our purpose. Meeting the glassed inhabitants of the other silos I found myself unsure of their soul concept, but here within the silo of the twelve I know my soul component is that of trust. Discovering this along the way I know my born purpose for Earth has deep roots in trust. Being a Sheppard for this soul quality I feel the gratitude for the path I have aligned to and know that until this concept is learned fully my life will continue to bring me encounters that require my full trust.

Expanding my understanding of this new revelation I ask my guide this question and being internally thinking about how this is connected to the twelve planets I have recently visited. As a smile settles upon my guides face I know I have tapped into the purpose of this entire journey. Could it be that this is all connected? Could it be that it is not? How many soul components do I currently hold while living on Earth? The answer comes to my mind, three. How many components am I meant to hold? The answer speaks into my mind and says, that is up to you. I begin to review what I have experienced up until this point and ask myself how it is all connected. I understand having eleven frozen vessels and one living is important. It means that I have twelve reasons to be in direct connection to a place and time I require information from. But what lessons can be learned from those planets that are needed on Earth in the time space of 2015? Furrowing my brow I begin to question again how all of this is connected. With this singular thought I get pulled right out of my body and into the stars. I see in my mind’s eye the twelve planets surrounding this ghost like vision of my body standing amongst the stars. Knowing that in the third dimension only one soul can operate at a time beyond the fourth dimension I see there is no such thing as time so all of my lives come together into this one astral being standing amongst the stars. I see within this space that full reconciliation is achieved and my lives are unified in harmony on one plane. This gives me the feeling of freedom and immortality for my soul. I begin to see these planets as they form a spinning circle around me and understand that my choice to hold a body on each of these planets directly connects to my ability to hold the twelve slivers of the Jesus energy. My head begins to spin now with the immense amount of knowing I begin to receive. Is the universe that intertwined? Have I truly chosen a lesson plan that revolves around lessons within the twelve planets, but also includes a path towards being able to bring those lives into full knowing and clarity during one specific life time? Is this the process of transcendence? Is this the end or is this just the beginning?  


Don’t even begin to ask how the transition is going to happen from 2015 to 20300. The details are still veiled at this stage of the story. Talking timelines in a space that is infinite and without past or future gets somewhat tricky, so here at the beginning of this story we will start with the explanation of Earth. There are things you need to know to ensure a successful transition into your divine and original timeline.  Have you ever questioned what your purpose is? Or what the purpose of Earth is? In the spirit of transparency there is one concept that will be explained to you for future review and reconciliation. Earth as you know it, in this space, and in this time holds more active timelines than you may ever wish to understand. Can you begin to imagine Earth as a birthing planet? One which has had a hand in creating all space and all time? If you are someone who believes in extra terrestrials, could you being to imagine that they too could have been birthed on Earth at a time when our planet held a much different frequency?

Frequency is an interesting concept and deserves a bit more detailed explanation. All things on Earth hold a frequency.  Frequency is the rate at which vibration occurs, that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second. When something has a significantly higher vibration than you, it makes it very hard in the third dimension (where you vibrate and reside) to perceive exactly what this higher vibrational energy is. As a third dimensional being it is easy for you to perceive things of the third dimension and lower frequencies because they become denser making it tangible and easy to perceive. Yet as energy moves into a higher vibration or higher frequency the energy changes and the “normal way” in which you perceive has to be changed and altered to become aware of this frequencies existence.

Earth as a birthing planet has had a hand in creating many different “matrixes”. A matrix is a multi dimensional universe that has been split off from its original timeline because of the transition of the beings and energies within its domain.  You could consider Earth a seed planet that starts the process of growth for the many different matrixes that you could find connected through the eleventh dimensional gateway. As energetic beings it is our need to harmonize with our environment, as our environment changes and evolves so do the beings living with it. This theory can also be described from the perspective of the environment, as the energetic beings change so does their environment. This theory follows the study of “Schumann’s Resonance” where there is a yin (earth to heaven) geomagnetic wave on earth and yang (heaven to earth) Schumann wave surrounding the earth in the universe both need to be in harmony to the human being and their brain wavy for optimal health. This being said there comes a time on a massive scale when the two levels no longer hold resonance with each other and a split is made. During this phase what was a know matrix will have a fractal split and create new matrix’s that can hold these frequency of the newly evolved energetic beings.

Experiencing a fractal split isn’t as devastating as one may think. During the time of these Earth changes your frequency will determine what you are able to perceive. Those energetic beings whose frequency did not change and maintained a lower vibration will remain with the fractal version of the Earth as it was, life will not skip a beat and things will remain the same, they will be included in a fractal version of the Earth that holds a similar vibration to their harmonic frequency. These beings will become infinite in the time and space of their version of Earth. Those who have acquired a higher frequency will be able to chose to stay with the original time line of Earth to assist in the upcoming change to rebuild and help Earth become ready to bear its new breed of energetic beings, or these beings will be able to move into the new matrix, one which can support the new frequency and change needed to be within a harmonic resonance with their own vibrational field.

At this point your left brain should be straining to fully comprehend this concept of fractal split.   Through many guided meditations and visual encounters is how this information was first pulled thought. Even with those encounters there are still many questions left to the wondering and sometimes untrusting left brain. The best way to describe how this phenomenon could work is to go on your own self guided meditative journey. During a meditative journey you take your light body through the fourth dimension of time and space and move into the fifth dimension where astral travel is established by means of your light body. Having a third dimensional human presence on earth means you will have a cord of connection between your light body and that which grounds you into the Earth plane. That means when you are finished traveling or a stimulus alerts you to the third dimension, you will encounter a snap back, bringing your light body back into your physical body. The experience of light body travel is your validation of how this fractal shift can occur within a blink of an eye. Whether through death, conscious shift or factional split a soul when ready will make the shift from this plane to the next. The main difference between the fractal split and other methods is that the physical being is able to take along their human vessel while making the transition through to the different matrixes.

Interestingly enough this has happened many times during Earths existence. It is estimated there are over 40 current matrixes, meaning we have many different energetic beings living within our current minds reach. As stated before when the matrix splits those beings that have elevated their frequency will be able to be in constant contact with our lower vibrations energies. Higher frequency is able to perceive lower frequency it is the lower frequency that must find moments of illumination (literally) to be in connection with these higher frequency beings. During this moment of illumination is where one can receive guidance and direction on Earths purpose and the current state of the consciousness level of those who remain here on Earth.  The purpose of this information leads one to understand how quickly the Earth is changing and how close a fractal split might be. In this current cycle it seems the population of Earth is quickly approaching a transition period where those remaining on Earth will possibly encounter this transition in their lifetime.

Higher frequency beings who reside in a matrix separate from our own are able to travel using the same dimensional principals our matrix holds. Through intention and speeding up or lowering their frequency they may reside within any of our own dimensions. To lower ones frequency becomes very hard on the being going through this transition so it is preferable to only go as low as the fifth dimension, no lower, although it can be done. Many energetic beings are moving amongst us on Earth, constantly checking on that environment of things simply in a higher vibrational form than our own. Unless you are able to perceive with your eyes into the higher dimensions you will not be able to discern the energies moving around you. This is an important lesson as all beings you may come in contact with when using your own mental antenna may not have the best perspective on your situation so it is important to feel into the resonance of who you work with and make sure there is harmony within the connection.

The following guidelines are a road map for change to be ready for the upcoming shift in energy you may be called to hold. As a human you always have free will, personal choice will always dictate your path. One path is not better than another they are just different and the choice is always yours. These guidelines have been brought through to assist all who seek this change and wish to make it a harmonious and balanced journey. The experiences that these guidelines come form are of a timeline that originates in 20300. This is my timeline, I have chosen to hold my own existence in this timeline of 20300 in a state of suspended animation so that I could incarnate onto Earth to bring the experiences necessary to all who wish to come along on the journey. I wish you to know that this journey is not one of complete remembrance for me. Like you I must remember exactly who I am and the messages I bring to be able to relay the highest and most loving insights. I will embark along this journey with you as a guide who receives the information mere minutes before it is documented. My journey like yours is partly to remember exactly who I am, possibly for me this is a test, an initiation or learning process from my own original timeline. Whatever it is you are a big part of it now and together we will journey into the world of higher frequency, learning the important details we have forgotten along the way. It will be our choice to begin to incorporate these lessons into our path to create the most harmony and balance for all who we come in contact with. So will you join me?


Original Channel - Part 1 University

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.


The University of the Universe

If Halloween could stake a claim on a planet this would be it. The sky above is in a constant swirling motion shining down with colors of orange and black. The landscape is filled with sand dunes all taking on a solid burnt sienna hue. The dunes appear to be filled with creatures. Everything is crawling around me and feels quite alive. Upon further inspection the movement seems to be caused by a living thing that emerges from the sand and looks like a cross between a cobra snake and a centipede. If that weren’t enough to scare you away these new creatures are quite a bit larger than a standard size school bus. While observing the surroundings with more curiosity one of these large cobra centipedes comes slithering over the closest sand dune. As the large hooded head crests the top of the dune I see a person ridding on the backside of this snake. Sitting along the scaled and shelled body she appears to be holding some kind of rains which seems to be allowing her to control this interesting new mode of transportation. The rains are wired to the creature like a bit used in a horse’s mouth.  

I find I am not startled or scared by this fast paced movement headed toward me. Whether the lack of fear is due to the knowing that I have lived in this place before or the fact that I am just visiting as an astral traveler, with each new planet visited I seem to become more comfortable with every encounter presented. The being riding on the back of this new creature is cloaked in garb that can only be described as a costume straight out of the movie, “Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark.” She wears a beige colored outfit with a wide brimmed hat and a full mask covering her lower face. I can see only the eyes, but know there is a smile waiting under the veil. She extends a hand towards me inviting me onto the back of the cobra centipede. I comfortably climb aboard and get instantly whisked away towards what appears to be a large city off in the distance.

Riding on the back of a snake centipede feels exactly how you might expect. The hooded head stayed upright the entire time and the body remained in constant contact with the ground. Propulsion from the back of the body kept us speeding forward and tiny legs seemed to project outward from the bottom of the body to grasp down into the sand. As the tiny legs dug down the entire body of this vehicle seemed to increasingly get up to faster and faster speeds. The ride was quick and a distance that seemed quite far turned into a short sweet journey.

As the city came into view I could see we were headed straight for a tunnel along the outside boarder of the exterior wall. The city itself was outlined by a vast exterior wall that seemed only a story or two high and took on a large square shape. This exterior wall was as deep as it was high. The first walls were the perimeters that lead to the open space within. After this exterior structure there was a court yard of sand and then another large structure. The interior structure was a gigantic pyramid minus the top half of the building. This design was intentionally plateau shaped, the base was that of a pyramid and the top looked cut clean off. This structure appeared three times the size of the exterior walls and sat in the very center of the surrounding perimeter. The entire space was the size of a large college campus.

The cobra centipede slithered us right through the exterior walls arched tunnel and parked himself in the shade of the two store embankment. The fluidity of this process makes me think this structure was built to accommodate these large creatures. Could these cobra centipedes be the horses of this planet? My driver dismounted and then turned to make sure I was doing the same.  Standing side by side with my guide I watch as she reaches her hand up to unveil her face. She has a body shaped like a human and very large eyes. When the veil dropped I was surprised to see her entire face was that of a cat. She was not the same cat from my previous voyage to the half animal half human planet she was completely different. Here she takes the chance to welcome me back and flashes an image of my previous self to me. She shows me that she is looking at a very tall male figure standing across from her. Pleased with the encounter she lights up and begins to walk us towards the main center building.

Waving her hand towards the exterior walls she begins to tell me the story of this place. Using her voice telepathically she continues to walk with her back towards me across the courtyard as she explains what I am seeing. These are the living quarters, she says. Mental images of diverse beings start to flood into my mind. I see so many different alien species that I am not sure how to comprehend who or what most of these life forms are.  I see many different mature beings walking and sitting together. I see them lined up within the living quarters at what appear to be stations. They are interacting and engaging in a way one would expect college students to be interacting. As we progress across the sand she extends her hand towards the large pyramid building. This is where we learn, she says. Here she sends me the blueprints of the space we are about to enter. I see room after room built into this structure. There are multiple floors and on each floor is another set of rooms. Classes or sessions are being held within each room and I can see how diverse the students look. There appears to be a teacher in each room leading some kind of educational seminar. Each teacher is vastly different from the other teachers just like the students. I understand that each teacher comes from a different planet or system than there students so that there are unique offerings to learn from.

As we walk into the large structure I am excited to see the activity of this place and am eager to meet some of these unique individuals I have just witnessed. Upon first glance everything is black. It is here that I get very confused. I ask why the lights are off and why are we in the dark. My guide now sends me another piece to this puzzle. I am back in the hustle and bustle of the class rooms at full capacity. I see the teachers teaching and the students learning. Along the exterior walls there are flags flying from every individual’s home planet showing the diverse collection of beings in this singular place. Here the students and teachers are all fully grown adult beings representing their home planets. They have all come together to learn from one another about the unique gifts and talents each species has to offer. I follow one specific student who catches my attention. I see him finish class and return to his home planet by way of space travel. Once on his home planet he begins teaching the individuals around him what was learned. There is an air of greed, ego, and domination that can be felt in his actions and it seems the wisdom he has acquired is going to be used for purposes other than good. Their planet begins to become obsessed with the quest for knowledge and further development and begins to disturb the natural balance of the universe.

It is here that my guide tells me I was one of the founding settlers of this planet. It was a group of my planets inhabitants that discovered this planet and decided to create a so called inter planetary market place. Our goal was to bring together travelers from all across the stars to learn and grow a community of supportive and nurturing beings who could help one another with inter stellar problems and concerns by way of teaching one another from personal experience. The original settlers came from the Paladien star system. When the rift happened and the student took the wisdom learned and used it for conquering instead of peace it was the home planet of the Paladiens that had to deal with the disturbance. Due to this shock wave of war created by the schools teachings it was decided that the school needed to be closed down until further precautions could be taken to insure this quest for power would not happen again.

Here my guide walks me up the stairs to the final room at the top of this structure. The room is expansive and large and filled with tubes of suspended soulless beings. This chamber of tubes is such a familiar landscape to me now. This is my fifth planetary visit and my fourth run in with a previous body.  I take to the rows of glass like tubes all anchored into the floor and begin the search for my body. I walk up and down the aisles looking for a connection that my soul can feel. One by one I move past each vessel seeing extremely different and unique beings within the tubes. I see more diversity here than I have on any other planet visited. I begin to ask my guide what the purpose of this diversity is. She responds with a quiet voice in my mind telling me when the war began over the knowledge acquired select beings who helped to found the school and its teachings decided to freeze their timelines here on this planet in suspended animation in order to search the star system for ways to bring teaching back to this planet in a way that would insure success and not improper use of the information. All bodies here within these twenty eight tubes are out living other incarnations in order to find ways to bring teaching back to this vast star system.

Here I am encouraged to reflect on some of the learned lessons so far from my current incarnation on Earth. I see that children who are open and void of singularity are the ones who receive Earth teaching. I see on Earth there is a lack of development of the individual which leads to confusion for the soul. In Earth teachings there is a lack of diversity of thought and experience which limits the souls understanding of their multi dimensional self, but teaching at the young age leads to more receptivity towards a hoped for outcome. On Earth there is a benefit in teaching children over adults who come with a set of expectations. I get the sense that this was one of the problems that lead to the war outbreak from the learned knowledge from this planet. Coming back to the awareness of the room in the pyramid I find my mind racing with possibilities. I feel a connection not only to this planet and the quest to educate all who wish to learn, but also feel a connection to the Earth plane and the interesting expectations for learning in this time and space. I find hope in the continued growth for all beings who wish to expand their consciousness in a loving way and hope that each one of these twenty eight suspended beings find what they are looking for so that life may resume once again here in this space.


Original Channel - Underwater City Part 1

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.



Underwater City

My body usually does not change for a journey yet as I exit the fourth dimensional portal into this new world my body begins to change to adapt to the water world I have been immersed into. Seeing my arms I have what appear to be fins extending down my forearm towards my elbow. Covered in a mixture of scales and skin I know my body remains in human form, but with specific features that can only be attributed to marine life.  My head has fins and wispy tentacles that extend off of the back quite like a jellyfish. My legs have fins that run the length of the calf from the knee down to the ankle. I walk erect like a human yet have webbed feet and hands I can feel there is some connection still to that of the human form which I resemble. Breathing I can feel my entire body expand and contract. I feel every cell of my body inhale from what is held in the liquid around me and with the exhale my entire body contracts expelling the waste from between every cell. Breathing her is a full body experience and it is truly an amazing sensation.

Scanning the area surrounding my body I see that below me awaits a large city. There is a red glowing mound that resembles the look of an active lava flowing volcano, but has much more defined structures and form. This massive construction looks like some kind of reactor or power plant of some kind that has been made here under the water centered on the fissures exposed within the ground floor. I can see through the structure and into the ground where there are cracks that are alive with a very powerful glowing substance. I can tell this erected structure has been built to capture the substance below and change it into some kind of usable energy.

There is an extensive amount of work that has gone into creating a bridged pathway from the power plant to the city. The path itself is around a mile or more in length and connects high above the ground floor by beautifully appointed arched supports. Walking on this path towards the city with the power plant glowing on my backside I see that every ten or so steps there is another arch carved out on my left and right hand side. The bridge is open on the top and has a solid bottom. Made from what I can only describe as coral and sand mixed together the structure has the appearance of wet shaped sand yet has the strength of coral. Following the path to its destination I find I am staring at a large sprawling city now in front of me. Quite, dark and deserted are the three best words to describe the energy in front of me. Holding completely still on the path I stare at this large city almost holding my breath for some inkling as to what might await me inside. Seeing not a single wave of motion anywhere I decide to move forward into the large caged opening of the first building.

Standing as tall as any city filled with sky scrapers this underground town is identifiable by its hundreds of arched pathways that move from structure to structure. In the very center of this massive city lies a building that has the appearance of Seattle’s Space Needle minus the needle. All around the space needle are other buildings that are tall, but never quite reach the height of the center building. The structures surround the space needle form what appears to be tall bird cages on a thick stand each detectable by their exterior spindle like appearance and see through facade. These bird cages also seem to be large connection points between all of the interlocking arched pathways. The paths are the spaghetti and the bird cages are the meatballs everything seems to touch everything else and there is really no direct path to get from one place to another.

The building directly ahead of me off of the main bridged path looks to be rectangular in shape and also has a bird cage feel with open see through spindles that attach to a top roof and bottom floor. As I move into the building it is longer than it is deep. Within a few steps I move right to the back end of the structure. The view here looks out over the entire cityscape. Feeling like a royal figurehead staring down upon my city I take in the sights yet again before peeling myself away to search for the clues I  Walking towards the set of spindles on my right hand side I make my way across the long room. Finding the open bars I stick my amphibian like face as far thought two of the spindles as possible. Seeing now the entirety of this underwater landscape I begin to become aware that the place I now stand is one of eight landmarks within a circle.  The bridge that I took to arrive here does not merely go between a singular power plant and a single city it moves from power plant to city to power plant to city and so on creating a circle of eight stops. This circular path appears to move out the back side of this city towards the next power plant. Here I can tell that there is only one active power plant glowing red and that is the one I had just swam over. Every other city and power plant looks quiet, dark, and deserted.

Seeing a pattern to this story I begin to wonder if I am going to come in contact with any other inhabitants while exploring this underwater city. Pulling my head back through the spindles I move towards the opposite side of this structure and find the only path that leads down and out of this welcoming room. Steeping onto the walkway it is more of a slide that a walkway, the angle that this path attaches to the bottom of this room is one only a fish person with fins and gills might be able to traverse. Laid out in front of my now is a plethora of paths and buildings to choose from. My eyes remain set on the Space Needle in the center and I try hard to make out how and where my path will intercede one of the paths leading to that middle building.

Navigating my way through the undersea highway I reach what appears to be the bottom of the Space Needle tower. Entering into the bottom of this building I am surprised at how tight the quarters seem to be. The tower looks to only accommodate one person and even that seems tight. I follow a stairwell of sorts that leads straight up the tower in a circular fashion.  Winding around and around I finally make my way to the top of this open chamber that sits high above all else. The inside of this top chamber seems to have twenty to twenty five seats carved into the sides of the walls. There are windows to the outside and each seat has what looks to be some kind of harness for the person to wear once they take their seat. Seeing that there is nothing else to investigate in this room I take a seat and secure the buckle on my harness. Once seated and secure a series of high pitched sounds begin to roar to life and the top of the Space Needle begins to spin to life. Spinning faster and faster the outside world begins to turn into a blur and I feel all the particles of my body begin to pull away from one another. As the motion continues I cannot sense where my body begins and ends.  Hearing the high pitched wine is the only constant throughout this entire experience.

The loud wine begins to subside and I can sense a beam of light begin to fill the room surrounding me. The particles of my body reform together within what appears to be a portable trailer like room stretched over a wooden dock. Sloshing all around us are the sounds of choppy water licking the sides of the old beat up structure. I stand exposed out of the water on this dock with humanoid like beings surrounding me. My body seems to be in the same form it had been in when in the water yet my breathing has drastically changed. My breath now comes in and out of a rise and fall of my chest. Scanning the people surrounding me one in particular looks vaguely familiar resembling a Pleiadian being I know I have meet before. Along with this person there is another sitting at what appears to be a desk taking notes on and off. The dock has missing square holes as if someone intended to fish through the open cutouts, here I see the water splashing onto the wood dock and it is here that I begin to feel faint.

Taking quite a bit of time to center myself I awake to the people surrounding me asking if the last core generator has gone out. Instinctively knowing they are talking about the red glowing volcano like structure below I said it had a faint glow the last time I checked. Here the Pleiadian looking man covers his forehead with his hand and begins pacing. I get the sense that we are now on a timeline and this is confirmed as he states well it won’t take long now. Escorting me off the dock through the trailer like building I am lead to the land where a massive boardwalk like city greets me. In shock and not able to ground my energy enough to take in all of the sights my eyes are seeing. I am greeted by shining lights like the kind you may find in Las Vegas and I see overhead what a child might see as they walk into an amusement park for the first time. There are great looping structures that look exciting, adventurous and whimsical. Everything is so grossly disproportionate to my size that I find myself getting vertigo trying to stare up at these large structures. It feels as if the loops are endless and the size is so far beyond my comprehending that I can’t tell how far into the sky it reaches. It is compacted together yet has plenty of navigational room within each shape. I feel as if I have been placed onto a carnival island that is sleek and highly advanced this is the city of these people and I am somehow working for them or with them in so way yet unknown.

It is while walking towards the edge of this city along the watery shore in the dark of night that I see other beings that look like I do. They are a mix between human and amphibian and they have dwellings here on land sitting at the edge of the water. Their homes here look like a row of life guard towers strung along a beach side by side the same brown wood from the dock seems to have been used to create these single dwelling structures. I see the creatures like me sitting out in the open staring deep out over the water lying ahead of them. As my path gets closer to these beings I begin to mull over the details of my last encounter. Knowing the power is almost gone if not already lost I wonder how these two beings live in partnership with one another. There is a distinct separation between the two and I can sense that the humanoid beings needed the energy from under the sea yet I am not sure what these amphibian like beings needed from the humans. Questioning the connection my field or awareness begins to broaden and I can see this planet for what it is. I see large walls of rock creating separation between different sectors in this planet. Like the continents of Earth are separated by water here different populations are separated by large unsalable jagged rock formations. Within each formation is a large boardwalk like city with massively oversized carnival like swirling and twirling golden metallic like structures. There is also green space and then there is a massive creator like hole where water pools and moves deep into the inside of the planet. This pattern repeats itself all over this massive planet.

Here I feel the sense of urgency as there appears to be no more power to supply the planet with. The fissures below the ground under the water seem to have been depleted fully and there is no more fuel to run the cities above ground. I understand that there is a separation between the amphibians and the humanoids as this news only seems to be known by those who work underwater. I see that the cities still function and a reserve is kept yet few now know of the impending doom that will befall the citizens of those above ground cities.  Walking slower now along the water I begin to feel my mental center speed up with thoughts that forecast the future of those living in this place. I see that all technology and advancements cease to exist and a new age of community must prevail.  These lands amongst this planet were linked through their advancements and technology they could harvest items from another area through their advancements. They could stay in contact with those from other sides of the non penetrable rock through these advancemans and now with no power to supply their cities they will cease to have this connection and contact. I see the world becoming smaller and the individual cities having to come together to reestablish a working order where the people create what they need and do not rely on the power sources from under the planet. The amphibious people will also be effected, although there underwater canals connect from one civilization to another there lives will also drastically change. They will be called on now more than ever to bridge the planet together and keep communications going between the different areas. This is an interesting dynamic where those who seemingly were in power because they knew how to use the power now become reliant on those who worked and harvested the power source for them to use.

Turn of Events

Seasons turned into years and those who dwelled above the water began to disappear. The lack of knowledge and understanding of the world around them and their inability to adapt to the new environment without the harnessed power from the underground energy source left the humanoids unable to sustain themselves and depleted their will to continue on.  Inhabitants who had lived beneath the water’s surface returned and found their simple homes once again and were able to reestablish their lives. The humanoids who had found this planet and settled onto it found much pleasure when they found a hard working, submissive indigenous race to assist with their master plan of full emersion into this new environment. This led to a misuse of the people and the planet and exhausted resources that would never have been used so frivolously if the work had to have come from those using the power. The amphibian people found the ways of these new beings impressive and they had skills and knowledge that those original to the planet did not. They exchanged their servitude to gain access to these gods with their impressive talents. The indigenous race had no clue that they were putting their faith into a race that was inevitably going to extinguish itself and the world around it due to an inability to understand their new land and the resources it came filled with. The humanoids were seduced by a new land the amphibian people were seduced by a new way of life and all were seduced into a dramatic turn of events.

Overtime the humanoids ceased to exist and the indigenous people accepted back their simple live off the land lifestyle. They remained under the water and continued to live and thrive off of what they had once new in their past before the humanoids had landed on their planet. Having very long lives these amphibian people passed their stories down generation to generation recounting their experiences about the humanoids. The beings made sure to teach their lessons to the new generations and pass along the warnings of the potential of losing their way. The amphibian people watched their planet change and cultivated the energy to come back to the planet. Over time they found the return of the energy source to be a sacred sign that they were ready to once again take care and protect what they had once lost. It is with the return of this power that five beings decided to freeze themselves here on this planet for eternity to ensure that this message of authenticity and lure of power be spread throughout the universe. These beings knew that their planet would once again be sought out for its power, as a matter of a fact they had prophesized it and seen that once again a humanoid race would try to settle their planet to harvest the power from deep within the planets core.  It is because of this vision that five amphibian beings decided it was necessary to freeze themselves until a time when they may be needed once again. When the story had passed by many generations and had lost its power or when the allure of power and shiny new things yet again swayed the inhabitants of this sacred space. These five beings have chosen to hold the memories of their civilization forever so that when the time comes and one is needed they can be awakened to spread these messages to those willing to listen.

Original Channel - Magnetic Planet Angel Academy Part 2

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.



Angel Academy Part Two

Falling down a cascade of clouds my body is caressed by soft comforting sensations. The clouds churn slowly as if to guide my body towards a place it is meant to be. Feeling almost as if I have fallen onto an all knowing conveyor beltwithin the sky I find my body tumbles from white peek to white peek in a slow almost seductive way. Without fear of falling I stop this rolling decent and crawl on my stomach towards the edge of one the large fluffy cloud. Peering over the edge I can see below what looks like an endless stream of blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Further down I can see what appear to be large story book houses sitting on top of select clouds. If you can imagine Cinderella’s castle being made completely out of her glass slipper this is what each story book house looks like below. And there is not just one of these elegant castles, but hundreds maybe thousands amongst these fluffy white clouds in the sky.

Allowing the clouds to roll my body down towards the houses I find my journey thus far to be pleasant and quite tantalizing. The wait to see the houses is unbearably, but the journey amongst the clouds is so pleasurable. I bide my time allowing the last soft caresses of the clouds to pass me by as I come to the first shimmering structure. Being softly placed by one cloud onto the other I find my body placed upright by the cloud right in front of the large castle like door. Now standing directly in front of this dwelling I analyze the architecture in more detail. The door towers above my body by at least one and a half times my size. The walls are all a translucent shimmering diamond fleck that radiates like glitter in the light. The structure seems only two stories tall, but feels stretched as if someone has taken the top of it pinched it and pulled it up a bit like taffy. There is an almost whimsical feel to the roof line and the design above. Just like a castle there are three pointed turrets that create quite an interesting roof line. I reach out for the handle of the door and find it to be locked. Pulling hard there seems to be no entrance at this first stop. Finding my way to the edge of the cloud base the house and I now share I allow the cloud to drop me down towards the next dwelling. Moving along cloud to cloud I find every door is locked that is until I reach the seventh house. Still with no ground to be seen below and hundreds of possibly thousands of castle dwellings surrounding where I now stand amongst the clouds in the heavens I find the singular house ready to open its doors. Pulling on the handle the door opens and I find myself in a very tall two story home. The first level is open to every corner of the house and touches a sleeping quarter that appears to be the only addition to the second floor lying directly above the kitchen area. As I make my way to the center of the room the shimmering exterior begins to fade away and warmth and color begin to materialize as if life has been giving back to this space. Just like a story book cottage the walls have exposed brown wooden beams and there appears to be plaster or stucco filling in the space between. There is an L shaped kitchen with a sink under a window on the far left wall and the entire right side of the room has been taken up by a curved book case. The book case runs the entire length of the wall on the right and the back of the building and reaches two stories high. There is a rug with a singular reading chair in its center and the sleeping space seems to be made to fit only one. Searching through the rows of old books I find one that nearly jumps off the shelf at me. Selecting this book I walk towards the old reading chair and take a seat. Opening the book I see golden symbols that fill the interior of the pages. I know this writing to be that of the angels. As my eyes pass over each word the golden letters illuminate and I can hear the word being translated in my head and into my heart. At this I realize I am no longer the only one in the room.

Turning my head to the side I can see standing on the edge of the rug is my guide Raphael. Smiling brightly I ask what is the purpose of this place and he kindly returns with, “See for yourself.” Pointing towards the door Raphael steps aside as I move past him to see what lies outside of the door. As I make my way to the cloud base I see that the cloud I stand upon no longer resides miles above a ground amongst the clouds in the sky, but is making a direct course for green sprawling hills below. Descending very quickly I am surprised that I could not feel this motion when I was inside, but realize that all together there isn’t much feeling going on as we speed every faster towards the ground level. As the green hills visually become clearer I recognize that we are on the Magnetic Planet where the angel academy is located. I can see the long wall spanning across the green hills and can start to see the courtyard and fountain that signals the center of this large floating island.

Moving back into the house to engage with Raphael I take a seat once again and wait for Raphael’s explanation of why I am back in on this planet with him instead of my other guide. “You are a teacher here.” Raphael says. “Those who teach here also live amongst the land. That is how you were able to reconnect to your home.” As Raphael finishes this statement the house makes its final decent onto a space that seems to have been made specifically for this house. Walking outside of the door I can see we have nestled amongst the hillside and are attached to one of the extensions of the long wall and have a beautiful vantage overlooking the city center below.  “When the soul of a teacher leaves its body here the house becomes non-material and floats into the sky waiting for the souls return. Once the soul returns so too does the house that belongs to that soul.” Understanding that my body must again be stored in the large building below I ask Raphael how I can be a teacher and a student here on this planet. “You incarnated here as a teacher from the Sirian star system. That means you have held both a Pleiadian life and a Sirian life here. It is not uncommon for one to learn specific lessons from this planet as a student and then reincarnate as a teacher to help teach others moving through the same lessons. As a matter of a face to acquire the level of learning you seek it is required that you teach and learn these lessons. Your two bodies will never be functional at the same time you see, it is impossible for you to have two souls here at the same time. You will always be either teacher or student.” Beginning to understand the possible meaning of this I sit back and allow Raphael to continue. “By having your bodies stored here you are able to access the knowledge of these existences and connect into the timeline at any time no matter where your soul is. This will allow you to access the wisdom and understanding that each path of each of these two bodies holds. This is part of your divine plan and by holding onto so many different life cycles or bodies you are intentionally trying to create an infinite path for yourself in a singular incarnation.” The only thought moving through my head is… What? “You are trying to become immortal.” Raphael says this last sentence with a big smile.

Original Channel - Part 1 Hell

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.




For those of you who have sworn to have journeyed through hell and back I invite you to the Planet of Fire. There have been few journeys where my guides have been present from the beginning and today happen to be one of those days. Departing the Earth plane I am greeted by a new guide, Uriel who has been in my field since the download of this book began back in August of 2015 having little to no interaction with Uriel before today I asked that when he comes through he make a grand gesture so that full understanding of him and his arrival could be clearly laid out. You see I have been working with the other eleven guides on and off for a few years now so to have a new guide come right before the big show I decided needed to be very clear. Throughout the experience of documenting these journeys I have come to understand that each guide I hold in the Earth plane of 2015 connects to a body I have stored on a planet in some other dimensional time space within the multiverse. It has been explained to me that around 2000 people on Earth at this moment in time have a body stored somewhere out in the universe therefore, there are many here on Earth connecting right now trying to figure out the fractionated components of their own existence. Uriel is my twelfth guide to show up he has come through to help me explore the tenth planet of fire and as expressed before those who have felt like they have been pulled through hell and back may have a body  where we are about to go.

Seeing Uriel he greets me looking like a friar with a banged hair cut covering his forehead and wearing a brown burlap robe he is slender and of average height. He stands on my left hand side as another guide takes the space on the right. The three of us set of through the fourth dimensional portal and raise our frequencies soaring up and into the astral planet. Here I am pulled through an inter dimensional wormhole, this is the easiest name to describe what it feels like moving through the long tunnel of light with twisting tuning bends. Finding our door way or exit was abruptly stop and move towards an opening in the wormhole that is present on the left hand side. Uriel and I proceed towards the opening as the other guide disappears. Here the experience of transitioning through the door way is like staring through the porthole of an airplane window. You can see clearly what is below and as soon as you chose to move through the door way you are somehow in the exact place you were just looking at. Finding myself on the ground all I can see for miles around are burning fires. My guide Uriel changes completely as he takes his space next to me. Seeing now a man with an old face and a cloaked hooded robe I get the impression that I am standing next to the sith lord from Star Wars or the hermit from the tarot deck. Either way my companion has changed greatly and I can now see how my other guides were so veiled to me at first encounter. For some reason they take a different shape when dropped into these planetary realms.

Grounding down into my feet I establish a strong connection to this new plane. My mind is racing and I can begin to sense what is surrounding me so here I take the time to establish a strong connection to my physical form here in the new place. After a few breaths I bring my head up to see what lies in front of me. There appears to be an endless line of fires and teepees that lead towards a large stone building off in the distance. Surrounding the fires are larger than life teepees. There are two rows of these teepees separated by a straight line of bon fires. This pattern of teepee fire teepee repeats itself over and over until you hit the large stone building at the end. Having to get through a seemingly infinite array of teepees and fires my guide and I begin the journey down the path towards the stone building off in the distance. As we begin our walk I notice the intense heat that the fire puts off. I can feel the flames lick certain areas of my body that are exposed to its light. I hear Uriel speak into my head “Fire brings Life”. Scanning the scenery the sky takes on a color pallet of black, maroon and pink. It looks as if a child from kindergarten took a paint brush and swirled the three colors together to make the dark streaked mess that lies above. We slowly walk in a serpentine pattern around each of the fire pits why we do this is unknown, but it feels better than making a straight line toward the large structure ahead. Each teepee we pass has animals painted on the outside of the cloth. Each one is different and beautiful in its own way. With the bright lights of the fire projecting outward each teepees animal seem to come to life dancing and moving in harmony to the flames glow. With this I hear Uriel speak to me, “Fire brings Life”. 

On our final approach towards the large stone building I can begin to see the steps that lead towards a long glass door. The structure itself is glossy and wet looking as if lacquer has been painted onto the exterior of the grey stone to give it a glassy appearance. The building is long and rectangular in shape. Apparently approaching from the south side there appears to be four distinct sides each with the same façade. The steps that lead to the platform above have a long railing of fire dividing one side from another as Uriel and I walk up the stairs he is on one side of the fire while I remain on the opposite side. It appears that this is done on purpose to separate travelers from one another. As we reach the top of the stairs we find ourselves on a slab of grey stone that has foot holes within it. I place my two feet onto my side as Uriel does the same on his side. I find myself craning my neck to get a better view of what lies above us. The grey glossy stone protrudes out over the glass door ahead creating a canopy over the stone stairs below. The stone seems to be cut from one solid pieces of stone I can see no seems or breaks in the exterior of its shell and in total it seems to be possibly five stories high. If this is one solid piece I wonder how this structure is possibly staying erect with its apparent size and weight.  There are two large columns one on either side of Uriel and myself which leads me to believe on the North side there are two more. Each pillars looks to be the circumference of a large red wood tree this is the only thing that makes me think this structure is safe to enter.

After all four feet filled the depressions the glass doors slid to the side exposing a white open room within.  Like walking into a museum the floor made clicking sounds as our feet hit their polished surfaces. There was a glass partition that moved down the middle of our two sides. I saw Uriel behind the glass of his side while I remained behind the glass of my side. Down towards the back of the long room were two sets of stone staircases one on Uriels side and one on my side. The staircases had a very gradual incline and seemed more artistic than practical as each wind seemed to go on longer than necessary. As I got closer to one of my walls I could see mounted picture frames. The frames themselves were large and ornate there seemed to be a pattern of how they hung first a line of two and then a line of three. The pictures themselves were swirling fuzzy images from my current time line on Earth. I knew instantly that these were portals of sorts and decided to jump right into the first one I saw. Moving right into a distant memory I witnessed a timeline from my current life playing out. I could see what was happening from a much different perspective and witnessed my learning or lesson that was being taught at that point in my life. Happy to understand the bigger picture I decided to venture back into the room to seek out another picture. Being drawn to the back of the room I saw myself in my current position on the Earth plane, I saw myself performing the projection work I was currently doing and got the immediate impulse that I could send a projection to myself on Earth to take any shape I desired. Standing in front of the frame I sent a projection of a large brown bear back to my physical form on Earth. Here I witnessed my physical body on Earth turn into that of a large brown bear. I realized that in this space I could change my timelines I could manipulate the patterns and I could project what I wanted to into the time and space I wished to alter or change. The immediate thought entered into my mind that what if I do not hold the greatest wisdom to create a change what if my ego changes a circumstance and it turns out worse than it had been and realized that much due diligence would have to go into any alterations I sought out to change.

Peeling myself away from my wall I looked over my shoulder through the glass into Uriels wall. I could see vibrantly colored pictures swirling on his wall and wondered if those were connected to his life or if they were clearer images of my life. Questioning one more thing I decided to run outside of this room back to the foot holds in the front of the building and decided to change my form to that of my body from the time space of the old woman from the Bubble Planet. As I made the change so too did my guide, Uriel turn into Zadekiel and my body turned into that of the old woman. Stepping on the foot holds we entered into the museum once again and here the pictures had changed. Jumping into the first image I witnessed the old woman telling a story to a young child who was hanging on every word the old woman was saying, I saw that the woman was weaving a story into the heart of this child that would change him forever. From here I jumped out of that painting and into one hanging in a different location. Here the old woman was young and watching her planet go through its changes, she spoke to the people about the connection to crystals and how to harvest crystals in a manner that was safe for the planet and the people. Here I flashed back to the life lived on the Fairy Planet and saw the wisdom she spoke from came directly from this life time. She made a case to a council of the elders and wise ones from this planet that would help assist them with the upcoming changes they were about to experience. From here I jumped out of this memory and back into 

the museum like hallway. Running out of the room once again I changed back to my original form and so too did Zadekiel turn back into Uriel.

We walked through the separated halls and found the staircases towards the back of the building. Here we both journeyed up towards the very top floor each on our separate staircases. Not that there were any other choices other than up this staircase curved around three times with no exit options except to go all the way up. Once at the top floor we found ourselves on what would appear to be the roof top of this structure. Completely open to all of the elements below and around I could see the exposed black and pink muddied sky above which seemed oddly peaceful. We found here at the top of the building we could see every direction that this building faced. There were no partitions or blocks on the roof top of this building like there was below. This roof top was open to all four possible quadrants visitors. Walking the perimeter of this building I could see over the north, the west and the east side’s. Each side had the exact same view. There were bon fires galore in straight lines separating the large teepees on either side. Like four separate mazes each side had the exact same layout. Curious as to why this may be I remembered how the four quadrants were separate from one another on the inside of the building and even more so the singular quadrant was bisected even more separating its one side from its second side. Recognizing that part of this review was private I could also see that there may be times when multiple parties are allowed to come together after the review has been done to discuss potential connections, outcomes, or changes that need to be made for better results. This might answer my earlier question pertaining to changing my timeline. This viewing area atop the museum might be a space to come together with other parties to analyze situations before adjusting or changing the timeline. Searching the space outside of the bon fires and teepees I stand side by side with Uriel when images begin to come into view. Here I start to question the inevitable question. What is the purpose of one who might preserve their body here? Squinting to see past the four mazes I begin to receive in my mind’s eye what lies outside of these paths and I can see a large circle of beings held in tubes contained in a state of suspended animation. The knowing that I am out there again begins to hit me. Starting to mull through my rolodex of questions I can’t seem to understand why if every soul goes through a life review after an incarnation would they need to hold a body on this planet? Everything witnessed here seems to be in harmony with a sixth dimensional live review so why incarnate here to have access to what just about everyone has access to?

Uriel pushes away from the side of the rooftop and begins to walk towards the stairs. Catching his movement I do the same. Still questioning to myself what the difference between this and the sixth dimension could be I find we are at the bottom level and ready to make our way off of the platform and onto the stairs. Moving towards the bon fires and teepees Uriel stops at the bottom of the steps until I catch up and make the undeniable decision to venture into the teepee he so quietly stands in front of. Seeing the smile on his face I move into the first teepee on my left. Here I see my sister from my current lifecycle on Earth waiting for me. She sits quietly in the middle of the teepee watching light shadows dance upon the inside of here canvas walls. Making my way to where she is I lie down on my back watching the same light shadows scroll around the inside of her accommodation. She looks at me and says, “Thank you for releasing your expectations of me. Thank you for finally seeing me for who I am and seeing my heart. Because you can see this inside of me I can now see it in myself. Thank you for this blessing.” Staring at the energy of my sister I embrace her and make my way to the next teepee across that way. Moving inside of this first teepee on the right hand side I find my father from my current timeline of Earth. He sits cross legged in the center of his teepee also watching the light shadows dance across the canvas walls. I sit beside my father and star at him until he is ready to talk. “Thank you for teaching me the lessons of fixed perspective and allowing me to see that there is no real delineation between young and old that we are all the same here to learn and to teach. You have allowed me to break those patterns of my expectations in relationship and for that I thank you”. Embracing my father I stand up and move to the next tent. Here I encounter my boss from the time space of Earth 2015. Sitting in the middle of his teepee he stares at the light shadows dancing on the walls of his teepee. “Thank you for teaching me to take back my power, how to be true to myself and focused on what is most important.” Here we embrace and I can sense the next few teepees and who they hold and what messages they have. I find this a beautiful way to see how we are connected to our circle of light beings in a singular life. The messages were loud and clear and helped to reaffirm some of my lesson plans and the addenda I had set forth for myself in my Earth existence.

Walking to the end of this pathway filled with teepees and bon fires Uriel and I now stand close to the circle of lifeless beings held in suspended animation. Here a great dilemma begins to pull at my mind. Still confused about the purpose of these beings I begin to see lifeless zombie type creatures moving all around me. Uriel acknowledges their presence and states that this is how a being will come to take ownership of a life on this planet. The soul will inhabit one of these beings and then go through their own review process where multiple lives will analyzed together to assist in the bigger picture of the soul. Those who chose to unite all aspects of their soul self into one existence will choose to hold a body here. Those who are working to bring together all experience in complete recognition must have access to all timelines and be able to adjust and change timelines that need further completion. A being that chooses to hold a body here will be able to bring closure to lessons while alive in one body and affect the course of another physical body that they hold. This is why one chooses to go into suspended animation here. Showing me the number of souls in tubes surrounding this place I get the feeling of Hell. I see millions of tubes of what appear to be forgotten vessels. Why are there so many here when I have been told that only 2000 exist on Earth at this space and time. There are many souls that start the transcendence process hoping to reach levels of divine connection where they may be way showers and guides for other souls. This process is one of the most difficult levels of accomplishment for a soul to achieve as much light is wisdom, knowledge, and transcendence is required to attain this level of awareness to assist another. A soul may initially choose this path and be guided elsewhere or chose to live out an existence within another realm where the path is easier. We have many sign up yet few complete the journey that was intended so there are many bodies here that will remain here forever. This is where I am pulled to thoughts of hell. I can see the journey of a soul one who wishes to transcend and yet gets seduced by an easier path or trapped in a dimension somewhere where they are unable to rehabilitate into their previous body. I feel this is a risky move to be held on this planet and feel it might be somewhat of a short cut in being allowed to witness all life times from one place and make adjustments and changes that may be necessary to safely move on. Maybe this is why so many come here because the allure of being garneted access to a place as powerful as this is seductive for a soul wanting to do everything yet the potential for return may be limited due to a souls ability to chose and have free will at any given point in time.


Original Channel - Part 1 Recourse Stealers

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.



Recourse Stealers

Dropped into yet another new and interesting planet my mind immediately opens up to the unique sights surrounding me. I can tell the position I am at is elevated off the ground at least one story high. Scanning the perimeter of the landscape I see what appear to be three space ships spread out with a mile or so n between each one. The closest space ship is anchored to the ground by a ladder or large stair way. The body of the craft is white in color and is shaped like a pointed missal with a semi rounded top.  There are three fins on the base of the ship that allows it to implant into the ground and presumably help in stabilizing this vessel while standing.  I see each ship is illuminated from within and is packed full with beings from this planet.

Turning my body around I now see I am on the top of the fourth space ships stair way getting ready to enter into the interior of the craft. As I walk inside I am greeted by a group of people who are unwilling to make eye contact. Each being holds their heads low and the energy is quite somber to say the least. Passing by each one I immediately pick up that they are Paladien. This is made apparent by their long flowing hair and striking blue eyes. I see young small children, old adults and everything in between. If crying was an option I think each might let loose a river of tears. The interior of the craft has only seats like a typical cargo plane there are seats lining the walls where inhabitants stand and get secured into a position during flight that they individual will remain standing. There are also groupings of seats that fill the middle of the craft that align in rows apparently available for the younger, the older and those not able to stand. The entire craft seems to hold around one hundred and fifty beings total. Feeling into the energy of the people I would have to say this journey is not one of choice.

Looking out the porthole I see the exterior landscape now and get the impression we are on the surface of the moon. It looks desolate and bare as if no life exists at all anywhere surrounding this area. Knowing this indeed is not the moon I am confused as to where we might be, what we might be escaping from and where we are going. Forgetting that Paladiens can read minds I am instantly greeted by a response to my questions from someone apparently listening into my questioning thoughts. “This is our planet and it is time to find more resources to insure the survival of our people.” Still staring out the porthole I see the creators of this planet and try to envision how any life could have escaped onto this vessel from the nothingness I see below. Watching as the three ships begin to elevate into the sky I can begin to feel our propulsion system initiate and decide to brace myself for the feeling of weightlessness and potential sickness that is about to ensue.

Under an hour of flying time later the ships all move towards a large docking station within space. This docking station has two different spinning rings circling a center orb. The outer most ring spins horizontally the inner ring spins vertically and they are both attached to the centralized orb in the middle. As the four ships dock to the outer bay area we are escorted off the ships and onto a long walk way. Some of the inhabitants are lead off towards the medical ward which appears to lie directly ahead of us following one of the walkways everyone else is shuffled off into a large auditorium following the only other walkway.

Following the heard of people I find my way to a seat within the auditorium. As the group settles a speaker presents himself on stage. “Welcome. You are all here to help secure our planets future. You have been selected to journey to our neighboring planets to seek out the resources necessary to insure our planets survival. As you know we will break off into four groups. As your time comes you will need to meet back at your ship and get ready for departure. If you have any further questions please find someone that can help assist you when the time come. We expect great things from each of you. Thank you.” Looking around it appears that everyone is disengaged from the protocol of this speech. It seems as if they have heard this propaganda before and are just ready to do what they have been called to do. When the speech is over lines file out of the auditorium and I can feel people breaking away to retreat towards their living quarters.

The inside of this space station is cold, filled with metal and industrial feeling. There is not much light that gets through and everything appears to be a bit disconnected. The walkways are like circular tubes surrounding a metal grated path. The living quarters house a single bed and there is no room for social interaction except in the auditorium which understandably no one wants to head back into. The weeks pass by and the station is on course towards its first destination planet. Arriving to the planet the first group is assembled and loaded into something other than their original ship. This object they board looks like a metal cube. Each person gets into this cube and stands shoulder to shoulder. Once sealed in a type of deep freeze or sleep is used on the inhabitants. The cube is set on a path to intersect the planet and the first group is gone. The weeks fly by and the same protocol takes place for the second and third group. It is now time for the fourth group to assemble. We near this last planet and I am called to board the cube. Following instructions I take my place amongst the beings of the fourth group and we are loaded, frozen and sent on a path towards Earth.

Our cube seems to touch down to Earth far enough away from civilization where there will not be any immediate disturbances. The deep sleep freeze simultaneously wares off and the beings I accompany wake up ready to fulfill their jobs duties. Here time seems to fly by at the blink of an eye and the beings scour the planet searching for those resources that they have been tasked to find. The space station seems to have known that this planet has specific qualities we were after and knew what potential it had, therefore the job of my colleagues doesn’t seem so hard after all.  The world here flies by like a movie being played on fast forward, light is bright and pictures of what I see are blurred together. The work gets done and in no time it seems we have what is needed. Interestingly enough some of the beings I have come here with are choosing to stay on this planet. The local inhabitants are very primitive the year is very early sometime B.C. and our comrades find they are treated like gods with their knowledge and understanding of advancements. This is always allowed and sometimes encouraged for better integration between two planets. Upon close of this mission we send communication back to the space station and a ship is sent to pick up our group number four. While we are shuttled back to the space station harvesting of the essential resources located on this planet gets completed and we rejoin the original station.

Being the last group to deploy we are also the last group to return back to the ship. Our homecoming is meet by a half empty space station as it seems many from the previous groups have chosen to stay on their newly discovered planets.  It seems these

deployments are done somewhat regularly so at any time the beings that were left behind could chose to come back if they felt so inclined to do so. We are headed back to our home planet now with resources on hand. The trip seems longer this time around with no stops ahead of us we make the long journey home. Remembering what we left behind I find it hard to believe that any amount of resources will be enough to sustain life once again.

The space station takes up orbit around our home planet and the remaining inhabitants board the ships to make the short flight home. The space ships dock as they had at the beginning of our expedition. Following the remaining members from group four we descend the large stair case to the gray crater filled ground below and walk a path that leads underneath the space ship. Not experiencing this before I find there is a cylinder tube waiting for us underneath the large space ship. One by one the beings step on top of a platform that functions quite like an elevator and slowly carries the being down beneath the gray exterior surface the space ships now dock onto. Being the last in line I find my ride down the tube is remarkable. Passing by the first layer of the gray exterior crust I see there is an entire world operating beneath the desolate surface of this planet. Making my way down the tube I can see that the gray crust is some type of mirror or projection mechanism that appears to be a gray on one side and blue on the other. It acts as a barrier for this world like an ozone layer would be for Earth, but this seems more specific to this planets needs. Riding down this tube I see a busy metropolis of sorts where shinny metallic structures sit amongst green lush hills. Everything is so shinny that the edges of these structures all appear to have slight fuzz. As my ride comes to an end the platform beneath me stops at what appears to be a large stone cliff. Looking to my left I can see three other inclined ridges that stick up towards the mirrored sky. These four stone cliffs all have see through cylindrical vessels that move up and through the sky above. Each cliffs appears to be a large pathways to the metropolis below I can see the other members of groups one through four some more clearly than others now slowly descending towards the busy landscape awaiting them below.

As I exit the tube I begin to question my presence in this place. So far I have witnessed what appears to be a harvesting mission to secure resources from neighboring planets. I have heard that this current planet is in danger due to its depletion of resources. I have witnessed the relocation of inhabitants from one planet to another and seen nothing as of yet that would lead me to believe that this planet is hurting for anything as it seems to be operating just fine. At this I call out to my guardian who I know is standing by somewhere off in the wings. I ask for help understanding all that I have witnessed and ask for guidance on what is to be learned from being here. On cue Malachi a tall Paladien guide with long wavy flowing hair comes to my side. I stop in place on the top of the cliff ridge and turn to look at Malachi and then the city beyond. Why do these people take resources from other planets when they seem to be doing just fine? At this Malachi begins his slow finesse of information transference. Words spoken inside my head begin to match pictures I can see through opened eyes. The people of this planet developed themselves to a point of dependency. They harvested their own resources continuously without regard for replenishment. They took from their planet at a rate in which the planet could not give back this lead to a need to seek out resources from other planets. Because they used and depleted their own minerals and resources and continued to grow their quest for advancements they used to a point of no return. Their entire way of life depended on these advancements and therefore they had to seek out replacements for their overuse.

The people of this planet put emphasis on understanding their problems and figured out solutions to continue their existence with minimal impact on those planets surrounding them. In order to do this they had to review what lead to their problems in the first place and found their solutions by cultivating many to become scientists and study the effects of what they had created. Overtime many of these scientists began to study their planets inhabitant’s and what effect they had on their planet, their environment, and the entire universe they found themselves apart of. These scientists developed a method for studying other planets as well. They recorded planetary patterns over resource use and advancement to help asses where a planet ranked on a risk meter. The scientists created a system for harvesting resources from other planets that would allow their planet to acquire the resources it so desperately needed while also not depleting the host planet of what it needed to thrive. They created a process where each planet would go through a harvest and then be allowed to go through a re-growth cycle before harvested again. This was the main shortfall in their planets own development. Their expansions lead to a cycle of overuse and once they depleted the planet they were unable to regain a healthy cycle where balance could be achieved.

Knowing full well that I have a body stored on this planet I ask my guide what my purpose is here. Although this current planet can no longer make its own resources they seemed to have devised a way to ensure their own survival without impeding on the growth of other planets. So why might I have a body stored here? Seeing now clearly the massive structures of the metropolis ahead of me Malachi allows my mind to soar across the length of the city below. He guides my mind to find a set of three bullet shaped buildings angle towards the mirrored sky. Seeing the shinny metallic structures set amongst the green hillside I knew this had to be where my suspended animation body was stored. Taking my mind now through the wall of this metallic structure Malachi showed me the inside of this building. With a hallowed out center I could see along every square inch of this circular chamber there were glass vessels mounted six high and ten around to the walls. Speaking into my mind once again Malachi tells me these are the scientists. The scientists decided to freeze their lives here on this planet to bring messages of depletion and overuse of resources to the surrounding star systems. They found it there duty to bring what they had learned into the mental awareness of the inhabitants of other planets. Being a planet that had developed to fast for its own good and now depending on the neighboring planets this was a way the people of this world felt they could give back and bring messages of warnings to those planets in danger of experiencing the same outcomes. You have chosen to bring the message of your planet to other planets as a warning. You hope to save many other planets from experiencing the same outcome your planet now lives with. Even the vessel you find your body in is a potential space ship ready to leave this planet if necessary. This planet is a ticking time bomb. You have sworn not to deplete other planets for your own sake and therefore must teach others to follow the harvesting principals in order to insure depletion is not experienced. If the planets don’t heed your warnings your planet will not have other planets to harvest from and will inevitably cease to exist. Your mission is to education about the harvest and proper use of resources. Every planet is interconnected and must heed these warning for full awakening to their full connected potential. Hearing the message of Malachi I know my place here amongst the scientists of this planet and find a harmonic resonance with the message. I feel compelled to find a way to speak this message for not only my home planet, but for the survival of all planets.


Original Channel - Part 1 Termite Hills

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.



Termite Hills

I find myself dropped into a setting full of green vegetation and brown dirt. Grounding myself into the soil the green plants surrounding me appear to be enormous blades of grass. I feel as if I have been shrunken down to the size of an ant and have been placed in the front lawn of my house. There are green projections of grass like plants protruding out at every direction. The base of each blade moves down into the ground sporadically giving the entire place a chaotic feel. With no clear path to take I begin walking towards a looming shadow over my left shoulder. Turning now to face the shadow I can make out what appears to be some outcropping of rocks or boulders not too far away. With no other clear indicators of what to do I decided this landmark will have to suffice and find myself moving towards the large formation.

While in route to my rocky destination I find an interesting stream of sorts running across my path. The stream is so narrow I wonder if the entire width of my body could even fit inside. Moving towards this fascinating discovery I realize that the height will only reach up to my knees so without harm of injury or drowning I step into its flow. The liquid which appeared to be water is certainly not what I expected. This liquid is more solid than I had expected. As a matter of a face I think it’s some type of silicone or gel. With an unbelievably thick consistency the feeling of being in this substance gives me pure ecstasy so much so that I am willing to wade in it all the way to my destination. I am not sure why, but the essence of this makes me tingle all over, it makes me want to bathe in it from head to toe.

Seeing the rocky formation up ahead I can actually see what appears to be a waterfall pouring from over the top of the rocks and landing into the stream I reside within. Prolonging this path of most resistance I endure this slow progression simply enough to enjoy all the wonderful feelings I am having while surrounded by this strange substance. I slowly traverse my way towards the stone outcropping when I realize that what looked to be a waterfall is yet again something entirely different. Moving out of the silicone like substance I move towards the closest edge of the rock formation. I hear the sounds of crashing falling water, but instead of wet water I see a dust cloud of forced spiraling air. The loud blustery sound mistakenly resembled that of churning falling water. I now recognize I was hearing a really high velocity fan or forced air contraption. Moving through the dust cloud behind the veil I can feel massive amounts of air being forced up from the ground through what appear to be tiny holes, similarly along the top of the rocks and facing downwards is yet another set of holes blowing massive amounts of air downward. As if I am going through the final cycle of a car wash every droplet of anything left on my body is now gone. I feel like the air has blown straight through every cell of my body eliminating every partial I had collected thus far whilst being a traveler on this new planet.

Now within the rock outcropping behind the forced air falls I see a long descending pathway ahead of me. This pathway resembles a typical enclosed cave dwelling. Starting at the back of the cavern everything is dimly light illuminated only by the light peeking through the swirling dusty air surrounding the rock face opening. The path starts on the ground level near the back of the rocks and quickly moves underground. At this point my decision seems pretty clear so I decide to follow the singular path down into the dark corridor below. Walking forward I find there is a quick decent which feels like a drop below the surface I had just come from. I move in a straight line almost a mile in length towards a final door at the end of the path. This path has no diversions or an optional exit door to move through it progresses in one direction and that is forward.

Finding my way to the end of the tunnel I encounter the large door. This door appears to be made out of metal and reminds me of something one might see within the enclosed space of a submarine. There is a circular handle half way up the door and a few bars that hinge together at the corners looking to be some sort of locking mechanism. Grabbing a hold I rotate the circular handle until there is no further movement it is when the turning stops that the mechanical clicking starts. Presumable on wheels the door slides open revealing yet another room with more paths to select from. Moving over the threshold I find yet another air strip above and below my body that hums to life with activation as my body moves past.

Standing in the middle of yet another room I see before me three tunnels. The far tunnel on the left moves up at a very sharp incline, the middle tunnel seems to stay level and the tunnel on the right angels downward hooking sharply towards the left. Having no inclination of which way to go I figure going downhill is easier than up so I pick the far tunnel on the right hand side. Following the first sharp turn to the left the tunnel begins to descend downward into a large spiral walkway the middle of the cavern is completely open to the ground below and the path hugs close to the side wall. Now seeing clearly the entirety of what lies below this entire chamber appears to be a very wide probably a hundred feet in circumference and very deep dwelling. After the first few spirals downward I begin to notice along the perimeter of the walkway black wooden arched doors. Every ten or so feet there appears to be another black unmarked door, all the same size and shape made of the same material there are no distinctive qualities separating one door from the next yet I get the feeling this is where the inhabitants of this place live.

Making my way down the last spiral of the walk way it appears I have moved down at least ten floors. The ground floor is made up of the same brown dirt that made up the hallway the path all of the walls and just about everything I have seen so far. Sitting in the very middle of this ground floor resides a large egg shaped crystal. Flawlessly clear and soaring over two stories high this egg emanates a great powerful frequency that vibrates this entire chamber. Moving to get a closer look at the crystal out of the corner of my eye I can see a being emerge from one of the wooden doors a floor or two above where I stand. He begins his decent following the spiral walkway towards me. I take this time to glean what I can about this individual and his appearance. There is something different about how this being is walking yet I cannot pin point exactly what it is. Other than the walk not much else caught my eye as unique or different. He appeared to be very old in how gingerly he was descending the spiral walkway yet his skin, face and features were that of a teenager. There was an air of knowledge and wisdom projected towards me and this I could feel was similar to that of the energy of the crystal before me. Until we were face to face no communication occurred. His patience was remarkable.   

Finally at the bottom of the walkway, I decide this is as good a time as any to get my first words out. With a polite smile I ask, “What is this place?” For the first time now after visiting over seven planets I engage in a live conversation with this being, no telepathy, no mind reading, verbally spoken words. The man responds, “This is our home and it’s about to start!” As he speaks the words I get confirmation of my previous thoughts regarding these doors and also regarding the egg shaped crystal. Within seconds a bright white light begins to pulse out of the top of the crystal and a loud humming begins to resonate through the entire cavern. Extending out a hand to me the man says, “You don’t want to miss it, come on.” It is at this moment when a pair of long slender oval shaped wings sprout from behind the man’s back. The beating of these wings begins to elevate the slender man off the floor in front of me. I now see him for what he is and I acknowledge that he’s a fairy! I reach out my hand towards his and as our fingers touch we soar straight up through the cavern missing only the pulsating white light and fly back to the hallway with the three paths above. Here we land in front of the middle path and walk our way a short distance into the large open room beyond.

To understand what I see you must first imagine you are placed on the inside of a large termite mound. Internally the room looks like a hallowed out mountain top. The walls are a dry beige color built up from what once was a kind of plastered dirt. The entire cavern appears to have a melted look. The center most room has a grated floor that can see down to the dwellings and crystal below and around this center lies a ring or walkway that only seems to be a story or so high. There is a large podium like protrusion that sticks out over the center grated floor and soars above the audience standing below, this single structure is around two or three stories high and holds on it one speaker. A queen bee if you will although I feel this may be a male it is very hard to tell with these fairies. The crowd that has assembled below seems to be in organized lines. I get the feeling that this gathering is honoring some kind of military operation. The speaker is shaking her fist violently and the crowd below is moving in accordance with the cadence of her words. Standing along the perimeter of this group it appears there are about one hundred people here which would make sense when compared to the amount of doors seen below.

 As I scan the crowd I notice that the pulsating light from below fills the room above and creates a pace and intensity that all seem to be in harmony with. I can feel the energy building and am not sure what will be happening next. In all honesty I feel a battle might ensue in the coming minutes or hours. As if on cue to my thoughts the first row of fairies clap their wings and hover a foot off the ground. One by one they fly to the level of the speaker and soar up and out the top of the termite like structure. Wanting a better view I decide to find the path that lead upward to the top of the mount. Moving along the perimeter of the room I find my way back out to the three paths. Choosing the passageway on the left I climb the slanted path and find myself crawling due to the steepness of the angle. Moving towards a slim pocket of light I find my release as I am birthed thorough a hole and into the light of the external world. I see fairies one by one shooting through the topmost elevation of this mound and also finding the light of day. As my view widens I can see now that the mound I sit atop is one of nine or ten large mounds sitting in a large circle miles apart from one another in a large field. The fairies that were perceived to be going off to war seem to be dancing and spinning now in the morning light.  

Why A Fairy Planet?

As I sit watching the fairies dance in the sky I see that they dance to celebrate what appears to be some type of solstice. The intensity and ritual are being performed to honor a new time of year. Each of the ten dwellings had ejected its total number of fairies into this open field and now each one dances to the new day. There is elation and joy filling the air and I feel a swell of innocence and happiness to be privileged enough to watch this special moment happen.

Off in the distance I see what appears to be a large solid slow moving mass headed our way. The fairies celebration goes uninterrupted as not a single fairy seems to be affected by this oncoming distraction. Opening my mind to what lies ahead I begin to receive images in my mind’s eye of what this could be. I see first a picture of a cave man second a giant, and third images of the guardian golems from the Half Animal Half Human Planet. Piecing all of this information together I am under the assumption that this oncoming being is here to show me the vast difference in size that these fairies have to the other living being on this planet and second there is nothing to fear if anything this oncoming mass is in some way shape or form a helpful addition to the Fairy Planet. As expected the giant black mass sweeps right through the celebration not stopping to partake, notice or engage the fairies at all actually the fairies simply sweep to the sides of this creature to allow it unimpeded passage through their center circle.

As the excitement of the situation passes I see my fairy friend flying low towards the direction of where I sit. As he descends towards me I can tell some unanswered questions are about to receive their due recognition. Extending his hand we interlace fingers and yet again he allows me to accompany him while flying. Soaring away from the excitement and the celebration we head off in the direction of the trees. We begin back tracking through the path I had taken to arrive at the fairy dwelling. I see the long grass below, the narrow stream and the rock mound. We bypass each landmark and make our way towards a line of trees off in the distance. Turning to look over my shoulder I scan the surroundings to remember what the totality of this environment looks like. Finding the wide impressive fairy village first I notice the excitement and joy yet again as the celebration continues around the ten large fairy mounds. Behind the ten mounds I can see an impressive blue sky with what appears to be a mountain range setting the perfect back drop to the party. I can see and feel a sun. This sun looks like a large ball of bright white light and it simply hangs overhead shining down its rays upon all inhabitants that settle below. The entire ground is covered in what looks like long blades of grass. Each blade towers over my current height by at least two or three times in size. Brown dirt covers the ground and can be seen under the folding patterns of grass. There are thousands of narrow crack like fissures running all around and through the grass that hold the thick silicone like substance I found myself bathing in. The terrain is much like Earth, but then again the colors, vibrancy and feeling of everything holds a much stronger quality than what I have come to expect on Earth during the time space of 2015.

Reaching or final destination we begin to lower ourselves towards the ground in front of a large row of trees. As we touchdown dead ahead lies a tree with exposed roots creating a doorway like opening that is the perfect fit for my current size. My fairy guide allows me to make the first move. Stepping aside he allows me a clear path as I begin to walk towards the exposed roots of the tree. Following directly behind me we are a few steps apart as I walk through the canopy of tree roots. Finding the hallowed out middle of the tree my guide and I stand shoulder to shoulder. Tilting my head back I begin to spin in a three hundred and sixty degree circle taking in all of the carved inscriptions lining the interior walls of this magical place. Not knowing the language or meanings of the drawings I wait for my guide to begin to explain to me what this place represents.

Like the interior structure of a light house this tree comes equip with a corkscrewing path that flows around the interior of the tree. Starting at the ground floor I begin to walk the ascending path upwards as my guide begins to tell the story of his people. “We started from just one. No one knows from where we originally came some think the trees themselves gave us birth some think we come from a distant galaxy. Never the less our community started with just one fairy. This fairy was guided to the first crystal that allowed other fairies to be brought into this place. Once the first crystal was given to us by this planet we were able to connect deeply to its rhythms and began to understand how and what we were supposed to do to be in harmony with everything surrounding us. The crystal guided us to live in accordance with all things and this brought much happiness into our lives. When it was time another fairy would show up and become a part of our community. Everything was given in accordance with how we lived and how connected we were. When it was time one of our people would find another crystal within the ground somewhere. When this happened we knew it was time to create another dwelling around this second crystal gift from our world. Here today we have come to locate ten total crystals. We wait, we listen, we watch for the signs. Each time our population is ready to expand in accordance with our world we find yet another crystal showing us the time is right. We celebrate the life of all living things and find a deep connection to all things in our world we celebrate, we play, we connect and we follow the rhythms of our planet. This keeps us in balance and harmony with all living things.”

Feeling into the story there is an underlying message of connection that resonates deep within my being. I ask my guide why I am here and what the purpose of this journey may be. “We are immortal beings, living as long as we like and expiring when we are ready. Many decide to start out life as one of us very few chose to come back once they have left.” Moving now towards the open root system of the tree we walk along the ground until we see the exposed light of day once again. Finding our path we walk a short distance following one of the narrow streams towards another tree. This tree is not as large as the tree we had just come from, it has a smaller circumference, but still has exposed roots that give it a gloriously majestic feel. Walking through the root system we come into the hallowed center of the tree. Here I come face to face with yet another holding room for beings that have chosen to freeze there timelines. This is the smallest room I have come across on my journey to date only five vessels with beings held in suspended animation.

“You see most souls that come to live in our plane do not choose to leave a body. Most choose to expire their being in full totality leaving nothing, but dust when they go. There are only a few that decide to pause their life on our planet choosing to make a final return.” Knowing full well that I am one of those beings held in suspended animation I wonder what the exact purpose for one here would be. I can’t see any immediate need to return here to help the population they seem in complete harmony with everything on their planet so what is the purpose for someone to chose to hold a body here on this planet? Thinking deeply about the possibilities I stare into the five faces before me. I see beautiful child like features with golden helmets that cover down around the ears and a singular piece covering the mouth. Each of the five beings appears to be weightless and free floating in the thick liquid surrounding them. I find myself questioning the process one must go through before they freeze their body. Looking at my guide I ask this question of him. “The narrow streams we have passed hold your answers.” Thinking back to the silicone liquid, it all begins to make sense. “The liquid is what gives the fairies their immortality. Like you discovered during your play in the stream the liquid begins to repair a physical vessel down to the photon light.  Fairies enjoy frolicking in its energy, not only does it feel good on every level it heals and allows one to live infinitely. When done playing and repairing the fairy must go into the air wash to make sure the liquid is fully removed unless they potentially want to start the freezing process” That must be why it felt so good to me when I stepped into the liquid stream. I could tell I didn’t want to leave even if it made my trek that much harder and longer to get through. “This liquid is also what is used to freeze a body. When ingested and poured over the body simultaneously the body will go into a state of suspended animation, where the soul can depart with prior intention to do so and the body can be held for a safe return.”

Understanding the process I still question the reason for the pause in this timeline. I see the joy, connection, and playfulness of these beings. Laughing to myself I get visions of souls who have recently gone through a life review and are ready for their next incarnation I can see an astral waiting line to get into a body on this planet, for this is what heaven should be. Pure enjoyment, elation and play what an amazing experience. Here I feel that this could be part of my purpose. Knowing that a physical body freezes in order to allow the soul to tap into its memories and lessons I wonder if this is part of the teaching I am to do and to remember. Being a spiritual being living a human existence on Earth in 2015 I am not sure many remember how to experience pure enjoyment, elation and play every day and with this I begin to remember why it was necessary for me to leave a body here after all!

Original Channel - Part 1 The Angel Academy

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Angel Academy

After the final reflections from the Planet of Peace and Connection the guide known to me as Michael draws my attention while extending his hand towards me. Still surrounded by the circle of twelve beings and beginning to lose touch with the reality of the coliseum surrounding me I sense that my body is already aligning to yet another guide for another journey.  I see clearly now how these transmissions are taking place and begin to understand how this story is going to continue to unfold.

I am a fifth dimensional traveler being escorted throughout the universe in all time and space to witness twelve of my suspended animation incarnation cycles. I am being given an opportunity to learn the karmic lesson plans I have created and still have yet to fulfill. As I learn more about each cycle I find I am here on Earth as a vessel to help teach humanity, warn humanity, connect with humanity and learn from humanity. I feel and understand more with each passing encounter and find with the knowledge learned also comes a deeper understanding of who I am on a soul level. I can understand the urgency of each guide and can also start to make healthy choices as to what paths are of the most importance for me as an Earth bound being during this space and time. Looking across the coliseum Michael stands waiting, within a few steps I join hands, shoulders and arms with him and feel my body yet again begin to soar up into a tube of light that sends us speeding off into the cosmos.

Landing on what appears to be a red planet we are dropped into yet another empty terrain. Upon landing on this planet I feel an immediate connection to New Mexico back on Earth, where things seem red and sometimes barren and dry. The ground is comprised of tiny sand particles with swirls of white and red color patterns. Each step taken forward plants my foot into a mound of sand that reaches up midway around my calf. The weather is warm and with yet another glance around I find there is still nothing around.

Having Michael make this travel with me I knowingly started this journey out with a companion. Using this to my advantage I projected my thoughts behind my body and asked Michael to help me understand this place better. With that singular request I begin to sense multiple things happen at once. There is a vision of Heavens pearly gates ahead of me. I sense that a veil has been lifted and an invisible gate has been opened. The ground also begins to shake as if a path is going to be released from the sand below. I begin to see a floating island of green hills that remind me of the terrain around Banff, Canada. Here the word Atlantis also becomes apparent in my mind. I see the shimmering gates reveal the path I had expected to see and begin to walk towards the floating land.

Starting to piece together some of these details I walk the exposed path and can begin understand I am on some invisible floating island. This image validates my original connection to the word Atlantis. I find my mind is filled with some type of knowledge about how this island is able to float. I can see that the red sand below the floating land is magnetized in some way and so is the island. Each has an opposite charge to the other allowing for the slight separation and the constant repelling movement to happen. As Michael and I make our way onto the island the path disappears and the island is yet again a floating marvel.

As large as a big city the circular island is completely surrounded by green pointed mountains. These mountains give the city an enclosed and somewhat protected feel. There is a large interior corridor that feels like the area surrounding Frances Arch De Triumph. On this island instead of the Arch there lies a singular fountain that sits in the exact center of this floating land. Every path radiates outward from this singular location giving the fountain the feeling of great power and focus. Scanning the large mountains I can see a wall that looks like the Great Wall of China curving down and up around every curve of the island’s mountains. This wall extends outward from a very large building sitting behind the fountain. Running in an almost fully connected circle around the entire island there appear to be extensions or pathways that protrude off of this wall every so many miles creating clusters of what I would expect to be homes or dwellings. Directly ahead of me behind the north point of the fountain nestled between two large mountains lies a building that one could mistakenly compare to Washington D.C’s White House. It is long and narrow and has very large columns that create a semi circle around the entrance way. Here is where I decide our journey will begin.

Walking past the fountain I can feel a pull to look upon its waters. Like the call of a siren the fountain entices my entire being to move towards it. Having to focus hard to break my connection with the fountain I swerve towards the far side of the path away from the center of the city with its alluring fountain. I set my gaze upon the long narrow white building sitting amongst the green mountains beyond and continue to head towards this direction. Once past the pull of the fountain I look backwards over my shoulder and can see many beings that have decided to stare into the fountains waters. I am interested to find out more about its function and ask Michael what the fountains purpose is. With this question my view changes and I am now seeing through the eyes of one of the current fountain gazers. I first see a face being reflected in the water of the fountain. The face then turns into a series of images that seem to be connected to this specific person’s life. From here I get a deep sense of peace over what is needed to be done in order to move on. There is a sense of completion, knowing and service that come with the acquired knowledge from the fountain. I am pulled back into my body and can see now that this fountain is like an oracle connecting the people here to a destiny that they seek. Now more than ever I am interested in what I may find later in that fountain. Picking up the pace towards the great structure between the two green mountains we finally arrive at our destination.

Moving into the long narrow building I am greeted by a very familiar set up. In this large rectangular room there are multiple glass vessels holding the bodies of many different beings in suspended animation. I now understand why this building was able to pull my attention away from the fountain it is because my body resides within one of these vessels. There is also a much deeper and older connection here in this room than in any of the other rooms previously visited. This room also has more bodies than I have ever seen before and is much more active than I have ever seen before.  I see vessels stored on top of each other meaning were not just seeing row after row of singular vessels here. I see three to five vessels stored directly on top of one another and there are multiple rows of these stacked beings. There are so many beings apparently in suspended animation that I see multiple beings with what appear to be clip boards checking on the status of the inhabitants of the containers.  As I walk the isles looking for a connection to one of the tubes I see what appear to be ghostly figures flying into and out of the room. As this happens I see life returning to specific bodies and other lives being taken away. The amount of activity happening here is mind boggling. Every other storage facility I have seen has been almost crypt or tomb like, quite and uninterrupted by activity where this facility seems like a highway for souls.

Michael begins to send me an understanding of what I am seeing, feeling and sensing. He tells me that this place is an Academy for Angels that what I am seeing is one of the original separations from source or the matrix. Beings who wish to elevate their frequency into or past the eight dimensions must engage with this place to go through the teachings of the divine virtues. If this island abided by the rules of time or followed the click of a clock like the third dimension I would say it feels as if my body has been here since the beginning of time. Michael assures me that within this place a being will go into suspended animation for multiple life times to learn without any shadow of a doubt one of the virtues and that is why it feels so ancient to me. He goes on to share that once a virtue is learned the soul will come back to its body here on this island and reanimate once again engaging with life. Then when ready the body will go back into suspended animation to again learn the next virtue that has been lined up for the soul. This happens when the individual receives the call from the fountain or the oracle to start the next journey. There will be many lives lived between each virtue to make sure that the being is in full awareness and practice of what is being taught.

I begin to understand why there are so many bodies held here. If there are multiple virtues to be learned and each soul will be required to incarnate into multiple lives before a singular virtue is learned one can only imagine the amount of time necessary to achieve the perfection it seems this plane is seeking. That also explains the reason for so many souls coming back to reanimate their bodies here, due to the virtue a soul may come back at any time to seek further guidance or understanding about the virtue from the fountain. The depth of knowledge one must have about themselves to fully understand all the facets of a singular virtue are immeasurable. I feel comfort in knowing that this is an origin planet for me and that there is no rush to finish this race. I could not imagine what it would be like to have the pressure of accomplish this task overnight. I feel acceptance towards souls taking their time here and feel that souls can move into and out of this existence as they see it fit for their own divine destiny.

Walking out of the great hall Michael and I walk straight towards the fountain. Taking our time we stroll towards the center of this city both in quiet contemplation. My mind seems to be reviewing what was just learned through the guidance and support of my chaperone Michael. Getting closer to the fountain I can begin to feel its magnetic pull on my body. I assume this must mean it holds a message for me. Michael who has been monitoring my thoughts simply shakes his head in agreement and gives me my space as I take my place. As I sit on the edge of the fountain I begin to see the known markings of my reflection. Staring lazily at the swirling colors in the pool of water I get flooded with a full life review. There are images from my current existence on Earth that bubble up to the surface of the water staying present for mere seconds and then float away. Not seeing any one image, but understanding everything clearly as one continuous message I glean my current experience on Earth is about the virtue of Friendship which is tied into the overall message of Kindness. As stated before the virtues must get fractionated so that true learning can be done. When this happens it could take ten plus incarnations to understand and master a single facet of one virtue. Here I get the overwhelming attachment to my current life cycle and what is needed to achieve this lesson of friendship. Pulling myself away from the fountain I feel clear on my direction and need from this life cycle. I know this is yet again a single sliver of my twelve bodies and find peace in knowing this life at least is meant to be relived over and over for full comprehension. Although there is a want to achieve the lessonfully I understand that this timeline take finesse and mastery for full completion and this elevates yet another burden for what I am to experience here on the Earth plane.

Original Channel - Part 3 Traveling

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

Traveling with the Paladiens

The group of six individuals surrounding me begins making gestures that it is time to leave. The energy of the room intensifies as everyone starts to move and shift. I am told to follow them towards the platform in the docking area beyond this room. We exit the viewing room and make our way down the long dimly light walkway. There are two beings ahead of me and four behind. I feel a sense of urgency as we march in a straight line towards the platform ahead. These Paladiens are nearly twice my size which makes me feel like a child or captive between their massive bodies. Finding our way onto the metal grated walkway we again are found hugging the perimeter of the wall soaring above the open hanger below. Turning to the left after exiting the dark hallway we take a short walk on the loud clanking metal floor. I see our group is walking towards the large empty and expansive platform that lies behind the metal walkway at the back of the hanger. Appearing to be a concrete slab running the entire length of this docking station we move towards the far left side of this open space. As the group forms a circle around me bright yellow lights appear to activate above our heads. All become very still and I see my body turning into golden particle dust an intense pulling motion begins to grab at the top of my head and eventually takes over my entire body. We begin our assent up into the dark space beyond yet remain in what appears to be an illuminated tube of light.

The trip doesn’t last long. The experience of this sort of travel can only be described as riding within an enclosed water slide. There were a few inclines and bends I could feel my body go through, but within less than a minute we were projected into a space that was familiar and no longer resembled tubular space travel. The completion of this journey ended with my body feeling like it had been spit out of the final opening within the enclosed water slide. What was veiled to my eye is now completely visible. I feel myself freefall into a setting that I have encountered before and along side of me are the six Paladien beings who were also accompanying me on the journey.

Falling right into the Grecian looking coliseum with twelve seats I find that each of the six beings take their seats at the 10 o’clock to 3’oclock marks within this circle. I seem to float down towards the very center podium where I had once seen my crystal orb take up residence. I realize that I am back on the first planet I had encountered whilst going through this journey. I can imagine the large building sitting behind this open coliseum holding my body that is in suspended animation. I can feel the energy of those magnificent flowers and can hear the hum of the crystals below the ground. As each being begins to take its place along the twelve spots on the outside of this arena I move towards each now a bit more interested in who they are in relationship to me. Knowing this place holds energy for a unique council of beings I become extremely interested in who has come to support me today.

As I move towards the ten o’clock position I see a familiar guide who has followed me on the Earth plane. I see him in the form I have assigned to him using my right brain and I can also see him in his apparent original form. The original form is defiantly Paladien with flowing blond hair and bright blue eyes. I call him Malachi. I now move onto the next spot at eleven o’clock and see another guide who has followed me on the Earth plane and call him Michael, the next at twelve o’clock is the one I call Jesus, following him is Phalonia and Zedikiel. The next four seats hold beings who introduce themselves to me with name and faces I have not encountered before. When I reach the eight o’clock seat I again am farmiliar with the energies of who sits in front of me the first is a being I know to be Jophiel and the second at nine o’clock is Chamuel. I find a connection to seven out of the twelve beings here and find an instant comfort in what may transpire.

Energetically something begins to happen and I feel an intense amount of information and knowing coming my way. Finding it hard to focus on what is happening I feel myself begin to get foggy with whatever these beings are trying to send to me so I ask that a singular person within the twelve speak so that I can focus on what is going on. Here Michael takes the lead and I feel the energy of each individual get projected towards Michael who then pushes the energy towards me. The first bit of information I get is that each of these beings are Paladien and that we are sitting within a very sacred place, a place for connection. It is told to me that where we are now can be compared to our Earths United Nations. It is here in this place that many different Paladien guides from different planets will come together to decide what is best to download into beings that are living out incarnations on other planets while doing Paladien work. Recognizing again that I have a direct connection to seven out of these twelve guides here I understand that each one of the seven guides is a guardian or guide over one of my bodies currently in suspended animation on another planet.

Moving through my experiences thus far I connect already a few of these planetary encounters with my known guides. Zadekiel represents my body from the planet with the castles that I called the Bubble Planet. Jesus represents this current planet The Planet of Peace and Connection. Michael and Malachi were the two guides I felt on the Space Station that we had just come from, but I feel there might be more to their stories than simply discussing abduction matters. These are the Paladien guides I have meet thus far and know that there are many more stories to come from the others surrounding me today. I have had encounters already with planets and guides that are not represented here in this council and I have to think this is because the guides of those planets are not Paladian and thus have not show up here today. The Learning Planet holds my guide Moses, The Third Star Planet hold my guide Bruno and Gabriel comes from the Half Animals Half Human Planet. Seeing a connection now to my bodies being held in suspended animation and these guides I feel and can connect with in the Earth plane I allow Michael to feed me more information regarding the purpose of this council today.

Knowing that my thoughts are not my own in this higher dimensional plane each of the beings surrounding me nods in agreement with my understanding of these connections thus far. Michael takes this opportunity to continue on with his onslaught of information. I see now the seven different guides accompanying me today in the seats surrounding the circle. They all have agendas that pertain to me and my lesson plan from the body and planet that they represent. I see the seven gathering together as if in a court room fighting a custody battle. They come together trying to decide on what information is best, most pertinent and most relevant for my growth and fulfillment of these pre destine contracts. The four who are not attached to my body represent the Paladien race and make sure that all I learn is in accordance with the greater good of all involved, they could be seen as the mediators. I see each of the seven giving a deposition on what should be put in my path, what information I should be allowed access to, what gifts I receive and when and what next phases of growth and learning I am to receive. They each have an agenda attached to the singular body they represent. Each guide comes from a different space and time where my soul has once inhabited a living body. That body now lies in suspended animation waiting for my soul to return. An individual chooses to leave their physical body to either help their planet or to help themselves or to help both, when you leave your body in suspended animation you have the ability to reincarnate back into that body with full knowing of the soul.  I currently have eleven bodies held in suspended animation and one concious body and soul, that means I have twelve guides still in connection with each of those bodies trying to help fulfill that specific bodies lesson plane, meaning I have twelve guides attached to my singular soul feeding me whatever information I seek or whatever information is decided to be passed on.

After witnessing the dynamic between the guides, the bodies, the lesson plans and me I begin to realize why so much of the information I receive while living on the Earth plane is in contrast or different or confusing. I have a constant onslaught of twelve guides trying to feed me information about my lesson plans created on twelve different planets. Without this knowing in one day on Earth I could feel compelled to save the Earth yet teach every human to develop their senses into the higher dimensions. When you begin to discover that these two things can be in opposition to one another that makes the human struggle on Earth even more confusing. How is it that I could be required to teach the people around me (The Learning Planet) to develop their psychic attunement when that means having to lose their sense of emotions yet in the same breath I feel inclined to teach those same people to be in touch with humanity and nature so that they can witness the Earth changes (The Planet of Peace and Compassion) which means becoming emotional once again. The mixed information will lead an individual insane and lead them to question what they are receiving.   

I see that there are times when a person will seek out information unknowingly about their lesson plan  because some curiosity about a subject has come up, at this moment the guide connected to that information is given a direct line of communication to the individual whether they are aware of the guides presence or not. The person will receive the answers they seek whether it is from another person, a book, a knowing impulse or synchronicity. That guide will be given carte blanch to their energetic field when lesson review from that guide is needed. For an individual who is unknowing of their planetary connections this could become very confusing if you have multiple bodies on multiple planets for if this is the case you will be trying to implement multiple lesson plans at once. I also see that there are individuals who do not keep bodies on the planets that they previously incarnated onto. When the body from that planet dies the lessons from the planet either get transferred with the soul or need to be relearned if not fully accepted in the previous life. Thus an incarnation cycle will occur for the person to continue to learn that which is necessary for their divine path to continue. In this case there is no guide attached to a body on another planet you will simply receive a singular guide in your next life who will keep you connected to your highest and most direct lesson plane.

I can begin to sense into the human qualities on Earth and recognize that some many here have incarnated into a new cycle where they are continuing to learn karmic lessons to grow as divine individuals. So many bring their unique gifts and talents here to the Earth plane where learning continues to happen between our different energetic fields. I begin to understand why so many people feel a desperate connection to help Earth and its people transcend this time and space. I can also understand why so many are simply here living out their lives in yet another incarnation. There is an interesting dynamic of growth happening on Earth where not everyone is aligned to the totality of their soul self and this is because not everyone has incarnated while still holding onto bodies from other planets. Not everyone in this time and space will understand how immediate our need is for survival or how we must start reflecting on those past incarnations to learn lessons for our continued success. There are guides that lead us deeper into our human existence and there are guides that lead us deeper into our planetary existence. It is crucial that those humans who have yet to establish a connection with their guides call on the wisdom and knowledge of their highest and most loving self to feel into the totality of their soul and all of the lessons and knowings it holds on a planetary scale.


Original Channel - Part 2 Hallway

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Other Hallway

Finishing the one on one conversation with this Paladien guide I feel at easy yet still have many unanswered questions. Feeling into this thought the Paladien shifts his energetic form and begins to walk, turning around he says, “follow me.” Walking behind this new guide I follow him along the metal grated walkway past the viewing room down the path towards the first hallway I passed on the beginning of this journey. Moving into the open space of this hallway we proceed down a lengthy dimly light corridor. Finding the end of this passageway we come into a large rectangular shaped room. The hallway opens into the corner of one of the longer walls. Where we currently stand I can perceive only a few feel of distance leading to the opposite side of the room yet towards the left hand side the space goes on forever. It appears that the opposite wall is a looking glass to the outside world. It is made up completely of something that appears to be glass or some other type of see through crystal clear material. Standing in the corner of the room still in the hallway I can see out through this wall of glass into the black atmospheric sky beyond. One can see thousands of stars from this singular location within the underground chamber.    

Waiting patiently in this room are the five other Paladiens that made the journey. My guide steps into the room and explains that I am to be told anything and everything necessary to understand the purpose of my visit. The Paladiens all wearing some sort of golden armored plating across their chests shift mildly from side to side. I can’t tell if this is intentional or just the way I am visualizing their light bodies, for everything seems to be in constant movement. As my guide continues to speak it is as if the entire group combined their energy together to allow me the capacity to receive the messages that were to follow.

Waiting quietly I questioned to myself why these beings weren’t unloading stories to me. I had some questions, but felt they might be forthcoming with the information and not need me to speak up to receive the answers. This apparently was wrong because they waiting until I asked the first question to send me a mixture of visual images, words, knowings and experiences to answer my curiosity. My first question was more of a need for more clarity on something already expressed. I asked to the group why they needed humans? Being fifth dimensional beings they seem to have all of the understanding and wisdom to continue on with their society in a highly functioning way so why the need to cross bread with humans and return to the third dimension? “We lack connection. By evolving our species over time our frequency got trapped in the fifth dimension. Our people no longer knew how to return to the third dimension and therefore we lost the ability to return our energy to the third dimension. We found that creating hybrids using third dimensional humans and mixing this with our Paladiens DNA we could create a breed that had the attunement of our kind and could learn our ways yet remain in a third dimensional body.” So what is the purpose, why is it so important that you know how to be in connection with the third dimension? Humans seem to be striving to reach higher fields of awareness trying to leave the third dimensional plane, what do you know that we don’t? It took Paladiens thousands upon thousands of years to achieve a fifth dimensional existence, over time our people lost their understanding of what it meant to be third dimensional. Generation after generation became increasingly more disconnected from this knowing. We bread out emotions, we lost our ability to physically connection to a planet meaning there is no death or rebirth cycles  and overall we found that this lead to the Paladiens becoming ever more trapped in the fifth dimension. There are many planets and beings that operate within the third dimension and not being able to access that plane lead to disharmony for our people. In order to preserve our way of living and to reconnect ourselves into the third dimension we knew we had to find a way to regain this ability and that is when the experiments with the human race came about. We found success in this process and now continue to develop hybrids with your planet.”

One of the Paladiens assists me towards the opposite end of this room. This is the exact opposite side from where we originally entered. Immediately using only thought a chair and a holographic screen appear. I take my seat as the large hologram morphed into the Earth. Watching intently a voice begins to speak into my mind. “Your people are also losing their connection to the third dimension. What we do is not only for ourselves, but also for you.”   I see the numbers 2020 appear over the Earth and begin to see major shifts in the environment begin to happen. I can see what appears to be wide spread earthquakes, tidal waves, tornados, and volcano’s become increasingly active and more violent. I am pulled to the words, Schumann’s Resonance and begin to understand that during this time on Earth if things don’t change our humanity will have begun to lose touch with the vibration of the Earth leading to disharmony where there is no longer a vibration resonance with the surrounding nature. From here I see the numbers 2030 appear over the Earth and I am pulled yet again towards the country of Russia where I see war breaking out. I feel the war is connected to natural resources and the need to take, exploit, and use what remains. I now see the numbers 2050 appear over the Earth and see the world broken down into sectors that have sustained the planetary changes. I see hybrids working alongside humans. This partnership happens in order to reconnect with the Earth and to insure proper survival of the Earth and the humans within it. The hologram dissipates and I am pulled back into the room where I witness the beings now closely surrounding me. Again feelings of warmth, kindness and love are sent my way and I am asked to take this message back to all who are ready to listen.

Original Channel - Part 1 Space Station

Original Channel - Part 1 Space Station

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.


Space Station

Upon arrival to this new terrain examination of the scenery gives me the impression that I have been dropped onto the surface of the moon. Landing on what appears to be finely ground dust the surface of this planet is covered in whitish gray powdered sand that looks and feels soft like ash. Because of its weightlessness the ash like sand swirls up into little cyclones with each gust of wind that sweeps by. All around this planet the sand dances around oddly shaped trees that sparsely cover the landscape.  The trees appear barren exposing only smooth grey bark to the outside elements. Each branch of these peculiar trees curls into a spiral or end up corkscrewing at interesting angles. There sits a black atmospheric sky laced with bright white stars that holds the backdrop to this entire field. Knowing this is not moon I have come to explore almost every detail could have persuaded me otherwise.

From below the ground I can hear the distinct hum of something high pitched and electrical. About five feet in front of me I begin to see a square panel from the surface of this planet illuminate. A large phone booth shaped kind of elevator begins to emerge upwards from the ash covered ground.  This see through glass elevator is the size of two phone booths put together large enough to hold multiple individuals at once. Riding along the inside of the elevator is a unique looking individual. As the slow assent happens I have time to examine some of the distinctive qualities that my new welcome committee embodies.

The being is cloaked in a robe with a high collar that moves half way up its face. There appears to be five short tentacles protruding from the top of its head holding onto five eyes that move to their own accord. The body appears to be that of a slug with no real definition except two long arms that have possibly three digits on each hand. The slug has a thick tail that seems to be the method for movement and helps to stabilize the large body above. Without seeing a mouth or really anything below the eyes I can understand this being is pleased to have me here. I move towards the elevator and follow my guide as he turns his back to me and begins to descend down a set of hidden stairs below. I understand we are now moving down into an underground environment where I assume most of the activity of this planet is taking place.

Following the circular stair case we move down what feels like three levels. As we reach the bottom step we are placed onto a grated metal walkway that extends outwards towards our left hand side and directly in front of us. This walkway seems to follow the entire length of this underground chamber hugging the walls in a U shape, one path to our left and a path directly ahead of us that bends along the far wall. This walkway seems to suspend a few stories above whatever lies below us in this underground chamber. As I follow my guide we chose the path directly in front of us. The metal walkway seems to run adjacently to a very large open platform over my right shoulder. Staying on the grated walkway in front of the platform and I can see that the open area on my left side resembles a large aircraft hangar. I begin to recognize that this entire facility is an underground space station. A few stories below us in the open hanger I can see there are multiple space ships docked onto the ground. As if on cue the entire facility begins to hum with a much louder electrical tone than I had witnessed above ground. I see at the far end of the hanger over my left hand side that a piece of the roof had begun to dislodge opening to the black sky above. A craft speed right into the station and within seconds the doors begins their process of closing once again. My guide had stopped apparently knowing I was engrossed in what was happening. Once the ordeal was done he continued his movement across the metal grates to the far end of the walkway.

Our path has been leading us towards the far wall of the space station. The grated metal path we have been on now bends to the left to continue to run adjacent to this internal wall of the facility. I see what appears to be a bay of possible room openings that move in perfect sequence following the entire length of the wall down towards the door that just opened to the sky above. Following the path we pass by the first hallway opening right at the corner bend and I see a long hallway that leads deep past the interior hanger walls to what feels like a pretty expansive final room. Feeling an urge to follow this hallway my guide had other plans and continued moving down the path. A few feet later I see my guide stop in front of the second opening. As I come up to this space we take the inlet deeper into the internal workings of the space station.

Moving only feet into this hallway we are greeted by a large glass wall. Imagine visiting the baby ward at the hospital and getting to see all of the new babies lined up for viewing behind that glass wall. This is the exact encounter we were greeted with except instead of babies I saw almost a conveyer belt of fully grown humans being worked on by Paladien beings. The humans were not moving and had a whiter than normal glow to them. There seemed to be two Paladien beings working on every one human. The Paladiens had long flowing hair were very tall and quite void of any emotions. Here my guide begins to talk.

Our kind works with the Paladiens, we have an agreement that we help them and they help us. We each have something the other needs and this creates a good relationship between our two planets. The Paladien people help us harvest what we need to do our space exploration and in turn we help them in harvesting what they need for the continued success of their race. The beings of our planet like to explore this star system in order to do this we have created this space station to assist us with our travels. The Paladien people have assisted us in our exploration and also use this station to perform their experiments on the human race. After speaking these words a commotions can be heard on the outside metal grates. Stepping onto the metal pathway just outside of the viewing room I see what appear to be five or six Paladien beings walking in a rushed manner on the far path.

Looking like angelic beings these individuals wore breast plates of armor, have long flowing hair and radiate a glow that is undeniable. The entire group minus one individual walks straight into the first hallway opening I was inclined to visit. The last one follows the curve and move to where my guide and I are standing. As if knowing what to do my guide silently moved away and allowed this new teacher to step forth. Knowing what I had just witnessed and already picking up on my thoughts the Paladien begins to answer my questions and helps to fill in the blank spaces of information that I seek to know.

What you have just witnessed is the fulfillment of a contract made between human and alien race. When a soul departs its body it is moved into the sixth dimension where lift time review is done and next life lesson planning is made. A soul has many opportunities to experience itself on multiple levels of existence and one way it can chose to do that is by making contracts with other souls to learn life lessons, gain wisdom and teachings, or help their planet to name a few. Our Paladien race has a staked claim in the survival of Earth and its humans, just like many other alien races also have contracts and expectations of the Earth. Some souls incarnating onto Earth chose to make a contract with our or other alien races to help in many different ways. One of those ways we partner together is by allowing a human to carry the soul of not only the human but also our alien race creating hybrids. Those hybrids that prove valuable to us we take back to our planet to help insure the survival of our race those that do not display adequate acceptance of he alien soul will be left behind and that is why so many feel not fully connected to their life on Earth as a human. When something like this happens it is understood that the soul has fulfilled a part of their agreed upon contract. We also intervene by bringing humans here to space stations such as this to take away certain illnesses as well as create other illnesses that will help to assist with the human race and our contracts with Earth. Some souls chose to make contracts with aliens as well as their human guides and due to this we have the ability to intervene when needed. You must understand that this is decided on the soul level and in that space the soul knows what is best for their ultimate progression and divinity. With this the Paladien sent love towards me and allowed me to feel at ease with the entire situation.